Bliss Out at The Standard, Hua Hin With Notep

Take Notes From Notep, The Artist Bringing A Blissed Out Retreat To The Standard, Hua Hin

As the sun rises for the very first time onto our newly opened resort in Hua Hin, Notep is getting us ready to Bliss Out. As an artist, musician, and conservationist, the Thai native will be sharing her new project, “High On Your Own Supply”, with The Standard from December 4th-6th. In collaboration with Rainbow Canabliss, Notep will be hosting a retreat that shares the blissful benefits of cannabis, yoga, meditation, ecstatic dance, sound healing, and so much more. We could all take notes from Notep, but we figured we’d let you read ours right here.


How has your career combined the worlds of art, music, and conservation?

My career started at a singing competition when I was 17. After the competition I signed with GMM Grammy, the biggest music label in Thailand. I stayed with them for five years and during that time I learned a lot, mostly that I just wanted to be myself. As soon as the contract was over I began making my own music. I ended up starting an electronic duo with a friend and we toured around Asia, Europe, and the USA. When I felt I had accomplished what I set out to do with music, I wanted to explore my passion for art. I thought about what I wanted to express, and found mindfulness. My art became centered around practices like breathwork, and it made me feel fulfilled. When I felt whole, I wanted to share that with others. That’s how I got into conservation. I wanted to do something bigger for the world. I rekindled my love for scuba diving six years ago and remembered how much I admired the world under water. I wanted to help protect it for generations to come, so I started studying marine conservation in Koh Tao. It totally changed my perspective. I became far more conscious of my consumption. Being mindful has made my life so much better. I’m happier, healthier. I feel more connected to the world around me. Art and music are the mediums I use to communicate that to others. 

What has been the most memorable moment of your career so far?

There have been so many! My wellness workshops have had a big impact on me. After each workshop we have a sharing session where people express what they took away from the experience. It always inspires me when people share how their views changed. Similarly, every time I see people doing positive things for the environment it lights me up. I got to teach local kids in Koh Tao about sustainability and seeing how motivated they were gives me so much hope for the future.


Tell us what it means to get high on your own supply...

“High On Your Own Supply” is a project of mine that creates the initiatives we’ve discussed from wellness workshops to environmental conservation programs. Quite simply though, it means being happy with yourself by using your own energy. It's understanding that you don’t have to depend on things like alcohol, drugs, or external elements. It's about being happy with yourself, by yourself.

What does the word wellness mean to you?

It means giving yourself love. Taking care of yourself, mentally, physically, and spiritually. You can practice wellness anywhere. It can even be as simple as taking a bath. It’s making time for yourself to pause and enjoy the moment. Wellness, to me, means giving yourself the love and attention you deserve.


What do you want people to know about the creative scene in Thailand?

There’s a lot of creative things going on in Thailand right now. It’s such a melting pot, there’s so much culture and diversity. It’s the only place I know where you can go to a temple that’s right next to a luxury mall. It’s a diverse experience, and the people here have no boundaries when it comes to creativity and what they can do.

What can we expect from your Bliss Out retreat at The Standard, Hua Hin?

I always try to blend different elements into my workshops. It’s not just about meditation. It’s going to include music, art, design, and so much more. The aim is that when someone leaves one of my retreats, their minds are filled with inspiration and their hearts are filled with love. Since it’s also a cannabis retreat, I will be looking to change people’s perception of the plant. It’s not about smoking and getting high. We’ll be exploring the benefits of hemp and CBD, and how good the plant is for us and our health. Cannabis is such a sustainable plant, and it needs to be spotlighted and the perspective needs to change.

What makes you most excited about hosting a retreat at The Standard, Hua Hin?

I’ve always wanted to work with The Standard. When I learned that The Standard was going to open in my home country, it was such exciting news. Hua Hin is also such a precious place to me, I have so many childhood memories there. Everything The Standard does is always unique and different. The brand is daring, you make their own rules, your own standards.

What are you looking forward to in 2022?

I’m really looking forward to this environmental conservation program I’m hosting in Koh Tao. It’s going to be 8 weeks long. I'll be bringing in experts to teach kids about sustainability, ocean conservation, creative thinking, and beyond. We are preparing them for the real world, giving them the power and energy to accomplish anything they want to. I hope to use this model in other islands around Thailand as well, teaching local kids how to take care of our country for the future.

Book now:

Tel:  +66 32 535 999

Remark: Available 30 person per session and first come first serve

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