Inside the box

Box Full of Gold

Chris Golden's peculiar style has served him well, landing him jobs with Cartoon Network and Adult Swim's creative departments. For this month's installation in The Box at The Standard, Hollywood, Chris has created a vibrant and playful multi-media experience including a playlist and video. Here's what he had to say about the project:

Standard Culture: Talk about your inspiration for Kee Wee Club? And your process for creating the installation for The Box and Lobby at The Standard, Hollywood?
Chris Golden: Kee Wee Club is a project about having a youthful heart and a positive outlook. The Kee Wee world is a kind of abstract paradise that's not bound by many physical rules. Definitely childhood was a big inspiration for this project. When I was younger. I was more open to accepting or believe in things that didn't have much reason for existing. Like believing in imaginary creatures when I was younger. I wanted to take that kind of mind set and apply it to this project.

As for materials. I'v been experimenting with some new color techniques and wanted to incorporate that into some kind of collage for the installation. my goal was to create a super saturated and vibrant environment for the installation.

How do you feel about your art sharing the space with a live model?
Should be interesting. I haven't had the chance to work on a project with a live model before. I'm excited to see the outcome.

Do you find that your creative and commercial projects intermingle and feed off of one another or do you approach them from different angles?
Definitely. I'm always trying to sync up creative solutions with my commercial projects. It's important to me to focus my attention on creating fun and interesting content wether commercial or independently.

You’ve created some cool zines and illustrated books. What are a few magazines you’re obsessed with right now?
Sup Magazine, Wrap Magazine, Toilet Paper, Valley Cruise Press. I feel are all curating some really fun and creative projects with their publications.

Kee Wee Club playlist by Chris Golden

Tell us about the playlist you created? Why’d you choose these songs and how are they related to the installation?
The playlist was a lot of music that I was listening too while creating the installation, so it seemed fitting to share it with the show. A lot of the songs for me, sound like they came from a abstract tropical paradise. That I feel complements the installation.

What’s your favorite adventure so far in your career as an artist?
I was able to have the opportunity to illustrate a huge inflatable castle for Adult Swim that debuted at Comic Con and now it's touring North America this summer. The project had so many components to designing it. It has definitely been one of the most fun as well as challenging projects I've been apart of.

Adult Swim Fun House by Chris Golden

Chris Golden's Kee Wee Club installation for The Box at The Standard, Hollywood will be on display through early June. The opening reception will be held Thursday, May 8th, and will feature a special performance by Monster Rally.

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