
Your July Horoscope: The Most Intense Month This Year

The Standard Spa, Miami Beach’s in-house astrologer, Lori Bell, did you a solid and laid out your month ahead. Thank her in person when you see her around the property and book an appointment to go deeper into your astrological chart (if you're not in Miami, she does readings via phone, too!). This month's biggest takeaways: July is the most intense month of the year thanks to two significant eclipses plus Mercury retrograde.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Aries, fasten your seatbelt! July, the most intense month of 2019, is going to be one wild ride. It all starts on July 2nd with Cancer's New Moon solar eclipse. It will be like a lunar steroidal shower, but this one lasts up to a year. Eclipses are elusive; expect the unexpected. This is good news, Aries. You thrive on change, excitement, and the unknown. Bring it on. And let it bring out your inner superhero, ready for action. The eclipse energy activates your 4th house of home and hearth. As the Zodiac's closeted homebody, it's time you come out. Cancer in your 4th house will have you feeling especially secure and comfortable. This energy occurs only every 19 years; don't waste the opportunity to focus on your home life. Improve your family relationships. Yep. Counseling can help. Invest in a new home—it's still a buyer's market. Or renovate to make your living environment even more cozy and calming. Imagine being able to hang out with your family and not take mind-altering substances? No petty family feuds? How liberating, Aries. On July 7th, brace yourself for the Mercury retrograde. He starts off in your 5th house of creativity, love affairs, and kids, and ends up in your 4th house of home. This retrograde isn't one to dread. Mercury is encouraging you to rethink, review, and research plans for the rest of this month. On July 11th, your ruling CEO, Mars, picks a fight with unpredictable Uranus. This creates some serious competitive energy. So please keep your ego in check; think before you speak and, generally, take a chill pill. Vigorous exercise, all-day sex, and comfort food are helpful distractions. The Full Moon lunar eclipse lands in Capricorn on July 16th; look out for a professional turning point. The outer big planets have been reworking your career sector for the past few years. In case you didn't get on the move, this eclipse is a reminder to do so. It is a powerful Full Moon with fierce Pluto involvement. Be prepared for power plays, politics, and interactions with domineering people at work. Or, dear Aries, are you the problematic one? In any case, stay mindful of your controlling, scheming side; it can rear its ugly head during this lunation. Instead, tap into your leadership, enthusiasm, and courage. Be bold, per Anais Nin: "Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." Keep up the intensity, this month, Aries! You may even have the power to sway Republicans far away from a Trump 2020. 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Taurus, self-soothe this July. Start by logging into Instacart and order lots of comfort food. It's going to be an intense, full month. On July 2nd, the New Moon solar eclipse lands in Cancer. Yes; it's a New Moon, only a zillion times stronger and staying up to a year. There's no way to sit idly by and wait for it to pass. Eclipses push us to expand, to become better versions of ourselves. You are not exempt. This eclipse shines brightly in your 3rd house of communication, mentality, learning, and community. Check your attitude, dear Taurus. Is your glass half-full or half-empty? This solar eclipse is showering you with the positive energy to feel emotionally connected and comfortable. Journal—with your left hand; take an online class; see your siblings; volunteer in your community. I heard there are some political campaigns gearing up. On July 3rd, your ruling goddess, Venus enters sweet Cancer, in your 3rd house, just where the New Moon eclipse has landed. Looking for love? You don't have to look far; you'll find it in your "hood," whether that's having dinner at the local pub or jet setting to a favorite tapas spot in Barcelona. It's anywhere your soul feels at home. Then, be prepared for the 7th when Mercury goes retrograde. He starts off in your 4th house of home and ends up in the third of communications. Hope you've been catching shows on HGTV as home repairs need attention. It's also a good time to back up your devices, and make sure Alexa, Siri, even your digital doorbell, are in sync! Communications can lead to misunderstandings, canceled appointments, wrong information, and delayed travel. With Mercury going retrograde, please review every little detail of your communications and home life. If you get too stressed, find your meditation cushion or pop an edible. The Full Moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn arrives on July 16th. This once-a-year-event lights up your expansive 9th house; because it lands alongside powerful Pluto, it's kind of a beast. People may be controlling, competitive, and difficult at this time. Breathe; eat well; listen to music; take a bubble bath; you're so good at chilling. The 9th house highlights higher learning, worldview, different cultures, and spirituality. Traveling now isn't about hanging on the beach and drinking margaritas. Make sure your trips are targeted toward work or mind expansion. There's nothing superficial about living as a Taurus in July. Think intensity and transformation. You can be living large, like upgrading to first class on those travels—though not with cash, with miles earned. Put in the work, focus on self, and you'll reap the rewards this month and beyond. Get going, tenacious Taurus.  

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, look up and look out; it's eclipse season. Similar to hurricane season, you never know what to expect. July is full of surprises, wielding two eclipses, Mercury retrograde, and a few other cosmic occurrences. When your ruling planet, Mercury goes retrograde July 7th-31st, it messes you up more than any other Zodiac sign. So, when non-Gems start whining about Mercury going MIA, slap'em; you've got ownership on this retrograde. You simply must do some advance work or there'll be damage control. Back up all digital devices; triple check text messages, emails, and VMs before hitting send; and think before posting drunken Instagram pics. You'll thank me. Let's focus on mindful communications this month, okay? Trump is a Gemini; he is on Twitter incessantly and without much mind... enough said! Please hold off on signing any contracts during this retrograde period. Too many misunderstandings are bound to happen. It will be a challenge as you love to speak and write about every little thing. Not this month. Maybe consider a silent retreat to avoid temptation or just exercise restraint and zip it! On July 2nd, the New Moon solar eclipse falls in Cancer. This is no ordinary lunar landing. It's a turbo-charged New Moon that will last up to a year. It shines a strobe light on your 2nd house of cash, self-worth, and talents. This is no time to cower; be courageous and find your spotlight. The cosmic energy of this power happens only once every 19 years. Tap in! You could get a job offer or create a new business partnership, uncovering a career path you are meant to follow. Gemini, your sense of self-worth and emotional security are tied to your income. You're multi-talented, like someone out of the Renaissance; so, you need to choose which direction suits you best. Just don't rush into any permanent agreements; instead, lay the groundwork, get comfortable, and prep to move forward in August. You can see results within the next 6 months. How positively exciting! Then, on July 16th, the Full Moon lunar eclipse arrives in Capricorn, activating your 8th house of shared resources, sex, and intimacy. This is the potent, deep stuff, especially with powerful Pluto in the mix. Pluto digs up what needs to be uncovered, healed, and released. While under the sheets, you can also contemplate your navel. Seriously, take an emotional dive into the deep end, Gemini. Drop that ego; connect with your partner, and release what no longer serves you. You're gonna grow this eclipse season, Gemini!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Happy birthday, Cancer, as the Sun and Moon align! The universe is gifting you quite a birthday month, full of paradoxes, inspiration, and opportunities for change. On July 2nd, a solar eclipse enters your sign. Solar eclipses are New Moons which last up to a year or more. They pack powerful energies, which are going to shake you up, turn you upside down, and transform life as you know it. Don't get scared, Cancer. You already experienced a first solar eclipse last July, and survived! It also gave you a preview of what's to come. The two-year series of eclipses fall into your 1st house of self and 7th house of partnership. That's not an oxymoron... Cancer, a new you is emerging. This is a time of inner discovery, selfhood, independence, and different choices! You know the saying: "change doesn't happen unless change happens." Well, make it happen! Eclipses last occurred in your sign 19 years ago. I'm really hoping you have grown and matured since then. But now, it's on to the next chapter. Who do you want to be, dear Cancer? Reinvent yourself; shed beliefs that no longer serve you; be truly curious and let go. You have a year to address this identity challenge. And it doesn't need to be all serious. Have fun; take risks; experiment—with your looks, career, religion, even personality. You can step into bossy boots at work. Get a tattoo. Shave the sides of your hair. Join a Buddhist center. Just stay open. On July 3rd, Venus joins the birthday party by way of your 1st house. This is another reminder to break free and claim your identity. No more self-doubts or concerns about what others think. A Full Moon lunar eclipse on July 16th activates your 7th house of partnerships. Pluto, the powerful all or nothing planet, hovers nearby, adding intensity to your intimate relationships. Emotions and desires are running high. Please don't get sucked in and make rash decisions like eloping or filing for divorce. Think things through, or at least, wait until August. July 14-17 are especially challenging days. Cancer, you're ruled by your feelings. So maybe it's best to lie low; write out intentions; hang with the cat; and reemerge on the 18th. Hang tight as Mercury is retrograde too. He goes missing July 7th-31st. Heed the warning; you may be misunderstood; miss appointments; get cranky when you lose Internet; and react impulsively. Channel Mercury's retrograde energy into productive pursuits. Finish projects. Plan your birthday soiree. Volunteer at the local homeless or pet shelter. This will serve you and others while you find your true self. That sounds like a pretty good birthday present, right, Cancer?

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Leo, go on hiatus this month. I'm not kidding. The cosmic weather report calls for two eclipses, along with Mercury retrograde. Eclipses are powerful, unpredictable, and impactful. The best way to embrace these celestial moments? Expect the unexpected and accept the unknown. It is sort of like dealing with our political climate. This erratic season starts on July 2nd when a New Moon solar eclipse in Cancer occupies your 12th house. This is the house of solitude; sanctuary of inner peace; and place of retreat. Your loved ones will love you (and me as your astrologer) while your tender side comes to the fore. Listen, your ego isn't small and Leos can sometimes be too self-focused. This month, you'll lead with softness, kindness, more compassion, and spotlight on others! Volunteer and find ways to be of service. Then fill your own soul—visit an ashram; take a digital detox; reset your personal priorities. July delivers a cosmic invitation from the universe to consider new opportunities and beginnings. It's serious healing time, Leo. If you've got addiction or depression issues, this is the ideal time to enter rehab. There are all kinds of rehabs—even ones on farms where you can heal while growing your own farm-to-table veggies. Be empathetic and supportive of yourself; maybe you'll meet a kindred spirit on those green acres. On July 7th, Mercury goes retrograde, ending up in the 12th house. Old issues swept aside resurface, calling for your attention. If you're in rehab, it'll be even easier. The Full Moon lunar eclipse lands in Capricorn on July 16th, highlighting your 6th house of health, work, and daily routine. Taking care of your body and mind is non-negotiable. Book those doctor appointments; revamp your work-out routine; get to meditation. Consider hiring a Marie Kondo wannabe to organize what you don't have time to do. Powerful, ruthless planet Pluto hovers nearby, demanding you to purge whatever and whoever have become stale. This house has been under siege for the past two years. Work-life balance is more important than ever. So, if your job environment is toxic yet you're up for a big promotion, scratch your head, find the yoga mat, and try not to drink too much. Your month ends on a high note with the yearly New Moon landing in Leo on the 31st. Shine on, Leo, more brightly, honestly, and healthy!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Virgo, buckle up for July's cosmic roller coaster. There are two eclipses, plus a Mercury retrograde. Don't get nervous; get organized. This is what Virgos do best. On July 2nd, the New Moon solar eclipse lands in Cancer. Think New Moon thousand times more potent; but instead of lasting one month, it spans an entire year. This positive eclipse falls into your 11th house of vision, aspirations, friends, and tribe. All dreamy stuff... You'll be presented with new opportunities, plans, and kindred spirits to propel your life forward. Socialize; plan a party; start a summer garden club; join a political campaign. They certainly can all benefit from your super power-attention to detail and OCD ways. Please don't be shy; everyone needs a Virgo as a friend, especially now. What are you imagining for the future? It's fertile ground to set intentions. Plant those seeds and watch them blossom in the next six months. On July 7th, your ruling boss, Mercury, goes retrograde. Virgos are the most affected sign of the zodiac when he goes MIA. Listen, you could be pushed to the edge, near nervous breakdown territory. But I'm giving you fair warning; so breathe. Well, better yet, clean out your closets, your friends' closets. Hell, even charge for it. Go on a digital detox during Mercury retrograde. Could you give it a go? For three weeks, no social media. It will do a brain well, helping focus on goal setting and making friends, which is so much more rewarding. Do be mindful of miscommunication this month; you get nervous when you feel misunderstood. We don't want others to see you sweat. So, loosen up, eat an edible, and research which organization you want to help. On July 16th, the Full Moon lunar eclipse lands in Capricorn, along with all-powerful planet Pluto, activating your 5th house. This house represents creativity, kids, romance, and fun! Your 5th house has been under renovation for the past few years, demanding you redefine what equals happiness. With serious Capricorn ruling the funhouse, it poses some conundrum. If you have kids, watch the tendency to be that helicopter parent from hell. Your kids will thank me. Don't expect 1-night hookups; Capricorn will be guiding you toward more meaningful romantic relationships. Plus, you know that's more your style anyway! There may also be rethinking of your creative process. You'll agonize over the nitty-gritty; yet the results, in typical Virgo fashion, will be flawless. You have a whole coming year to work on these changes. I feel your anxiety. Did you eat that edible yet? Or, just come over and organize my house, okay? There is a nice reprieve when Mercury goes direct on July 31st. Until then, Virgo, just channel through this bumpy month productively. 

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Welcome to eclipse season, lovely Libra! The cosmic weather forecast for July is as unpredictable as summer thunderstorms. One thing you can expect this month: change. July kicks off with a New Moon solar eclipse falling on the 2nd. It's like a Tesla super-turbocharger and lasts for over a year. This glorious eclipse highlights your professional life, inviting new opportunities and new beginnings. Think of all the 2020 campaigns launching... It's ripe ground for growth. Your focus is work life. On July 3rd, Goddess ruler Venus joins the New Moon eclipse party in your 10th house of career. Is it finally time to score that big promotion? Are you thinking of making a radical change to your work? You may receive a surprise job offer, find one that is better paying, or discover what feels like your true calling. This is the time to be brave, Libra. Take that leap! Network; hire a headhunter; strawman a biz idea to make it profit-worthy. I can't wait to hear what happens in the next six months. Whatever the case, you'll be utterly irresistible in the work mode. Channel your charm to benefit yourself while also caring for others. This expansive energy lasts for another year so you have time to figure it out. If you're single, you could meet your new love at work. I know mixing work and romance can be a slippery slope, especially with your intense focus on career this past year. But where else are you going to meet someone unless you like endlessly swiping? On July 7th, pesky Mercury goes retrograde once again until the month's end. While always the tactful diplomat at work, you know the drill. You must be extra careful of others' feelings during retrogrades. Bite your tongue before risking uncomfortable confrontation. Triple check all work correspondence. Take a pause before hitting send on social media posts which could come back to haunt you. The Full Moon Capricorn lunar eclipse lands in your 4th house of home and hearth on July 16th. Libra, sign of balanced scales, harmony in relationships is critical like the air you breathe. Finding home/work/life balance is paramount right now. Talk to a spiritual guide if you are confused. Your energy has been all consumed with work, but you need to tend to your home life too. This Full Moon brings planet Pluto to the mix. He's powerful and intense, dredging up old family drama or secrets which need to be healed. Call that family therapist and book an appointment today. You don't even have to go in person; there are so many counseling sites online. Deal with these old wounds, once and for all. Libra. I know you'd rather sweep everything under the shag, but throw a dinner party instead. Mix up martinis; break out the old family albums; buy a 23andMe ancestry kit and find out where you truly come from. Maybe you'll uncover a closeted sibling? I recently found my first cousin. If you don't want to deal with family issues, pay attention to the home structure. Your plumbing may burst or your A/C unit might die, perfect timing for July. Just keep your cool, Libra, literally and figuratively. Your partner would like you to chill more at home. So, this July, Libra, strike the balance.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Brace yourself, Scorpio, July is gonna be one wild ride. It kicks off with a New Moon solar eclipse landing in Cancer on July 2nd. Liken eclipses to our current world leaders: they are unpredictable, volatile, and shake things up, down, and inside out. Disruptive to be sure, but imagine how boring our news feeds would be without them. This Cancer eclipse is an invitation from the universe for you to travel, learn, and expand worldviews. Is your passport up to date? Check now! If not, get to an express renewal site pronto. Do it before July 7th, when Mercury goes retrograde. You may be traveling more for work, and hopefully, internationally. Have you been considering a return to school or discovering a far-off destination? Now is the perfect time to combine. Think in terms of the late, great Anthony Bourdain... Global food traveler. Maybe take a cooking class in Thailand? You'll love the street food! Business retreat in the Maldives? You can work while gazing out from an overwater bungalow. This Cancer eclipse cycle occurs only once every 19 years. Please feed your wanderlust. Then you'll get to impress everyone with your new level of worldliness. My passport could use a few more stamps; where are we headed? Scorpio, you tend to be very resistant to change, holding on to everything for dear life. As fellow Scorpio, Neil Gaiman said: "You're always you and don't change, and you're always changing, and there's nothing you can do about it." Surrender, Scorpio; just accept change and get on with it. On July 7th, Mercury, the planet of communication, goes retrograde; don't go dark on me! This retrograde happens three times a year, and you've always survived. There could be stalls at work or a project that gets put on hold. It's best to review everything in advance and make the needed improvements now, rather than risk waiting until it’s too late. On July 16th, the Capricorn Full Moon lunar eclipse arrives. It is going to feel like a supersonic jet and last up to 6 months. Listen, we all know that you're the most intense sign of the Zodiac, Scorpio. This Full Moon energy amps up your normal high intensity, like opening up Pandora's box. There'll be lots of action happening in your 3rd house of communication, mindset, and attitude. What are you telling yourself? What are you telling others? Are you thinking positively or negatively? Be conscious because it's time to change the narrative. Pluto, the powerful transformational planet and your ruler, joins this Full Moon. He is begging you to let go of ruminative, obsessive thoughts. If you cannot stop your OCD thinking, you must find an outlet for expression. See your therapist; write dark poems; learn to meditate for a peaceful mind. Talk nicely to yourself or share with loved ones. Just get the thoughts out of your head! You can also join a political campaign and obsess over the candidate's trail! Transform your mind, Scorpio, because this month, it could be your worst enemy. Take comfort; July is over in 31 days. Hang on, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

July is going to be one hot, sexy month for you, Sag. On July 2nd, a solar eclipse, which is essentially a New Moon on steroids, lands in your house of sex, money, and intimacy. You had a sneak preview of this energy last July, and it will continue to 2020. The universe is literally gifting you an infusion of new opportunities and growth in the house of transform and finances. I want to be you this month. Cancer rules your 8th house Sag, you really are a sap when it gets to intimacy, you need to feel emotionally comfortable and safe. As for your finances, you can be generous to a fault, yet deep down, you sleep so much better when your bank account is flush. Sag, I hope you'll be spending plenty of time between the sheets this month, do open yourself up to greater intimacy too, that will make the sex even hotter! This is the opportunity to invest your money, call your broker, refinance your home, and start saving your hard-earned cash. The energy lasts for a year, yet the eclipse cycle only happens every 19 years, don't blow it. July 7th, that pesky Mercury retrograde happens yet again. Mercury rules communication, being the least tactful sign of the Zodiac, you must have a great effort to zip. July is not the month to piss people off. Hold off on investments till next month. July 16th, the Full Moon lunar eclipse arrives in serious Capricorn shining a strobe light on your 2nd house of self-worth, cash, and security. This area of your life has been under construction for the past few years. Pluto, the powerful planet of transformation is lurking in the shadows, wanting you to purge limiting beliefs of your own self-worth. Step into your power Sagittarius, this once-a-year event brings in unexpected cash! Be aware of power plays, Full Moon crazies, and overall intensity. Cheers to sex and money!    

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Capricorn, July is anything but dull. This month is eclipse season, similar to hurricane season; it's stormy and unpredictable. Mercury goes retrograde; your yearly Full Moon is a lunar eclipse, add Pluto and Saturn in the mix; it is one intense July. July 2nd begins with the New Moon solar eclipse in your 7th house of partnerships. The universe is giving you an infusion of love. This love energy lasts for over a year, seize it. For single Caps, love is on the horizon; please stay open. You'll have to loosen the grips on being the control freak. It does serve well in relationships. For those of you already partnered up, love gets better and more profound. This eclipse cycle only comes around every 19 years. Do you want to wait another 19 years to find love? I think not. July 7th, the cosmic messenger, Mercury, turns retrograde in your 8th and 7th houses, intimacy, and relationships. Jealous, resentments or distrust may bubble up. I advise you not to say things you'll regret. Keep it cool Cap, that you know how to do. July 16th—enter that date in your Google calendar as the year's only Full Moon in your sign is also a lunar eclipse. It’s a Full Moon on steroids, add the transforming planet Pluto to the mix, you've got the most intense Full Moon of the year. Dear Cap, you can’t control other's behavior only your own, remind yourself every day this month, please. You may want to keep the CBD oil at your desk, eat an edible once your home, or hit your favorite glamorous bar for a chilled martini to end yet another challenging day. Be ready for power plays, control issues, and emotional outbursts. Capricorn, you are the most resourceful, responsible, and driven signs of the Zodiac. I think you secretly like adversity so you can prove how well you thrive in stressful situations. You've been besieged by the outer planets for a few years now, demanding that you step into your innate wisdom and power. You are re-emerging to the new updated 2.0 version of you. July 17th-21st are challenging days relating to others, including your personal and business relationships. Compromise, listen, and no knee-jerk reactions. Stay cool as a cucumber Capricorn. We are all leaning on you this month to guide us out of the storm. Cheers to July.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Aquarius, you've been on an inner reinvention tour, which continues through 2020. In July, the pressure is back on to reinvent yourself. Eclipses season strikes this month, except the unexpected, and welcome the unknown. The solar eclipse of July 2nd, in Cancer, is a New Moon except a trillion times stronger, arrives in your 6th house of self-care, health, work, and your daily routine. It's the universe's shining a healing, strobe light to awaken you on a healthier and happier lifestyle. It's mind, body, and spirit. Take your probiotics, improve your eating habits, learn to cook, or try a meal delivery service. Life or business coach? Hire one! See, an Ayurvedic doctor. Book’em. Consult an astrologer, I know a good one. Organize your office and home. You've got Cancer here, you most feel emotionally connected in this area of your life. The sensitive sign Cancer governs this area of your life.  Your tender side is relieved, you do like taking care of your colleagues, even if it's in a weird detached way, it's authentic and felt. It's all about you and commitment to excellent self-care. In six months, you'll be feeling so good! July 7th, Mercury the cosmic communicator goes retrograde on July 7th, till the end of the month. He is making mischief in your personal and professional life. You're adapt to be misunderstood, that's when you get all aloof and detached. Even your dog will feel it! Don't tune out Aquarius, stay present, and drop the know it all attitude. Do back up all digital devices. July 11th your C.E.O. Uranus gets into a brawl with hot-headed Mars. When these two are at odds, it's volcanic, you do not want to provoke the eruption, you'll regret it later. Take a personal day, go to movies, or stay in bed all and binge on Netflix. July 16th the second eclipse arrives. It is a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn. The obsessive, transformational planet Pluto is in the mix, creating the most intense Full Moon of the year. The action takes place in your 12th house of solitude, your subconscious, inner peace, what you hide from the world. Pluto will be lending a shovel by dredging up secrets, wounds, and old issues to release. Capricorn rules the 12, he likes tradition, on your search for inner truth and peace, try any philosophy which ends in an ism—Buddhism, Hinduism or Shamanism. Give it a go Aquarius. If you want to do an ayahuasca ceremony, go to Peru and do it with an authentic Shaman. Not with a pseudo one in the Everglades or an apartment in Brooklyn. Find your path, whatever that may be, a UFO abduction? Go inward and release what is hiding out in your inner closets.

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Welcome to eclipse season Pisces! Eclipses uproot you, surprise you and shake you out of your complacency. They make you change willingly or not. July 2nd solar eclipses think New Moon on steroids, highlights your 5th house of self-expression, romance, creativity, pleasure, and kids. It's an invitation to play, find your self-expression, and your creative talents. A hot romance could spark, or reignite your present one. Hang out with your kids, or tap into your inner kid! Pisces you are one of the most creative, imaginative signs of the Zodiac, indulge it. You find beauty where most do not see it. Show us! Find your inner bliss, cause this eclipse cycle occurs every 19 years, there's too much fun is to be had, don't ignore it. The energy is fertile for pregnancy or creative births. July 7th Mercury goes retrograde: communication, technology, and travel are all out of whack for the next three weeks. Be wise and diligently back up everything! No drunk texting, you'll wake up the next morning with a ‘W.T.F. did I do’ moment. Pay extra attention to the daily mundane details of life. July 16th the Full Moon lunar eclipse in Capricorn lands in your 11th house of friends, social networks and future dreams. The planet Pluto is closely aligned to the Full Moon, making it the most intense Full Moon of the year. Pluto is urging you to release friends or associates whom you no longer connect with or who do not have your best interests in mind. This is not easy for you Pisces, you’re so forgiving and accepting, but you can't keep every stray puppy. Pisces you are the professional networker, it's through your social connections, and collaborations, make your professional life flourish.  Don't flake out, miss an important meeting or disappoint your worthy fiends. Not this month. New collaborations can be established this month. Go network, hang out with your friends and like-minded people. The universe is demanding you, too! Have fun this month Pisces. 


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