This Just In!

Inside Wes Anderson’s Magical Little World

Courtesy of today’s New York Times, some fantastic images of the architectural models Wes Anderson commissioned for his brilliant new film, The Grand Hotel Budapest. It hits theaters March 7.

Production designer Adam Stockhauser ordered up detailed sketches of the eponymous hotel, borrowing features from an assortment of old-world European lodges.

Once he had the sketches, it was on to the building stage. Note the funicular, which transports tiny guests up to the hotel from the village below.

A miniature model of the hotel exterior.

A closer view. The background, painted by Michael Lenz, was inspired by 19th-Century landscape
artist Caspar David Friedrich.

A close-up of the funicular.

Another model of the hotel, after it's been revamped.

A miniature observatory that appears in the film.

Pulling back the curtain on set in London.

All photos courtesy of Fox Searchlight.

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