
Your October Horoscopes

From our favorite astrologer Lori Bell, here's what the stars have in store in October...

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We reach peak eclipse season on October 2 with a south nodal solar eclipse in Libra. This event heralds big collective change and new beginnings. Before moving forward, we must release outdated patterns, end stagnant ways of being and reassess our relationships. It's a cosmic call to shed our people-pleasing tendencies and find our authentic voice. Time to embrace assertive communication of our actual needs! This rare event—the last Libra solar eclipse until 2033—prompts us to shift entrenched relationship dynamics, challenging us to break free from overly compromising behaviors and step into our power.

Venus in Scorpio reigns over this eclipse, infusing it with profound, intense energy. With her harmonious alignment with Mars and Saturn, the drama unfolds in the realm of emotions, instincts and the subconscious. Eclipses are notorious for revealing hidden information (or obscuring facts) potentially leading to revelations as the story develops. As Mercury conjuncts the lunations, conversations may take place secretly or you may feel inclined to keep sudden epiphanies or bright ideas to yourself for the time being.

Mars in Cancer forms a tense square with the Sun and Moon, potentially setting off some disputes in close relationships. This aspect urges us to establish clear boundaries and confront issues directly. South nodal eclipses offer a unique opportunity for the release of negative patterns—how cathartic! View this cosmic event as a sacred gift, no matter how challenging it might be. By honoring ourselves, we pave the way for more authentic connections with others, aligning our relationships with our actual needs and desires. 


Mercury in Scorpio brings a more thoughtful and reflective tone to communication. It's a time for deep introspection and careful strategizing, with Scorpio's energy pushing us to stay a few steps ahead. Decisions now carry more weight, as there's a keen focus on future implications.

You'll notice a shift toward more direct and purposeful conversations. Scorpio's influence makes small talk feel hollow—it's all about uncovering truths and getting to the heart of matters. This energy tunes us into the subtle undercurrents around us.

And believe me, those tough topics will come up! Mercury in Scorpio isn't one to shy away from uncomfortable chats. It's patient and persistent, ready to tackle complex issues head-on. Use this time to craft a solid, well-thought-out plan. It's a chance to level up your communication skills—especially in tricky situations—and forge more profound, genuine connections.


A bold and intense Full Moon in Aries arrives on October 17, bringing an energetic surge that's anything but calm. You can expect heightened emotions, but stay focused on surmounting challenges with focus and clarity.

With Mars in charge, you may feel a surge of impatience and a strong drive to push forward. Mars forms a tense square with the Moon, stirring the potential for conflict and an intense push to forge ahead. If you find yourself caught in a whirlwind of emotions, it's essential to know exactly what you want as you navigate obstacles and competition. Mars in Cancer activates emotions tied to home and family, awakening protective instincts or possibly triggering frustration. This can lead to some reactive moments, so it’s critical to stay grounded. As the Moon squares Pluto hours after its peak, prepare yourself for deep, transformative energies that may pull you in multiple directions. Themes of power, control and a yearning to break free from past limitations will likely come into play.

This Full Moon carries a compelling "now or never" energy, urging you to take bold leaps toward liberation and transformation.


Get ready for excitement and adventure as Venus enters Sagittarius! Over the next four weeks, we’ll feel a surge of optimism and a desire for freedom. This is a time to embrace spontaneity, take bold risks and pursue what brings joy and growth.

Venus in Sagittarius craves exploration and new experiences through travel, learning and expanding horizons in love and life. She’s generous, outgoing and eager to share affection with a vibrant, upbeat energy. Expect a more open-hearted and expressive approach to romance and social connections as Venus seeks freedom and the thrill of new experiences.

This is the perfect time to take leaps of faith, pursue your passions with integrity and express gratitude for everything that enriches your life. In this fiery and expansive sign, Venus encourages us to seek adventure, embrace new opportunities and spread positivity. Let this Venus energy inspire you to live boldly and love generously!


As the Sun shifts into Scorpio on October 22, we enter a period marked by depth and reflection. This transition invites exploration of our emotional landscapes and an awareness of the undercurrents of our feelings—those things often left unspoken.

Social interactions may take a backseat as we revisit the past and examine what needs release. It’s a quieter phase, urging us to confront what lingers in the shadows and understand the motivations behind our behaviors.

Mars rules Scorpio and in Cancer, he brings a wave of emotional processing, particularly related to our personal histories. This is a chance to tap into our confidence and reconnect with our true selves. Having moved beyond eclipse energy, we’re encouraged to embrace the unknown and uncover the magic beneath the surface. Embrace your emotions, release the energetic clutter and make room for the mystery and magic of Scorpio Season. 

Here's what's happening for your sign in October 2024...



Your committed relationships have been under the spotlight since last October, stirring some restlessness as the south node in Libra gently shook up your partnership house. This cosmic shift has encouraged you to let go of unfulfilling relationship patterns. The upcoming Libra solar eclipse on October 2—the last for 18 years—offers a priceless opportunity to evaluate your habits and let go of stale connections and outdated ways of relating to others. This pivotal moment may bring endings: Some relationships may have run their course and or will evolve into something new. Before you can move forward, you need to let go and realize that your ways of relating no longer fit. You are not the same person you once were. Priorities and mindsets have shifted. Embrace this rare chance to evolve, creating partnerships that align with your authentic self. Your annual Full Moon in Aires arrives on October 17, creating an inflection point where you can choose how to move forward. Mars in Cancer sets the agenda for the Full Moon and stirs emotional conflicts. There is an urgent tone and it feels like now or never. Gather your courage and take those leaps to live your full potential!  



On October 2, the final Solar Eclipse in Libra for 18 years sparks a transformative wake-up call in your life, especially in health, work and daily routines. This powerful cosmic event invites you to end negative patterns of relating that have held you back. It's time to stop overly compromising and avoiding confrontation! Since last October, you've been navigating challenges and seeking balance, but now you can break free from those restrictive habits. This eclipse offers a sacred opportunity for profound clearing, igniting shifts in your approach to well-being and work. Perhaps exploring a hybrid work situation will create the balance you crave. Remember, Taurus, prioritizing downtime is essential for your overall health. As the Full Moon in Aries arrives on October 17, it may stir up lingering fears and insecurities you're holding onto. Embrace this moment of introspection—spend time alone, tap into your inner courage and release the emotional baggage weighing you down. With Scorpio Season beginning on October 22, your focus shifts to partnerships, bringing emotional depth and trust. Use this time to deepen your connections and forge bonds that truly resonate—transforming relationships into powerful sources of support and inspiration!



Get ready: October kicks off with a powerful new Moon solar eclipse in Libra on October 2. Since last October, you've been navigating a transformative period, Gemini. This journey has brought awareness to your ingrained relating patterns. Let’s be honest, you’ve often neglected your own needs in relationships with lovers, kids and creative collaborations. Your people-pleasing tendencies have shifted significantly. This final eclipse offers a last opportunity to shed outdated ways of being. An ending needs to occur to create new possibilities! Venus in Scorpio sets the agenda for this eclipse, bringing strategic and intense energy. It's time to realign with your creative self-expression. What and who makes your heart sing, Gemini? Reclaim your joy! Jupiter's retrograde in your sign on October 9 presents a time to slow down and review your progress since May. You’re invited to reassess goals and aspirations, making an ideal time for introspection and fine-tuning plans. You might revisit past opportunities or reconsider recent decisions. Use this period to refine your vision and realign with your true path. Taking a step back now could lead to a more purposeful leap forward later.



October’s significant astrological events could reshape your personal life and career. The south node Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 3rd offers a rare opportunity to address long-standing family issues. This is your chance to break free from patterns of guilt, people-pleasing and self-neglect that have hindered genuine family connections. Embrace this moment for emotional renewal—it won't come again for nearly two decades! Mid-month, the Full Moon in Aries on the 17th turns the spotlight to your career. You may feel pulled between professional ambitions, home life and partnerships. Mars in your sign forms tense aspects. You should be wary of potential conflicts and overprotective reactions. Watch for power struggles in relationships and resist falling into passive-aggressive behavior. Your best approach? Clarify your career goals and let them guide you through this challenging period. This month carries transformative energy, urging you to break free from old limitations. The Full Moon especially brings a sense of urgency to make bold changes. Trust in your ability to navigate this period of growth and liberation, Cancer. It's time to step into a new chapter.



Ready for a transformative cosmic journey? The Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2nd illuminates your 3rd house of communication and mindset, prompting a profound shift. Over the past year, you’ve been reflecting on relationships, especially with siblings and considering whether you've been too charming or overly accommodating. Now is the time to discard indecisiveness and embrace direct, assertive communication. South nodal eclipses often signify endings, offering a perfect chance to break free from old patterns. Leo, you’ve mastered being forthright while maintaining your irresistible charm. This eclipse symbolizes an empowering conclusion and the dawn of a new mindset. Meanwhile, Jupiter, the planet of expansion, turns retrograde in Gemini on October 9. Since May, your social life has been buzzing, but it’s crucial to assess the genuineness of these new friendships. Are they meaningful or have they just scattered your energy due to FOMO? Use this retrograde to release connections that lack true value. The month concludes with a Full Moon in Aries on October 17, stirring desires for travel, wisdom and spiritual exploration. It urges you to pursue your truth courageously and unapologetically explore new horizons.



Last October’s solar eclipse in Libra ignited a transformative financial awakening, urging you to rethink how you communicate your monetary needs. This was your moment of truth, prompting you to examine your spending habits—do they foster meaningful experiences or serve superficial desires? As the final solar eclipse in Libra arrives on October 2, this pivotal event offers a rare opportunity to release lingering patterns that no longer serve you—a chance that won’t return for another two decades! Embrace this moment to fully let go of what you've outgrown and step into a more empowered version of yourself. Since May, Jupiter in Gemini has supercharged your professional life with exciting opportunities and connections. However, Gemini’s habit of juggling too many tasks at once might leave you feeling scattered amid countless options. With Jupiter retrograding on October 9, view this as a refreshing pause rather than a setback. Use this time to reflect on your experiences and ensure that your path ahead is aligned with your true intentions. Big opportunities await you in January—get ready to seize them!




Since last October, you've undergone a remarkable transformation. You're shedding the need for constant validation, the desire to be liked by everyone and the exhausting tendency to over-compromise to avoid conflict. The solar eclipse in Libra on October 3 is pivotal—it marks the final solar eclipse for two decades and symbolizes the culmination of this transformative journey. You are emerging as a new version of yourself, no longer dimming your light for others. Libra, being a cardinal sign, empowers you with the strength to initiate ideas and activate changes. Others may underestimate you due to your agreeable and charming nature, but you possess the ability to assert fairness and reason. Own this strength and embrace your power, Libra! With Venus in Scorpio ruling the eclipse, she is fierce and ready to cut away outdated patterns of being. Once you release them, a powerful new beginning centered on prioritizing your needs and emotional sovereignty awaits. A Full Moon in Aries on October 17 will illuminate your relationships. This period may ignite emotional tension, challenging you to assert your needs without resorting to passive-aggressive behaviors or using your charm to get your way. Are you ready to step into your true strength? Remember, Libra, your kindness can disarm others in unexpected ways.



On October 2, the last South Node Eclipse in Libra will take center stage—an occurrence that won't grace the skies for another 18.5 years! This significant cosmic moment signals powerful endings and releases, setting the scene for a profound inner awakening. These eclipses have been shining a light on your 12th house throughout the past year, pushing you to confront hidden emotional wounds and unhelpful self-sabotaging patterns. You've courageously ventured into the depths of your psyche, clearing out the clutter and examining those fears that linger in the shadows. For intense Scorpios, this journey can sometimes lead you down dark alleyways of thought. You may have filled the caretaker role, embodying selflessness during this emotional exploration. But this eclipse offers a precious last chance to cleanse your inner space. Venus, the fierce ruler of this eclipse, wielding compassion and strength, helps you confront those inner demons. Eclipses are the ultimate pattern-breakers—now is the time to shed unnecessary baggage and travel light! As Mercury enters Scorpio on October 13, followed by the Sun on October 22, watch your vitality emerge and clarity return. Embrace self-care and shine brightly as you make empowered choices during this transformative season!




October marks the final Libra solar eclipse for two decades! You’ve been reevaluating your friendships and future aspirations and this eclipse amplifies that journey, prompting you to reflect honestly about neglected needs and unresolved conflicts. It's a pivotal moment that redefines your social circles and long-term goals. You may discover that some friendships no longer resonate with your core values and aspirations, making way for new and more aligned connections. Consider whether your friends genuinely support your vision for the future—sometimes, endings are necessary to create space for authentic relationships. On October 9, your ruling planet, Jupiter, goes retrograde in your seventh house of relationships. Since May, Jupiter has been in Gemini, infusing your interactions with renewal and excitement and perhaps even instilling a sense of FOMO. Now, it's time to pause and integrate the progress you've made in your relationships. Reflect on how these experiences are shaping your dreams moving forward. It's time to slow down and hit the pause button. By January, the momentum will return. You'll emerge with clarity and a renewed focus on meaningful aspirations, supported by relationships that truly uplift you.



It’s been an active time on the career front since last year's first Solar Eclipse in Libra. The final eclipse on October 2 marks a major shift in your priorities and how you relate with others. This powerful event invites you to release old identities, expectations and outdated ways of relating. Prioritize harmony and value your work relationships; these qualities have been critical to your success! Your talent for compromise and negotiation allows you to secure what you want while keeping others blissfully unaware of the intricate dance at play. Over the past year, you’ve gracefully stepped back from certain roles and let go of ambitions that no longer resonate with your true self. As this rare eclipse closes a chapter that won't return for two decades, it’s time to make space for new possibilities. You may find yourself stepping into roles that align more closely with your authentic self, unlocking potential you didn't even know you had. However, the Aries full moon in October may bring conflict-driven sparks to the surface. Tempers could flare as tensions rise from multiple directions. Lean into your Capricorn stoicism—cut through the drama and stay focused on your promising new career path!



You’re on a quest for wisdom. A year ago, the South Nodal eclipse ignited this journey, inspiring transformative experiences with travel, education and spiritual exploration. Your thirst for knowledge has blossomed, pushing you to broaden your perspective and shatter the old paradigms that once held you back. These powerful eclipses serve as cosmic compasses, guiding you to release outdated beliefs. You’ve ventured onto uncharted paths, unlocking profound insights and unexpected breakthroughs along the way. As the South Nodal solar eclipse in Libra arrives on October 2—the final one for 18.5 years—you're invited to reflect deeply on your connections with mentors and examine long-held beliefs that have shaped your worldview. This celestial event presents the perfect moment to shed ineffective ideas and influences that no longer serve your highest good. Embrace this opportunity to confidently step into a transformative journey of personal and spiritual awakening. It promises to reshape your perception of the world and your place within it. The cosmos is aligning to support your growth, offering a rare chance to elevate your consciousness and embrace a more enlightened path forward.



Feeling money stress? On October 2, the last South Nodal Solar Eclipse in Libra for a decade illuminates your house of finances and shared resources. This celestial event may resolve ongoing issues related to debt, taxes, inheritance or new income sources. If financial uncertainties have held you back, this eclipse is your chance to break free from those constraints. As you navigate the path toward financial independence, expect clarity and a renewed sense of freedom. Reflect on where you compromise or avoid financial conflict—this is an opportunity for profound growth. This eclipse encourages you to examine your financial habits and relationships, shedding outdated patterns that no longer serve you. Since last October, you've been on a journey of letting go. Embrace this moment to release the past and open the door to new, empowering financial freedom. The money theme continues when the Full Moon in Aires on October 17 illuminates your house of cash values and personal resources. Heed the warning; it is a highly emotionally reactive, conflict-driven moon. There is pressure from multiple directions to navigate it and face the challenges with courage and decisive action. It could resolve financial matters or decisions; avoid the drama! Embrace the transformative energy and step confidently into a future of financial empowerment and abundance.


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