To Do

Cultcha! Cultcha! Getcha Cultcha Here!

In May, our latest Standard Culture print edition hit rooms and lobbies from NY to LA to Miami, chock full of alluring stories from across The Standard universe.

The latest issue features must-reads, such as an interview with the Whitney Museum’s chief curator Donna De Salvo, a chat with the mysterious artist Eva Stenram, a visit from Ed Droste of Grizzly Bear, and of course, fancified egg sandwiches.

But what should you do if, say, your summer escape plans got scuttled, or you recently parted ways with a handsome Standard barkeep? Well, you’re in luck. Starting, um, now, you can pick up our print editions at select outlets beyond the hotels. Whew for you.

So if you’re in desperate need of a Culture fix, allow us to direct you to these very smart outlets. Just tell them, “I need my Cultchaaaaaaaaa!”

Need Supply (@needsupply)

Ooga Booga (@oogaboogastore)

Objectify (@objectify_nyc)

Mast Books (@mastbooks)

Print Text (@printtext)

Skylight Books (@skylightbooks)

Hennessey and Ingalls (@hennesseyingalls)

Maketto (@maketto1351)

Likelyhood (@lklihood)

Portland Trading Co. (@portlandtradingco)

Milk Made (@milkmade1413)

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