
Your June Horoscopes: Calm Before the Storms

The Standard Spa, Miami Beach’s in-house astrologer, Lori Bell, did you a solid and laid out your month ahead. Thank her in person when you see her around the property and book an appointment to go deeper into your astrological chart (if you're not in Miami, she does readings via phone, too!). This month's biggest takeaways: June is the month to connect, dream, and get inspired. This month is calm before the storms of July. Enjoy!

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Are your ears ringing, Aries? Well, your cell phone sure is—off the hook. Everybody wants you! The New Moon lands in Gemini on June 3rd, activating your house of communication, social life, and connection. Text, chat, Instagram, and email away. You're buzzing with creative ideas, inspired to share. We all need to hear them; trust me, my ears are ringing with anticipation! Just be conscious of your mindset; negative thinking is a big no-no this month; shift the energy when your mind turns South. Download a positive, mindfulness meditation app now! June 14-19th may be challenging days as Mars, your CEO, butts heads with big daddy planet, Saturn. While you are uber enthusiastic and excited to put those ideas into action, Saturn can present a roadblock. Don't freak; Saturn is actually there to support you, slowing things down so you can make informed decisions, rather than mistakes. It's like doing market research before launching a new product. That makes sense, doesn't it? Saturn's energy is urging you to work hard, persevere, and work up a sweat to reap desired rewards. You've got a choice; use this energy to focus on outcomes, or get incredibly pissed off and write aggressive emails and posts. This month also highlights home and career. Please, dear Aries, don't bring your work frustrations home with you. Nose to the grindstone; it's only for a week! If you don't want to mess things up, get out of town. I'd suggest you go solo, perhaps a silent retreat? This way, you'll still have friends when it's over. On June 17th, the full moon enters your BFF Sagittarius, in your 9th house of travel, spirituality, and expansion. Gift yourself a trip if you got through the challenging week without alienating your peeps. You've got this, Aries. But to be on the safe side, you may want to eat edibles every day from June 14-19th and I won't tell you to stop on the 19th, either. Get going, Aries!

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20)

The heat is on, Taurus; and you're gonna feel it in June! The cosmos is fueling the sizzle. On June 2nd, powerful Pluto infuses Venus, the planet of love, with strong beams of desire and seduction. I'm talking aphrodisiac style… So, you absolutely cannot stay home, hanging with the cat and binge-watching TV. Relationships get hot; attractions are karmic, and lust is in the air. If you're single, get out there or start swiping left. Those committed, spend the day earning sexy bed head. This energy only comes around three times a year; don't let it go to waste. The yearly New Moon in Gemini arrives on June 3rd, activating your 2nd house of talents, self-worth, and cash. Let it flow to you and through you! Taurus totally craves financial security. Seize this opportunity by coming up with creative ways to increase your cash flow. Your ruling planet, Venus, arrives on the 8th and stays for three weeks. Keep the sizzle going.  Venus brings even more self-confidence, esteem, and charm to your sign.  I'd like to be Taurus!  Then, oops sorry to report, but your chart intensifies with difficult aspects mid-month, especially during the week of June 14-19th. Find your meditation cushion; schedule extra cuddle time with a pet. You'll likely need it before racing out the door each morning. Mars, the warrior planet, is positioned in your 3rd house of communication—directly at odds with big daddy planet Saturn. They aren't exactly at war but it's no love fest either. Please, don't promise more than you can deliver and reign in that temper, Taurus. We don't want to see your raging bull. On June 16th, Saturn unleashes its restrictive energy toward Mercury, the planet of communication. Chill; this isn't necessarily bad... It's just Saturn helping you to slow down, think twice, and get clear before revealing your ideas to the world. Saturn will not tolerate fake news; he demands the truth. And you can handle it. The last challenging aspect of the month occurs on the 19th when Mercury and Mars contend with potent Pluto. Think before you speak and take a breath before reacting to heated situations, or you may live in regret.  It doesn't matter if you are imploding on the inside, keep the outside veneer calm and collected. Fake it until the moment passes. Silver lining? The full moon in Sagittarius lands on the June 17th activating your 8th house of sex, money, and intimacy. Some good loving is the remedy for any prior challenges. My best advice, Taurus, is to stay centered!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Happy Birthday, Gemini! The universe is gifting you a wonderful month, one highlighting the duality of your sign. As the zodiac's twins, it's important to keep both of you happy. Repeat? Yes; two Gems need balance and attention. On June 3rd, the annual new moon in Gemini activates your first house of self, appearance, and identity. How about throwing two birthday soirees this year, one for each twin? You'll have double the fun and celebration. Neither can be dull with your fabulously entertaining personality. On June 8th, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, joins the party in your 1st house. Go shopping; pamper yourself; detox in a salt cave; indulge in "me" time. You don't always get the opportunity to be alone. So, enjoy being your own best friend; feel free to ignore your twin. You'll still be a social butterfly, with a Google calendar that's double booked. You'll have to get real about which events you want to attend and what feels inspiring to do in June. This may be challenging with your restless, overactive mind. So, take my advice and focus your energies; don't let them scatter into indecision. This month is asking you to be clear, present, and creative. While brilliant at multitasking, please look up from your cell when having a conversation, if only for a few minutes. Your loved ones would truly appreciate it. It may also prevent you from falling into a pothole. The full moon on June 17th lands in your 7th house of relationships. It's a confusing full moon with two, distinct sides. One, ruled by Jupiter, is brimming with optimism, luck, and playfulness. The other side, ruled by nebulous Neptune, brings uncertainty and lack of clarity. Kinda sounds like all relationships to me... For committed Geminis, are you fully in or half in/half out? Think about how you truly feel; no fake sentiments. For singles, I suggest you thoroughly Google your Tinder hookups before hooking up. With this moon, it can either be an utterly romantic or calling-best-friend-from-bathroom scenario. Get clear, this birthday month, Gemini. Oh, and I'd love an invite to one or both of your b-day soirees! 

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Summertime, chill out time, Cancer. June is asking you to slow down, retreat, and stop crying over Game of Thrones ending. You have more inner work to do. On June 3rd, the yearly New Moon in Gemini lands in your 12th house of solitude and renewal. Being the caretaker of the zodiac, it's high time to put your needs first. This month, get out of town; change your environment. If you can't literally escape, you certainly can in your mind. Daydream! Fantasize!  Where's your perfect vacay spot? Hammock on a beach? Temple in Nepal? There is scientific proof that daydreaming means you are super smart and creative. I believe this is true because I daydream all the time. Seriously... it's mandatory; dream away. It's also important to spend time alone in June. Why not mix it with the escape? Whatever you choose, it does not have to be complicated. Venus, the planet of love, joins the house of solitude on June 8th. You see how everything comes together. Have an affair with a hot stranger while on a retreat or fall in love with being alone. June 14-19th will be challenging days. Lusty, warrior planet Mars falls in Cancer, butting heads with cautious Saturn. This celestial match-up plays out in your relationship sector. Saturn will be flashing its yellow light to reduce your speed. So, even if you've met that new love on retreat and want to dive in head first, don't do it. Heed Saturn's warning. Those in committed relationships, take the high road if tensions flare. Play fair and nice instead of giving in to your passive-aggressive side, Cancer. June 19th presents another feisty day. Breathe, be kind and think of great makeup sex! It's a win-win for all. Finally, on June 17th the full moon in Sagittarius is in your house of self-care and work. This is a reminder to take extra special care of yourself, especially mid-month. Get a massage, eat comfort food, lounge with your feet in the sand, read a self-help book. In June, just keep on dreaming, Cancer!

Leo (July 23 – Aug 22)

Dear Leo, it's playtime! The annual New Moon in Gemini arrives on June 3rd, activating your 11th house of friendship, networking, and connection. Think: Your social life on steroids. With summer in full swing, what a fabulous time to be you. Get out there. Make plans with your people; engage with the community; add new friends to your life. Don't just hit that plus-sign on social media. I'm talking about making actual friends—in person. You remember how to do that, right? It would be best if you had an audience, Leo. With all of this playful energy, host a party. Be the entertaining, flamboyant Leo we all love to be around. With Gemini's moon, your audience will likely impress and entertain you too. I so want to be part of your social circle this month! Venus joins the party on June 8th; if you missed the memo about relishing in fun, she is there to make sure you do. Venus will spice up your romantic life. If single, a friendship could spark into a romance; or friends will introduce you to a new love. On June 17th, a full moon in Sagittarius lands in your 5th house of joy, passion, creativity, and kids. Seriously, can June be any more jovial? Have that fling; get goofy with kids, or tap into your own inner child. Live, love, laugh. These are the perfect remedies to any ails, especially in this time of chaos. Have a blast. Just watch out for a pesky week on June 14-19. It's best to observe rather than participate or lead the group as other people may strike you as cranky and controlling. Given the incredible rest of your month, I'm sure you can manage. Spread the happy, Leo!

Virgo (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

Virgo, work it! The yearly Gemini New Moon powers up your professional house on June 3rd. This is the month to ignite your career. You're laser focused, articulate, and possess organizational skills that border on OCD. I'm both jealous and nervous. Seriously, you're like a work superhero. This month gives you the opportunity to acquire even more powers. Network; write those unwritten emails; ask for a promotion; reach out to a headhunter. Your efforts will be so worth it. Venus, the planet of love, harmony, and beauty, strolls into your career sector on June 8th. What a match... Venus ensures that you don't stay hidden behind your work computer, averting romantic possibilities. Let love flow. You can meet someone special through work-related events. Virgo, the zodiac's quintessential perfectionist, stop second-guessing and waiting for everything to align just so. Loosen up; it's summertime. While career is a focus, all work and no play is dull. Your ruler, Mercury, enters the sign of Cancer on June 5th, and activates the 11th house of friendship. Get out of the office; make plans with your tribe and fellow superheroes. Celebrate your connections and allow them to nurture you. Soak up the love. June 14-19 are not the easiest days of the month. If you can lay low, do it. And be mindful of what you say. This will help avoid confrontations. The full moon lands in Sagittarius on June 17th, highlighting your 4th house of home. Meanwhile, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion has been in your 4th house since last November. A move or renovation is highly likely between now and this coming November. Work, love, and home, Virgo; with your obsession for organization, it's all systems go!

Libra (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

Broaden your horizons, Libra! June starts off with your Empress ruler, Venus, mashing up with powerful Pluto in your 8th house of seduction and intimacy. Can you say DESIRE? This cosmic energy comes around only two times a year. So, this is not a time to be alone, capisch? It's all about soulful merging. Couples, take your relationship to the next level—whatever that means to you. Singles, this isn't booty call woo-woo, I'm talking about the deep stuff; please choose wisely. On June 3rd, the new moon in Gemini ignites your wanderlust. Plan your getaway to a far-off place, preferably somewhere requiring a passport. Venus, guiding planet of love and beauty, enters your soulmate Gemini on June 8th. This equates to a party in your 9th house of travel, multiculturalism, learning, and expansion. It's all about mind and soul-opening experiences. Single Libras, are there any of you out there? If so, stay open to meeting a new love while on the road; it just may be the person sitting next to you on the plane. You know it can happen! Those paired, cash in frequent fliers and fly away. Now, pull up your calendar, marking the dates June 14-19. These days are challenging. Strong-arm Mars is activating your career, while cautious Saturn is settled in your realm of house and family. Always the peacemaker, Libra, confrontation is foreign to you. Give up trying to placate everyone this month. It's simply not feasible. Tensions run high in work and at home. If I were you, I'd plan your getaway on those dates. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Trust me, if you stick around and can't fake being gracious and unaffected, it won't be pretty. Take heart, the Sagittarius full moon on June 17th lands in your 3rd house, emphasizing communication, attitude, and community. Sagittarius is optimistic, with a glass-half-full mentality. Write those encouraging emails, texts, and social media posts. We will all need them to get through this rough week. You may just want to do them remotely!  Happy trails, Libra. 

Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Scorpio, June is one intense month. It begins on June 2nd when the planet of love in your house of partnerships hooks up with the extremist planet (and your personal CEO) Pluto. Mark that date in your calendar now!  This cosmic coupling will affect your psyche in the most meaningful ways. This will be a rare opportunity—'m talking only two times/year—to deepen your romantic relationships. Single Scorpios, you will not be interested in anything remotely superficial. As tempting as the one-night hook-up sounds, you'll be left feeling empty in the morning. Also, think about reigning in your signature Scorpio intensity or you'll scare off potential partners with that "I see through you" look. On June 3rd, the yearly new moon in Gemini enters your 8th house of sex, intimacy, and money. These are a few of your favorite things! You're welcome. The 8th house is governed by chatty Gemini; so sexting would be an ideal form of foreplay. Make sure to delete sexts when that moment passes; we wouldn't want to jeopardize your privacy. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the scene on June 8th, adding to this month's sexiness. I suggest you get a 'do not disturb' on your bedroom door; there will be some sheet action. Come out from under them because June is also the month to get your finances in order. Don't put it off. Call your broker; refinance your place, and aim to lower your debt. A full moon in optimistic Sagittarius on June 17th shines a bright light on your self-worth, cash flow, and talents. This is the year to increase your income and showcase skills. Be aware of the pesky week from June 14-19 when your ruler, passionate Mars, spars against restraining Saturn. In essence, it's a celestial power play, which Saturn will win. Don't worry too much. After the 19th, this roadblock is cleared. On June 18th, you may want to be as silent as possible which is likely a challenge for sensitive, emotional you. The following day, your guardians, Mars and Pluto, are at odds over ideas and communication. This is your time to tune in. Work on attitude adjustments. No negative thinking. Take a bath; breathe deeply; go for a run; do whatever you can to shift perspective to the positive. You are all-powerful Scorpio; so I know you can do it. Just dig deeply to get through the intensity in June, dear Scorpio.


Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Love is in the warm June air, Sag! Even unsettled you just may settle down this month. The annual new moon in Gemini on June 3rd shines brightly in your 7th house of committed partnerships. So, whether you're looking for new love or already attached, the cosmos are sprinkling love dust down upon you. Venus, the planet of love, arrives in your sign on June 8th, spreading even more romantic vibes. Those hooked up—plan a date night. Yes, an old-fashioned dinner date. Flirt and pretend you just met. Ooh, role-playing can be so much fun! Impress them with your knowledge and charm. Remind your person why they fell in love with you. Single Sags, get out there and give that love dust a chance to land on you. Relax... I'm not suggesting to give up your freedom. No one is going to "fence you in." Just be open and make sure you feel there's an escape in case you start experiencing claustrophobia. You may find the loyal and committed side of you is now rising to the fore. June 9th and 10th are confusing days. Take some CBD oil; it will bring clarity; or at minimum, calm. Please be careful of your self-righteous tendencies and hold off on disagreeing with everyone. Also, stay mindful on June 14-19th, as issues with finances, self-value, and shared resources could challenge you. This is where indulgence will serve you well. Ramp up your exercise routine; work out twice a day. Go shopping. Revamp that wardrobe. It's so easy to feel better with a quick, Amazon-buy-now swipe. Retail therapy works, just don't swipe too many times. Meditation may be a less-expensive alternative to get through these difficult days. On June 16th, your yearly full moon falls into the 1st house of image and presentation. Well, your body should be hot with those extra workouts. Show it off. You may have a new love or a rejuvenated old love smiling beside you. In any case, Sag spread your optimistic, fairy dust with the rest of us. Sizzling summer is here.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Spa days are calling, Cap! On June 3rd, the yearly new moon in Gemini activates your 6th house of self-care and work. Well, listen, you've got the work thing down pat. So, I am imploring you to focus on self-care. Think of June as your personalized summer solstice to restore body, mind, and spirit. You're gonna love me and love yourself so much more on the other side. To make this self-care time fun, try something new or bold. I heard yoga with goats is somehow both vigorous and relaxing. The sea goat, a mystical creature, which is half goat and half fish, represents Capricorn. It's perfect. Venus, the planet of love and beauty, joins the self-care agenda on June 8th.  What a glorious time to pamper yourself. And you will want to look confident and hot this month. Mars, the planet of action and lust, dwells in your 7th house of committed relationships. You, Cap, are the pursuer in June. If single, take action—go online, ask friends for intros, host a plus-one party yourself. If partnered, Mars will help reignite sparks, add spice back into your relationship, and make the old new again. How brimming with sexy fun! June 14-19th are cautionary days. Mars, Pluto, and Saturn are not playing nice. You'll likely feel the tension, Cap. With Mars in your house of relationships, everything's raring to go. Saturn in your first of self is yelling "hell no, take it slow." You may come across as crazy--one minute on, the next off. Hold tight; this isn't a long-lasting trend. Do be mindful of picking out every flaw of potential lovers. Please drop the pretense and snobbery and try kindness and surrender; you may be surprised where it takes you. On June 16th, the full moon in Sagittarius falls in your 12th house of solitude and retreat. You cherish being alone. It feeds your soul. Use this time to fully honor the self-care call. It is crucial that you indulge in this solitary "me-time." Go walk in the woods; spend a weekend away, or just pass the day in silence. "Silence, I discover, is something you can actually hear." ~Haruki Murakami, a fellow Capricorn. Now go and take care in June, Cap!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Awaken to summer, Aquarius! June's sun and fun await. The yearly new moon in Gemini, shines brightly in your 5th house of joy, romance, creativity, and kids. How positively light and needed these days. What was your favorite childhood game? Play it—ideally with the kids in your life. Or watch a classic Disney movie together. Who was the "one who got away?" Get online and see if they are smiling in pics with a spouse and kids or looking solo and ready to play. If that one is gone, there are so many opportunities to find a new romance. Sign up for a new meetup; hang out in a museum; Take your pooch to the park; say yes to summer shindigs or throw your own lock and key party. Oh, and there's always public transportation. Seriously; it can be better than a dating app. I know people who've have met on the subway and married! Venus, planet of love, art, and beauty joins the celestial scene on June 8th. Cultural events are calling, especially outdoor ones and ones that appeal to your love of things offbeat... Here is another venue to meet that special someone. Radiate your inner light, Aquarius, and people will just gravitate toward you. Law of attraction rules. Those coupled, it's time to play and not take things so seriously. Mars, planet of action and strength, forces attention on your well-being. You can get stuck in your head and neglect your body. Not this month; it's summer, Aquarius; banish those muffin tops and love handles. Hit the gym; run on the beach; reach for green juice and acai bowls. At work, you may be feeling impatient when people are not moving as fast as you like. Keep the peace; work remotely, if possible. If you can't, meditate and exercise before you go to work. Your co-workers will highly appreciate it; so will Mars. June 14-19th are tiring days; continue to chill. Choose neutral, Aquarius, which for you, often looks like aloof. That week, aloof serves you well. On June 17th, the yearly Sagittarius full moon lands in your 11th house of co-collaborators, your tribe, and like-minded peeps. Be with friends. Keep expanding your social world in-person. Just spread the joy, Aquarius!

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Happy home, happy Pisces. On June 3rd, the yearly new moon in Gemini activates your 4th house of home and hearth. Parents, kids, or whoever you consider family, need your attention this month. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, enters the celestial scene on June 8th, smoothing away any friction on the home front. Home is always your haven. Now, make it a top priority. Redecorate, entertain, invite your folks over, or host a summer BBQ. Gemini rules your 4th house, meaning your home is the place where people want to spend time; It's usually filled with interesting individuals, having dynamic conversations, drinking fab cocktails, and listening to cool music. I seriously would like to move in. If you're thinking of moving (I'll follow), June is a good month; or plant the seeds and you'll do so within the next six months. A theme this entire year has been tension between your work and private life. You know what I'm talking about, and it's essential to find a balance between them. Expansive Jupiter is hanging out in your 10th house of career, generating work opportunities, expanding your business, and adding professional luck. On June 17, the full moon in Sagittarius highlights your career even further. Network through your friends and connections, and watch new career options come your way. Dreamy Neptune, AKA, your ruler, has been living in your sign for the past few years. Neptune governs inspiration, creativity, spirituality, and addiction. Pisces, we all know that you're the most creative sign of the zodiac. This month, your creativity is at its peak, so make the most of it. Share your art, music, writing, Podcast, or other inspiration with the rest of us; we could use the distraction. You also can't resist temptation. Instead of taking care of business, you're likely to run off to Peru with your shaman. Given so many directions in June, which way should you go? Home, work, creative project, or Peru? Well, being a typical Pisces, I know you'll make the best decision. And this confusing period of transit will end in September. From June 14-19th, be especially careful not to piss off your closest posse; there will be difficult aspects showing up. Meanwhile, Pisces; tap into creativity, empathy, and do your best to stay in the present moment. When all else fails, just remember, home is where your Piscean heart is. 


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