
Your July Horoscope: Temporary Turbulence Yields Priceless Rewards

July is one moody, hot sizzling month. The Saturn-Uranus square, the drama we’ve been feeling all year gets a jumpstart from Mars. Mars tends to aggravate and energize whatever it touches. Mars activated the Saturn-Uranus square in mid-January, around the time of the insurrection and the inauguration of President Biden. That's the vibe. Mars opposing Saturn describes confrontations with authority figures. Most recently, we witnessed it with the Supreme Court ruling in favor of Arizona’s voter suppression laws, Trump Organization indictments, legal loopholes, the #FreeBritney Spears movement, and sigh, the release of Bill Cosby. Some good, some downright repugnant. The changes we are eager for are not forthcoming, as authority holds on to power. Turbulent skies continue throughout the week as Mars clashes with Uranus. Mars is the planet of violence, drive, and passion, while Uranus is unpredictable and rebellious. The news cycle may continue to shock as the cracks in our foundations are beginning to crumble. Do not fret; the month eases up after Mars’s manic drama. You can find shelter from the storm with a tender new moon in Cancer on July 9. It is a very hectic month; planets change signs, and Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius on July 28, inviting us to revisit and complete what we had initiated four months ago. Turbulence is temporary, but the rewards of withstanding them are priceless. As the legendary wordsmith and wit Dorothy Parker, a Leo, once said, “And if my heart be scarred and burned, the safer, I, for all I learned.”

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Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)
July is hot, Aries, and I’m not talking about the temperature, but rather that hot-tempered, passionate, and combustible kind of heat. The month kicks off with a bang as Mars, your ruler, sets off the restrictive Saturn square to rebellious Uranus, creating a volatile, turbulent response. Mars is in Leo, where he is assertive, courageous, and wants his needs met. Not inclined to back down, it can feel like you’re driving a Porsche 911 with the brakes on, which is no fun. The energy is highly frustrating and unyielding, as anger levels can rise as fast as the summer temps. Do you want to be the one slamming doors, losing your cool, and decimating everyone in the room? Nah, instead, during July 1-3, exercise, meditate, eat a few CBD gummies, breathe, and please, no knee-jerk reactions. Conflict is an inevitable part of life; you're the warrior so confrontation comes naturally to you, but choose your battles wisely. The positive side of this energy is to clear away or improve entrenched behaviors that no longer serve us. We are all flawed, Aries. Venus is in Leo, meeting up with Saturn and Uranus July 7-8, but because she is striving for peace and unity, the days may be chaotic, albeit not as disruptive as things were the first week of July. The new moon in Cancer arrives on July 9, at 18 degrees, meaning it is time to nurture your inner homebody. This lunation is infusing your home life with loving, protective, comforting energies. Invite others over, host a family reunion, or chill on your sofa, Aries. The fun beckons on July 13 as Venus, the planet of love, conjuncts Mars in Leo, activating love, romance, creativity, and play. Fall in love, Aries, be it with yourself, your partner, or a new love. Leo is all about coming from your heart; what do you love? What makes you happy? Your passion and creativity are reawakened; indulge and express them wholeheartedly. Just be sure to keep your temper cool, your passion hot, and your heart open. It’s gonna be some summer, Aries! 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
July is akin to experiencing all the extremes in weather within one month; get prepared. The first week is like a wildfire that you want to contain. July 1-3 is highly frustrating and intense. Mars, the warrior planet, is in Leo, triggering the Saturn Uranus square. On July 1, Mars opposes Saturn, wanting to propel forward while Saturn puts up a wall. It is a pivotal point, a battle of wills, with neither backing down. This Marvel meets astrological dynamic is playing out between your career vs. home life. The energy is all in fixed signs, you being one, Taurus, which is stubborn, unyielding, and tenacious. It is wise to take a step back, pause, wait a few days, then act. You are naturally slow to respond and prefer to think things through, yet you are the most unyielding once you make up your mind. On July 3, Mars goes to battle with rebellious Uranus; the energy is unpredictable, volatile yet can be a catalyst for change. It is stressful, so self-care is essential. Music is a healing antidote in stressful times for you; add a glass of wine as well. During the second week of July, Venus, your ruler, is in Leo, going up against Saturn and Uranus. Venus, the planet of love, is not looking for a battle, but the tension will continue, albeit less acutely. The new moon in cancer, at 18 degrees, arrives on July 9 and feels like a warm embrace, bringing in a tender, loving, protective energy. This comforting new moon highlights your 3rd  house of communication, learning,  siblings, and your neighborhood. Taurus, socialize now that it is safe, hang out in your hood, see your siblings in person. Venus enters into earthy Virgo on July 21 in your 5th house of creativity, romance, and joy. Time for pleasure, to indulge, enjoy, and relish in some summertime fun. Your attention now shifts back to your professional world, with a full moon in Aquarius on July 23. This lunation activates your career and can elicit greater responsibilities or changes within your professional life. Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, retrogrades back into Aquarius on July 28, igniting your 10th house of career. Jupiter has your back, Taurus, and luck will be with you for the next six months. Remember, work/life balance is essential to your well-being. The Tom Petty anthem, "I Won't Back Down" is your theme this month. Play it on repeat as you pay homage to patience, tenacity, and love. 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Mercury is direct, eclipse season is over and it’s July, which means summer has officially begun. But hold on to your swim trunks; the first week of July is lit with fireworks, literally and figuratively. Mars, the warrior planet of desire, will battle with restrictive Saturn, an intense, frustrating, volatile energy. Please be mindful of whom you take on and how you express yourself. Your weapons are your words, but use them wisely or lose all dignity. Just scroll through political Twitter and see what I mean. On July 3, Mars butts heads with the rebel Uranus; the energies are similar to those in mid-January right after the insurrection. During this time, chaotic and turbulent energies prevail. Your life may indeed seem like a Marvel movie. Find a respite from the stress, Gemini; self-care is the remedy. A new moon at 18 degrees of Cancer arrives on July 9 to soften the first week's edges. Cancer is tender, protective, and nurturing. Mercury, your boss, joins in on July 12; when he enters Cancer, he is introspective and intuitive. Get out of your head, drop into your innate wisdom, listen deeply to your intuition, and let it guide you. The lunation and Mercury are activating your house of talents, values, and cash flow. What skills are you showcasing to the world? This alluring activation can bring in new possibilities for marketing, work, and increasing your income. A full moon at 1 degree of Aquarius arrives on July 23, conjunct Pluto, in your 9th house of wisdom, travel, higher learning, and the law. Full moons bring to light what has previously been hidden. With Pluto in the mix, this lunation is intense. On July 28, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, growth, and wisdom, will retrograde and re-enter Aquarius until December 30, offering you the opportunity to reevaluate and complete what you put into motion last December-May 14. Jupiter is in your 9th house, where he is potent; your worldview, wisdom, long-distance travel, and higher learning are reactivated. May your values deepen, talents increase, and your mind expand!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Happy Birthday, sweet Cancer! July may be one of those months that ends up in the history books. The fireworks start on July 1, as Mars, the warrior planet in Leo, opposes the restrictive Saturn in Aquarius. Then, on July 3, Mars squares radical Uranus, creating a tense fixed T-Square, meaning frustration, anger, and no willingness to budge. This turbulent, violent, chaotic energy is similar to that which we saw in the Capitol on January 6. Heed the warning; it may not affect you personally, but the overall tension will be palpable, and you, dear Cancer, feel everything! Be sure to pamper yourself; it is your birthday, after all. The new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees arrives on July 9. This potent lunation has mystical Neptune and transformative Pluto in the mix. Neptune expands your compassion and intuition; Cancer is the zodiac's nurturer. As a birthday gift, take time out for self-care, and let others nurture you for a change. Pluto can bring to the surface intense feelings; the benefit is that you’ll be more discerning in your needs and in expressing them. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Cancer on July 12. When you speak, it will be from the heart; others will feel it directly, so be sure to express yourself! The full moon in Aquarius at 1 degree arrives on July 23, activating your 8th house of intimacy, shared resources, and inner transformation. It is an intense lunation, closing a chapter that can be a relationship, psychological clutter, or financial issue that did not materialize. Breathe, Cancer. You may feel disappointment, but you get a second go-around next month with another promising full moon in Aquarius. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and growth, turns retrograde and will re-enter Aquarius until December 30. He lands in your 8th house, just where the full moon did. It is an opportunity to finish what you started back in late December 2020-May 2021. As you nurture all of us, please do take care of yourself. Fellow Cancer Dali Lama said, "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.” We need your love and compassion and we need you, Cancer. 

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
Leo, consider popping a Dramamine right about now, because July is an emotional rollercoaster, with one week being your best week ever and the other, well, not so much. The ride kicks off on July 1-3 as Mars in Leo triggers the Saturn/Uranus square, which finally comes to a breaking point after causing underlying tension all year. The pressure is palpable; it is frustrating, turbulent, and unyielding. Just like you, Leo, these outer planets are in fixed signs; neither wants to budge from this stubborn stalemate. As Mars squares Uranus on July 3, Uranus is the rebel, urging you to break free, causing friction in your career. Use these challenging alignments to excite you to action and to allow growth and development to push through. On July 7-8, Venus, in Leo, takes her turn to clash with Saturn and Uranus and she isn't too happy going up against Saturn. Because of that, you may feel restricted, confined, or controlled in your committed relationships. The next day, Venus meets Uranus in your 10th house of career; the chaos continues, while Venus wants peace. It shall be an interesting 8 days for you, but at last, you finally get to celebrate summer! The new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees arrives on July 9. The lunation has mystical Neptune and transformative Pluto in the mix. It is very nurturing and intuitive, with deep emotions brought to the surface as the 12th house of retreat, solitude, and renewal is activated. Spend time in nature and replenish. On July 13, Venus and Mars conjunct in the sign of Leo in your first house of self. When these two planets merge, it’s the cosmic jumpstart to getting your creativity flowing, a magical alignment for you, opening your heart to your innate-loving nature. Leo, you must do what you love; it sounds cliche, but it is vital to your well-being. The full moon in Aquarius at 1 degree arrives on July 24, highlighting your committed relationships, both personal and business. This lunation can give your relationships clarity, illuminating hidden truths. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, turns retrograde, re-entering Aquarius in your 7th house of partnerships on July 28-December 30. You have the opportunity to finish what you started back in December 2020. Leo, ride the wild rollercoaster of July with an open heart and find joy in the challenges. 

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
Mercury is direct, the eclipse is over, and July promises to be one active month! Fireworks start cracking early; Mars will trigger the Saturn Uranus square; Saturn represents structure and resistance to change while Uranus awakens and disrupts the status quo. Mars resists anything that gets in his way. On July 1, Mars, in Leo, is in opposition to restrictive Saturn. It's tense and frustrating—one of the most challenging aspects of the year. Virgo, take a pause, slow down, do not react, and do not hit send. On July 3, Mars squares rebel Uranus, provoking you to break free from paths of resistance. The energy is turbulent, chaotic, and unyielding. It is all about freedom. It is a turning point inciting you to change things you've resisted, merely tolerated, or wanted to tweak but didn't. Now's the time to do it. Challenging alignments push you to grow and evolve. The energy shifts with a tender new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees on July 9; it will feel like a much-needed hug from a long-lost friend. Your 11th house of friends, your tribe, dreams, and aspirations get a fresh start, an opening for new beginnings. Finally, you can see your friends in person, so have those reunions! Here is where you feel supported, nurtured, and loved. Mercury, your ruler, enters Cancer on July 11, joining the new moon in your 11th house. Your thinking is inward, so tune in and get in touch with your emotions, intuition, and perceptions. The mental chatter should quiet down. One of the best aspects of the month is July 13, when Mercury in Cancer harmonizes with Jupiter, your friends, and partnerships, bringing support and greater abundance to your life. The energy is fertile for growth, new projects, and future aspirations. Start making plans, Virgo. On July 22, Venus, the planet of love, enters Virgo, highlighting your first house of self and how you present yourself to the world. Virgo in Venus grounds you and will calm your nervous system.  An ideal time for socializing, connecting with friends, it is time for some levity and fun, Virgo! The end of the month is very active. On July 28, Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius until the end of the year. Jupiter is growth, abundance, and luck, and, lucky you, he moves back into your 6th house of health, daily routine, and work. Jupiter is coming back to complete the unfinished business he started last December. Embrace what Jupiter has to offer. July feels like 5 months in 4 weeks! Exhausting, maybe, but (r)evolutionary also!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)
July's celestial skies change dramatically week by week. So don't despair; the first week is the heaviest. Mars, the warrior planet, is in opposition to restrictive Saturn; this is one of the most frustrating and challenging aspects of the year. Mars wants what he desires; nothing gets in his way except Saturn. It is best not to push forward; you'll only be met with resistance. There may be a disappointment; no one likes to hear no, but that is the operative word of the day. You'll feel this energy until the 4th. On July 3, Mars squares, rebellious Uranus, and, like Mt. Vesuvius, the eruption is intense, chaotic, turbulent, and volatile. This energy provokes you to break from old entrenched patterns; where are you resisting change?  It is all about freedom, Libra. Take that risk; shake things up! Venus, your Goddess ruler, is in Leo, opposing controlling Saturn on July 6. Pleasure is denied, a partner is unavailable, or connections are just not happening. This aspect requires effort in your partnerships, forcing you to use tough love to face the difficulties that arise in relationships. Venus moves quickly; on the 8th, making a square to Uranus; it is exciting and extremely liberating. Do expect surprises; they can be welcoming or shocking. Your intimate relationships are activated, Libra. A nurturing new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees arrives on July 9. This lunation ignites your 10th house of career with new possibilities and a fresh start. Women in your workplace can be particularly supportive and nurturing. Venus enters grounded Virgo on July 22, dwelling in the house of retreat. Libra, you may need time alone. The significant aspect occurs on July 28 when expansive Jupiter retrogrades in Aquarius until December 30. After that, Jupiter moves back into your 5th house of pleasure, creativity, and romance, finishing  what he initiated in December 2020. Libra, your ruler Venus is very active this month. May love expand, grow, and ripen for you this hectic July!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Scorpio, you like intensity and July delivers bigtime. The first week, however, may remind you of the chaotic events that unfolded mid-January during the Capitol insurrection. Mars, your ruler, is in Leo, opposing controlling Saturn on July 1, presenting one of the most challenging and frustrating energies of the year. You are at cross purposes, nothing gets accomplished and that drives you crazy. Mars is desire, plowing through to get his needs met, while Saturn restrains Mars. In fixed resistant signs, the energy is uncompromising. Scorpio, you’re a fixed sign and can be incredibly resistant to change. Take a pause, step back, try not to react; once you do, your stinger can be lethal. On July 3, Mars squares rebellious Uranus, breaking up patterns of behavior that limit you. It is chaotic, volatile, and unpredictable. This can be exciting, propelling you to willingly change. On July 9, the caring new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees arrives, soothing over the wounds Mars inflicted. A fellow water sign, you'll feel nourished and supported by this lovely lunation. Your 9th house of long-distance travel, higher knowledge, learning, and expanding your worldview brings in new possibilities. Now that it is safe to travel, book that trip, or take a class, expand your worldview. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters introspective Cancer on July 11; thinking and communicating are back to the emotional based, feeling realm where you dwell. A beautiful alignment occurs on July 13, as Mercury makes a flowing aspect to expansive Jupiter. Scorpio, this supportive, expansive energy inspires creativity, love, and future aspirations. A full moon in Aquarius at 1 degree arrives on July 23, highlighting your 4th house of home and family. Full moons are endings and releases, creating space for something new. It is hard for you to let go, Scorpio; this month is one of change, and it will be challenging for you. Please do take time for self-care and renewal. A significant aspect arrives on July 28 as Jupiter, the planet of expansion and luck, retrogrades back into Aquarius to finish what he began in December 2020-May 2021. He moves back into your 4th house of home and family. Jupiter brings benefits as you seek inner peace and security. Finding or creating your ideal living space is indeed possible. Send your resistance on summer vacay and embrace the changes, Scorp!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Coming in like a telenovela, July is one dramatic, active month, kicking off at the peak of intensity. On the first of the month, Mars, the warrior planet, is in opposition to controlling Saturn; this is one of the most frustrating and challenging aspects of the year. Mars's agenda is to get what he wants, while Saturn is not allowing it—being impulsive will not work with these energies. So slow down, think before responding, do your research, and, stop, don't hit send! Wait a few days, please, Sag. On July 3, Mars squares revolutionary Uranus; it is about freedom and doing things differently, so shake it up! Fight for what is right for you; things are chaotic, exciting, and liberating. The new moon in nurturing Cancer at 18 degrees arrives on July 9. This lunation ignites your 8th house of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. Intimate relationships can deepen, with the tender, loving and protective qualities of Cancer. Pay attention to your instincts; your gut reactions can be very accurate now, and your nurturing qualities will come in handy right about now. Mercury moves into Cancer, joining the new moon on July 11. Get out of your head and stop overthinking. Mute your mental chatter and drop into your feelings and emotions. The loveliest alignment of the month arrives on July 12, with Mercury and Jupiter giving voice to your dreams, hopes, and visions. Set them into motion. You can now consider a wide range of possibilities. You Sag, love options. Take the meeting, book a trip, and go on an adventure! A full moon in Aquarius at 1 degree arrives on July 23, activating your 5th house of creativity, romance, and fun. This lunation is a reality check; it has a serious quality, being close to Saturn. Are you overcommitted, do you overextend yourself, have you taken on too many projects? Is your social life too busy now? Are kids taking up all of your time? If you feel overburdened, set your limits. Full moons are ending and something's got to give. Aquarius is the visionary; keep your eye on the future. Your ruler, expansive Jupiter, turns retrograde in Aquarius on July 28-Dec 30, once again illuminating your 5th house. The full moon just activated this house of pleasure, creativity, kids, and joy. Jupiter is back to finish up what he initiated back in December 2020. So, Sagittarius, go back and play by your own rules in the 5th house and welcome home!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
July is one of "those" months, but don’t panic! It starts as a Category 5 hurricane but ends with gentle rain. On July 1, Mars, the warrior, opposes your big boss, restrictive Saturn, and the boss wins. Mars goes after what he desires while Saturn sternly says, “Uh, no.”  This frustrating, tense energy is one of the most challenging aspects of the year. Be your stoic self, do not react, and ride out the storm. On July 3, Mars squares rebel Uranus; this chaotic energy is exciting and unpredictable, provoking you to break up and liberate yourself from old patterns. It is about freedom. Venus takes over Mars' position, opposing controlling Saturn on July 6. Pleasure is denied, a partner is unavailable, or connections are just not happening. Venus moves quickly, though, and on the 8th it makes a square to Uranus which is exciting and highly liberating. Do expect surprises; they can be welcoming or shocking. Don't fret; the new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees arrives on July 9, activating your 7th house of committed relationships. This lunation will soften the relationship turmoil from last week. New moons are fresh starts, bringing in new possibilities. Cancer is nurturing, protective, and tender. For those single, this new moon can bring in potential partners. For the already committed, it is a renewal and a reset. Mercury, the planet of communication, enters Cancer and joins the 7th house party on July 11. The mental chatter eases, dropping into the feeling and emotional realm. You can easily express your feelings and show your vulnerability. The aspect only comes around once a year, lasting a few weeks. Go for it! Mercury and Jupiter cozy up together and make the best aspect of the month; on July 12, it encourages you to express your feelings. Your visions and dreams can now materialize; put those plans together. This energy is very fortunate, bringing in alliances to make it happen. The full moon in Aquarius at 1 degree arrives on July 23, highlighting your values, talents, and money. Cap, keep your eye on the prize. Have you overextended yourself or committed too many projects? Do you need to limit your spending? Set boundaries and pair down, Cap. Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, goes retrograde on July 28-December 30,  reentering Aquarius and activating your 2nd house. Jupiter is back to complete what he started in December 2020. You have five months to set those plans you’ve made in motion. Get your finances in order because Jupiter brings luck and abundance. Cap, take a few risks, express your love and enjoy the much needed, calming rain at the end of this stormy month.  

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
The air is crackling with fireworks this first week of July, but they’re not all of the celebratory kind. Mars triggers the Saturn Uranus square, emitting unyielding, uncompromising, resistant energy with neither planet willing to budge. These planets are in fixed signs, just like you, so you get it. Mars in warrior Leo opposes restrictive Saturn; in Aquarius, these energies are among the most frustrating and harshest. Aquarius, have a strategy, but do not react hastily--it is best to wait until next week to respond. On July 3 Mars squares rebel Uranus, which can be exciting, albeit unpredictable, chaotic, and shocking. This wakeup call provokes you to break free from entrenched patterns. It is all about freedom. Venus will oppose Saturn on July 6 when relationships cool off, people are unavailable, or you may be aloof and detached. Venus moves quickly on the 8th, making a square to Uranus; it is exciting and liberating. Do expect surprises that can be welcoming or shocking. Your relationships are affected, but choose your battles wisely. The new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees arrives on July 18, softening the blows from earlier in the month. This lunation is tender, nurturing, and protective. It is activating your house of self-care, work, and the daily grind. Exercise, get organized, and take a spa day. New moons are fresh starts and new beginnings. On July 11, Mercury enters Cancer, joining the sun in your 6th house. The excessive mental chatter decreases, giving rise to feelings and emotions. The best aspect of the month occurs on July 12 in a harmonious merger between Mercury and Jupiter. You find yourself expressing your feelings with ease. You can make those connections that will assist you in making your dreams or visions a reality. You can create innovative ways to earn money through your talents. Put those plans into action and get moving. Your yearly full moon in Aquarius, at 1 degree, arrives on July 23, giving you room to create space for the new. The last significant aspect of July is on the 28th when expansive Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius until December 30, helping you complete what you started four months ago. Aquarius, you’ve got until the end of the year to revitalize your big plans, future dreams and make them a reality. As a bonus, you’ll feel energized, optimistic, and happy!
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
July’s gonna be a hot one and not just in terms of record heat waves. Mars kicks off the month by going up against the Saturn Uranus square. We had a similar aspect in mid-January, just after the insurrection. That's the vibe, only this time we can hold some people and prompts accountable. On July 1, Mars, the warrior, opposes restrictive Saturn; this is one of the most frustrating and harshest aspects. Pisces, take a pause, stay out of the fray. On July 3, Mars squares Uranus; this energy is volatile, unpredictable, and chaotic. It can be exciting, provoking change and disrupting entrenched patterns of behaviors. We all have our baggage, and, while it may not be the most gentle way of letting go, sometimes, you need a shock to change. The energy shifts dramatically on July 9 with the nurturing new moon in Cancer at 18 degrees. It is a loving shelter from the storm. You'll feel nourished and supported by this lunation,  radiating energy in your 5th house of creativity, pleasure, romance, and kids. New moons are fresh starts. You may feel renewed and inspired by the simple act of having fun. So let loose your creativity, passion, and joy. Indulge, Pisces; it's been a strange year. Mercury enters Cancer on July 11 when your mind can finally slow down. A magical alignment occurs on July 12 as Mercury makes a harmonious aspect to Jupiter, your ruling planet. Expressing your visions, dreams, and creative ideas can turn them into reality! Get focused, put a plan together now, when the cosmic forces are aligned. Tap into the magic, which only a Pisces can do. Venus, the planet of love, enters Virgo on July 22, where she'll grace your 7th house of committed relationships. Relationships can flourish, both personal and business.The most significant aspect arrives on July 28, when your ruler Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius until the end of the year. He moves back into the 12th house to find your inspiration; you feel at home here, Pisces. What you initiated four months ago needs to be completed. Pisces, retreat, work solo, reconnect with your creative and spiritual side. Spend time in nature, listen to music, connect with the cosmos. Because you need timelines, you've got until the end of the year to work your vision and bring it forth when Jupiter moves into your sign.May love, joy, and inspiration overflow and bring much needed respite from that oppressive heat.


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