Author's Workshop: Don't Worry About Getting it Right
Wednesday June 26, 6:30 - 8P with Ellen Frazer-Jameson
Don’t worry about getting it right – just get it written. Editing as you write produces unnecessary stress as you try so desperately to find exactly the right words. At the early stages of producing words on paper, to analyze is to paralyze. All books need to go through several draft processes where you revise and adapt and fine tune one word at a time. Re-reading what you’ve written in a wider context illuminates areas that may have held you up or even discouraged so much you wanted to give up and start again. We examine the various processes of editing and also take a look at writer’s tools from thesauruses to spellcheck. The only successful method of writing a book – sit at your working space and produce words on the page. What causes writer’s block and how to overcome it. $75 includes Spa Day Pass
Don’t worry about getting it right – just get it written. Editing as you write produces unnecessary stress as you try so desperately to find exactly the right words. At the early stages of producing words on paper, to analyze is to paralyze. All books need to go through several draft processes where you revise and adapt and fine tune one word at a time. Re-reading what you’ve written in a wider context illuminates areas that may have held you up or even discouraged so much you wanted to give up and start again. We examine the various processes of editing and also take a look at writer’s tools from thesauruses to spellcheck. The only successful method of writing a book – sit at your working space and produce words on the page. What causes writer’s block and how to overcome it. $75 includes Spa Day Pass
About the teacher
Program: Write Your Book or Blog In 90 Days: Make It Your New Year's Resolution For 2017 Wednesdays January 11 - April 12, 7 - 8:30P with Ellen Frazer-Jameson Ready to write your book, your unique blog or content for your website? Join, Author, Journalist, and Broadcaster Ellen Frazer-Jameson, she will guide you to write your book or blog in 90 days! In this workshop program develop from idea to manuscript to publication, how to find your voice and unique point of view, start a writing practice with expert guidance, writing methods, tips and techniques, motivation and problem solving and much more to make your author transformation reality. Be inspired meeting together with aspiring authors every other Wednesday! Meeting Wednedays: January 11, 25, February 8, 22, March 8, 22 and April 5, 12. $750 includes Wednesday Spa Day Pass. Bio: Ellen Frazer-Jameson is a former BBC broadcaster and Fleet Street journalist. A theatre professional she has also enjoyed a career as an actress, theater producer and principal of a children's performing arts school. She lives in London and Miami and relaxes by dancing Argentine tango. New Releases : Love Mother Love Daughter Seven Steps to Fabulous Siobhan's Miracle Dark Hole In My Soul