
Your August 2018 Horoscope

The Standard Spa, Miami Beach’s in-house astrologer, Lori Bell, did you a solid and laid out your month ahead. Thank her in person when you see her around the property, and book an appointment to go deeper into your astrological chart. (If you're not in Miami, she does readings via phone, too!)

The biggest takeaways: Six planets are in retrograde, so nothing is happening till the end of the month. Use this energy to focus on what you need to complete. With Mercury in retrograde, lies get bigger and people offer way more than they can deliver. If it sounds too good to be true, walk away. 

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

How is your patience holding up, dear Aries? You're going to need it! August kicks off with your ruler, Mars, and four other planets in retrograde. Things are not moving along. It's more like they've come to a complete halt. Breathe. August 11th is the last solar eclipse of the year. Hallelujah! A Leo solar eclipse occurs on August 11th (think a new moon, but a zillion times stronger) and its effects will lasts up to a year. It lands in your house of romance, love affairs, creativity, and kids, aka the funhouse—it's where you find your joy. Aries, you've got a year to indulge, and patience may be required. Have some hot love affairs, deepen your creativity, have a kid, and/or rediscover your inner kid. This month, don't promise more than you can deliver; watch your temper, tell the truth, and countdown until August 28th when Mars is finally released from prison. Then get ready for take-off! 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Taurus, we know how you hate to rush, but with six planets going retrograde this month, the slow-motion pace is going to challenge even you. On August 11th, there is a new moon solar eclipse in Leo, falling in your fourth house of home, roots, family, and the private, innermost self. The effects of solar eclipses last up to a year. Taurus, it's time to renovate, decorate, visit your folks, move, or spend your time off at home. You love your comforts, security, and things—yes, things, of which you have plenty. So get on your comfy clothes, and enjoy your time hanging at home. It will renew and replenish your soul. At the same time, be careful of people promising more than they can deliver because the planet Mercury is a trickster in August. Find ways to balance your day-to-day routine without overextending yourself. Come September, everything starts moving faster once again. 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Mercury, your ruling planet, is being mischievous this month. It's challenging the planet Jupiter, promising everything, delivering nada, and going retrograde, all in dramatic Leo. Please, Gemini, you are the wittiest and most curious sign of the zodiac; don't go "fake news" on us. Tell the truth, get the facts straight, gossip with kindness, and keep us informed. On August 11th, the last eclipse of 2018 occurs in Leo, your third house of communication, learning, writing, community, and your siblings. This solar eclipse lasts up to a year. Gemini, go hang out with your family and community, write, get involved, take a class, and get political. We need you. 

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer, no worrying this month, promise? You've got a solar eclipse in Leo on August 11th entering your house of self-worth and cash, and the effects last for over a year. Woohoo, money! Cancer, you crave security. Having a healthy saving account allows you to sleep at night. Mercury, the planet of communication, the messenger, is retrograde until August 18th. Mercury is in Leo, which can be very dramatic. With you being the moodiest sign of the zodiac, this can be a lethal mix. So sweet Cancer, focus on your self-worth, talents, and compassionate nature. After the full moon on August 27th, everything speeds up again.  

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Happy birthday, Leo! Like a lion, there is an aura of superiority about you. People will be impressed with you; they will strongly feel your presence. For your birthday, the universe is gifting you on August 11th with a solar eclipse in Leo. Think a new moon on steroids, with its effects lasting up to a year. This month is all about you (I know you think that's the case every month, but this one is truly yours). A solar eclipse occurring in your first house affects how you present yourself to the world—your appearance, magnetism, charisma, and influence you have on others. The spotlight is on you, Leo! Eclipses can bring about unexpected events. They bring endings and new beginnings. It is the time to take a chance on yourself and express your creativity, huge heart, and generosity. Still, Mercury is retrograde in Leo, so you can curb the dramatics. Don't promise more than you can deliver, and don't go overboard. Maybe this month, less pride for a change? 

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

I feel for you, Virgo. Mercury, your ruler, is retrograde, so no one is punctual. You'll be waiting in vain for responses to your text messages and emails. Your computer may crash, your car may break down on the highway...you get the idea. Mercury is acting mischievously along with the planet Jupiter. People will exaggerate, tell big lies, and make lots of promises they can't keep. Be mindful of your critical voice; it may come out extra harsh this month. On August 11th, there is a new moon solar eclipse in Leo, asking you to take a break. Go on a retreat, meditate, get lost in nature, go surfing, be alone, volunteer, give back, and replenish yourself. You so desperately need it. Don't worry, you've got a year to figure this out. Your highest virtue is to be of service, so go ahead and do that, Virgo. The world needs you. 

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

It's time to light up, Leo. Venus enters Libra on August 8th and stays for the month. People will be attracted to you like bees to honey. We need your diplomacy and grace more than ever because with six planets in retrograde and a solar eclipse this month, it's intense out there! Communication is cray cray this month; it may make your head spin. Take a breath and keep the peace. On August 11th, there is a solar eclipse. (Think a new moon on steroids.) It's in Leo, which highlights your tribe, like-minded people, and goals. Leo wants us to come from our heart and do what we love. This is the last solar eclipse in Leo until 2037. Yikes. You've got a year to open your heart and feel excited about the future. You are the perpetual peacemaker, Libra, and you will be busy this month!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

How are you holding up, Scorpio? Your ruling planet, Mars, has been missing in action since June 27th; nothing is moving as you'd wish. On August 11th, a new moon solar eclipse (think a new moon but a zillion times stronger and lasts for a year), lands in your 10th house of career. The eclipse is in Leo. You've got to find passion in your work. Do what you love. What excites you? Don't freak out; you've got a year to work on this. And as Scorpio, when you set your mind to something, nothing stops you. Jupiter is still in your sign; it's that guardian angel looking out for you. Do watch out for things that sound too good to be true because most likely they aren't. Be mindful of holding grudges, getting annoyed, and feeling frustrated. Focus on your work. Mars goes direct at the end of the month, and by fall, things will start to fly again!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Get away, Sag! It's time to grab your passport, book a flight, and take a vacation. On August 11th, there is a solar eclipse (a new moon times 1,000) in your 9th house of travel, study, philosophy, the law, and spirituality. You thrive here. Here is where you will soar. This energy lasts for a year, so plan that trip, take that class, fall in love with someone from a different culture, and expand your mind. Be careful not to promise more than you can offer, as you tend to go overboard a lot of the time. We know it's not maliciousness, it's just your generous nature. Also, Sag, please think before you speak what's on your mind. This month, make an effort to be diplomatic, especially with Mercury in retrograde being naughty and creating havoc with Jupiter. Tell the truth, don't exaggerate, be tactful. Enjoy your expansion, Sag!  

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Finally, Cap, it's all about money, sex, and intimacy. You openly love cash and secretly love sex. On August 11th, there is a solar eclipse (think new moon on steroids), which lasts for a year and activates your 8th house of money, sex, taxes, investments...all the stuff you like. Have a ton of sex and have fun between the sheets, but also learn to be more intimate and open your heart. Take a risk on intimacy, not just your investments. You prefer things to be clear, not murky, and with six planets in retrograde this month, your frustration levels may be at an all-time high. There is a relief, though. Mars slips back into Capricorn on August 13th, bringing focus and stability to your world, and it will stay there all month. At the end of the month, you'll be feeling so much better. 

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Hello, lover! The eclipses have been activating your 7th house of committed relationships since May 2017. Have you fallen in love, gotten married, moved in together, broken up, or gotten divorced? It's contradicting, but these eclipses are endings and new beginnings, all focusing on committed relationships. Sometimes you have to leave one to find the right one. This energy lasts for a year, so you've got a year to sort out your relationships. The next time this energy hits will be in 2037, so have fun. You always do what you want to do anyway, Aquarius. You're the wonderful, weird one of the zodiac. Mercury is playing the role of trickster this month; with all the incredible ideas you come up with, please just make sure they are feasible. This energy can promise more than it can deliver. At the end of the month, communication and movement are aligned again. Love is your answer, Aquarius. 

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Are you taking good care of yourself, Pisces? On August 11th, a new moon solar eclipse in Leo highlights your health, everyday routine, work, co-workers, and precious pets. With Leo ruling your 6th house, it's going to be fun, creative, and joyful. Self-care is the key. Try something new, go surfing, take a cooking class, hang out with your pets, and be creative with your work! Take risks and await the rewards. This energy lasts for a year, so you've got time. Pisces, you are your best self when you have dreams, and now is the time to take actions towards manifesting them. Mercury is out of whack, so make sure you are telling the truth because sometimes out of kindness you tell fibs. Be sensible right now and only offer what you can actually do. In the fall, everything starts moving fast, so get yourself cared for and ready, Pisces. 

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