In a certain corner of the world, Petra Collins and her crew of friends have become familiar faces. This loosely allied group of young women have been taking the art and fashion scenes by storm with a fascinating mix of photography, self promotion, nudity, performance, fashion, and feminism—documenting their lives and building their brand of ebullience one sensual snap at a time. This past December, after their show Literally Bye at The Standard, Miami for Art Basel Miami Beach, Petra, Julia Baylis, Carlotta Kohl, and Mayan Toledano hit the mud lounge for a bit of colorful exfoliation. Of course, Petra documented the entire thing on film, creating a dreamy series of pastel-hued nudes for our inaugural Spa Report.
Petra Collins, Julia Baylis, Carlotta Kohl, and Mayan ToledanoOCCUPATIONS:
Artists/Photographers/Models/Scene-makers/'It' GirlsPURPOSE OF STAY:
Their show Literally ByeSPA TREATMENT:
André Balazs Sunset Beach RoséACTIVITIES:
Taking pictures, exfoliating, lounging, gazing out at the bay