
'Yoga Rebel' Tara Stiles Heads to Hollywood

A night yoga class with Tara Stiles to celebrate the launch of her DVD

Tara Stiles, founder of StralaYoga in NYC, has been dubbed a "Yoga Rebel" by the New York Times, has led numerous yoga retreats at The Standard, Miami and Standard, Hollywood, and counts Deepak Chopra and Jane Fonda among her fans. Now you can easily join the ranks of her prestigious club, right from the comfort of your own living room! Last week The Standard, Hollywood had the pleasure of helping Tara Stiles, celebrate the launch of her new set of yoga DVDs, This is Yoga. The new DVD set is accessible for every difficulty level, contains a bevy of workouts convenient for any location, and, as an added bonus, they are super affordable ($20 for all four)! Pick up your copy today!

Tara's new DVDs were shot in some pretty spectacular locales, we might be biased but we think the segment that was shot at The Standard, Hollywood is the best.

To learn more about Tara Stiles new DVD set, This is Yoga, and for some handy workout tips, check out this interview Tara did with PopSugarTV:

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