We’re just going to go ahead and declare the 2010s (i.e. 2010-2020) "The Decade of the Girl." What does that mean exactly? Well, as we see it, this was a period when young women took over and owned the big stage—from music to the arts to the internet to media (Think Baé, Swift, Dunham, Tavi, Twigs, Schumer, Abby and Ilana, JLaw, to name just the biggest of the big). It was also the decade when girls decided that power and beauty need not be mutually exclusive, and can go hand in hand. And while we certainly have a long way to go in terms of #genderequality, we expect this trend to gain even more momentum in the last half of the decade. Our prediction: girls continue to rule, just more so. So when the vibe-y Aussie mag Monster Children asked us to be part of the GIRLS category of their annual photo competition and photo issue, the decision was a no-brainer. Today, Monster Children announced the winner. Scroll down to see some of our favorite submissions.