Out of all of our hotels, our guests seem to have the strongest attachment to The Standard Spa, Miami Beach. We get it. From the “welcome home” hug when you arrive to the social bathing culture that prevails to the mussels á la plancha and rosé at The Lido Grill, there’s a lot to love. The property and the city occupy a very special place in our hearts, too.
Set between South Beach and Downtown, but seemingly worlds away from both, the property offers a respite that few beside locals ever experience. It helps us not see Miami through South Beach-tinted lenses and gives us a different perspective on the city and its way of life—a first-hand view of the incredible evolution that Miami has undergone since we first opened our doors ten years ago.
In this issue, we take a look at some of the forces that contribute to the city’s unique identity, especially its cultural diversity and spirit that allow it to not just overcome, but thrive in the face of economic booms and busts, extreme weather, and health crises, emerging out of each moment a city even more compelling than it was before.
Enjoy this deep dive into Magic City.
— The Editors
Set between South Beach and Downtown, but seemingly worlds away from both, the property offers a respite that few beside locals ever experience. It helps us not see Miami through South Beach-tinted lenses and gives us a different perspective on the city and its way of life—a first-hand view of the incredible evolution that Miami has undergone since we first opened our doors ten years ago.
In this issue, we take a look at some of the forces that contribute to the city’s unique identity, especially its cultural diversity and spirit that allow it to not just overcome, but thrive in the face of economic booms and busts, extreme weather, and health crises, emerging out of each moment a city even more compelling than it was before.
Enjoy this deep dive into Magic City.
— The Editors

The Electric, Old Souls of Ibeyi
Escape Winter Malaise with Balarama Heller’s Stunning Photos of Miami’s Waterways
Fertile Soul: The Miami Sound
Here’s Your 2018 Horoscope. You’re Welcome.
Overheard in the Hamam
The Bellweather in Biscayne Bay: Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s ‘Surrounded Islands’
The Standard Guide to Global Bathing Cultures
Miami in the Making: The Photographs of Charles Hashim
Miami Style Profile: Danié Gomez-Ortigoza
If you can’t get your buns to The Standard for some reason, here are some outlets where you can find it in your city:
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KK Outlet- London
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Photographer’s Gallery- London
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South London Gallery- London
Tate Modern- London
Ti Pi Tin- London
Email theeditors@standardhotels.com for the full list of outlets.