This Just In!

Our House, Your House, Brauhaus: Our New Standard Beer with Sixpoint

"An easy-drinking, golden "Munich-style" lager with subtle hops that’s bright and refreshing." -Sixpoint Brewery

Girdle your dirndls, people, Oktoberfest is nigh! 

“But it’s only mid-September,” you say, “October is next month!” To that that we say: “Oktoberfest starts September 17th and it ends October 3rd! Yodel-ay-hee-hoo!?”

In honor of everyone’s favorite German, autumnal St. Patrick’s Day with a whole lotta name-trickery, we’re going big. We buddied up with Brooklyn’s lauded Sixpoint Brewery to brew STANDARD BRAUHAUS, our first canned beer that also happens to be the beer of your Oktoberfest dreams. Whether you’re sipping it in LA, NY, or Miami, we think it’s pretty much the perfect beer. Here’s why:

It’s a traditional German form of pale, helles (bright) lager. In Munich, a.k.a. the cradle of beer, this type is simply referred to as “spezial.” It’s spezial for a reason. No matter what city you’re in or what trouble you’re getting yourself into, it’s light and bright enough to drink your fill all day, and clear enough to feel good about it the next day. And at 5% alcohol, not only do we think it’s a beer drinker’s beer, but also any beer appreciator will find it perfectly refreshing. 

If you’re thirsty for it, too, you can find it at any of our restaurants in NY, LA, and Miami, as well as in all of our minibars in all of our hotels. It’s also available as a Brauhaus Special starting in October at The Standard, High Line, and that comes with a four-pack and a mighty-sized pretzel (nom, nom). 

To celebrate Oktoberfest and our new canned friend, we’re hosting free Sausage-Eating Contests (Sept. 17—Oct. 3, 10pm) at the Biergarten at The Standard, High Line. A T-shirt cannon (!) and some fun prizes may be involved. And to keep tradition alive, we have another Standard Biergarten float in NY's German-American Steuben Parade


Here’s a simple game we think you should play with our new cans...
You need 1 can and as many friends as you want to play with. If they don’t have fingers to play with, other body parts will do. 

To not be the last person still in the game. 

1. Each player places one finger on the lid of the can. The game progresses in a circle as each player takes a turn.  

2. The player whose turn it is says, “1…2…3…” and then a number of their choosing. This number can be anything between 0 and the total amount of players. 

3. As that player whose turn it is says their chosen numbers, all players either lift their finger from the can or keep their finger placed on the can. 

4. If the number of choice matches the amount of fingers still on the can, the player whose turn it is is out, which is the object of the game.  

ONE IMPORTANT CAVEAT: If you find yourself lucky enough to get out, you cannot celebrate in any way shape, shape, or form. If you so much as smile, you’re back in the game.

If you lose the game, you have to drink The Standard Brauhaus, which isn't really a punishment at all. 
Viel glück!

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