Saturday, November 28th, New York's own Gina Turner returns to Le Bain with the Tribes crew for Thanksgiving weekend.
LE BAIN: Last time we chatted was Summer 2014. You were in post baby fitness mode and about to release a bunch of new records. What have been the highlights since then?
Oh wow, so much as happened since then! Highlights have been my last releases on Safer at Night and Nervous Records with Tony Quattro! And rest assured there's more to come!
Gina Turner & Tony Quattro That Trumpet Track (Nervous Track)
You grew up in NYC and you said your mom was a Studio 54 girl. Did that have an impact on the fact that you went out in NYC clubs pretty early?
Oh my gosh, absolutely. I inherited all of her old disco vinyl so she is really one of the reasons that I'm a DJ!
Did she share her memories about it?
She told me really fun stories about studio 54 but I don't know if I should share them in this interview—they're kind of scandalous! (laughs)
How was it to go out in NYC in your teens. What was your first favorite club?
Absolutely 100% Sound Factory, now known as Pacha! I would go to sleep on Saturday night and wake up at 9am to get to the club at 10am on Sunday morning—it was the most epic experience ever.

November will be a feminine month at Le Bain. We have Eli & Fur, Discwoman, Mayssam and you playing...Do you think female DJs are underrepresented in the US dance music scene?
You know, I try really hard not to think of myself as a girl DJ. I like to think of myself as a DJ that happens to be a girl. However, the sad truth is we are underrepresented in the dance music community for sure. However, I have seen an amazing family-like connection happen between some of my close girlfriends who are DJs. We have an amazing email chain going on that's like a secret society of girl DJs on Gmail!
We know House is a spiritual thing, but probably not as much as yoga. As a yoga master yourself, what has it taught you on a spiritual level?
To me yoga is a way of life and I wouldn't be able to keep up with my busy DJ schedule and mommy life without yoga to ground me! I look forward to combining more events where I can teach yoga and DJ, so keep an eye out for that!
Gina Turner & Tony Quattro featuring Keeon Top Cat
Saturday, November 28th, Le Bain presents Tribes DJs with Gina Turner as a special guest. Doors 10pm. The Standard, High Line.
Header photo by Tina mitoyan
Saturday, November 28th, Le Bain presents Tribes DJs with Gina Turner as a special guest. Doors 10pm. The Standard, High Line.
Header photo by Tina mitoyan