
Your December Horoscope: Jupiter Enters Capricorn and it's Eclipse Season!

The Standard Spa, Miami Beach’s in-house astrologer, Lori Bell, did you a solid and laid out your month ahead. Thank her in person when you see her around the property and book an appointment to go deeper into your astrological chart (if you're not in Miami, she does readings via phone, too!). This month's biggest takeaways: Jupiter enters Capricorn and it's eclipse season!

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

Moving into the big leagues, Aries? How about a new job title: CEO, President, Founder, or Managing Director by the end of 2020? If this is the aim, lay your claim. One of your most fortunate career cycles in over a decade begins on December 3rd when Jupiter enters Capricorn in your 10th house of career. How's that for a Christmas present? It feels so good to be your celestial Santa, and if you don’t celebrate Christmas, you’ll have something to celebrate on the 25th anyway! Jupiter only comes around every 12 years; he was last in Capricorn from December 2007 to January 2009. Think back to your career at that time. Astrology is all about cycles; while there may be similar themes, this time around, you'll be approaching professional change with an older, and hopefully wiser, state of mind. There is no winging it, so you've got to be on your game, Aries; if not, you won't pass go. Patience must be your mantra this month. Please try not to act impulsively. You may need to be sedated or heavily vaped, so stock up. To ensure you get these messages, the universe is also sending a solar eclipse. Think new moon on steroids, landing in your career sector and the sign of Capricorn on December 26th. You must understand the importance of the long-term, big picture. I am begging you to shine laser-like focus on your professional goals. Cautious Saturn and all-powerful Pluto have been hanging out in this aspect of your chart for a while, grooming you to become the master of your career. Maintain your boundaries, be responsible, work hard and persevere. It's time to show the world your power and live up to your full potential, and I'm not just talking about your career!  While all work makes a very cranky Aries, go home for the holidays. Your home is where you get your nurturing. Hang with friends and family, eat, chill and get recharged. Aries, you're the courageous leader of our zodiac. In these trying times, the world needs you to inspire action with your signature strength and valor. The entrepreneurial Aries, Amancio Ortega, co-founder of Zara clothing retail shops, said, "Die of success? Give me a break! We've only just started.” What are you waiting for? Stand up and be recognized. And let me know when you're hiring, Aries! Happy Holidays, Aries. I can't wait to see the places you'll go this month. 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Time to broaden your horizons, Taurus!  Have you booked your holiday getaway yet? If not, open your travel apps right now. On December 3rd, Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, enters your BFF, Capricorn. Jupiter remains in Capricorn for the next 12 months, activating your 9th house of education, travel, different cultures and spirituality. Jupiter in Capricorn spotlights the serious stuff—integrity, ambition, hard work and well-defined plans. Your wanderlust this year must be one of purpose. Hanging out on an exotic beach drinking margarita is not going to cut it, dear Taurus. Attend a work-related training, study-abroad program, or mind-altering, spiritual sojourn. Jupiter now joins the cautious planet Saturn, who has been hanging out in your 9th house since last year. Add the transformative powers of planet Pluto, and you are poised and ready to take advantage of this celestial change storm. Don't let me down, Taurus, and don't get stuck in your stubborn ways. Instead, be inspired through learning, grow through travelling, stretch your limiting beliefs and leave your comfort zone behind. Jupiter was last in Capricorn from December 2007 to January 2009. Think back, what did you do to widen your perspective? It is time to take calculated risks involving different countries, cultures and philosophies. You may move overseas for work, love, or study. Start an eco-tourist company? Become the next Anthony Bourdain? Walk the Camino de Santiago to find your true calling? Just break free of convention. Surprise me with your adventures! The universe really wants you to get this message. On December 26th, a solar eclipse occurs in Capricorn. Eclipses are cosmic reboots, bringing change and new energy to the house where it lands. This powerful eclipse will hook up with Jupiter, along with Saturn and Pluto, in your very crowded 9th house!  What to do with all this Capricorn energy? Harness it and add greater responsibility, structure and self-mastery to your life. Just make learning this month's priority because knowledge is power. And you'll need this power to transform your world, Taurus, as 2019 draws to a close. I can't wait to see all your new stamps in your passport. Can I stow away in your Tumi? A fellow Taurus, the brilliant philosopher, Nobel Prize winner and peace activist, Bertram Russell, said, "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." Don't doubt yourself, Taurus. Happy holidays and buckle in! It’s full speed ahead in December. 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, it's time to dive deep. December 3rd ushers in a significant celestial event as the planet of luck and expansion enters your 8th house of intimacy, eroticism, shared resources and psychological patterns. Nothing evokes as much emotion as much as sex, intimacy, or money. The juicy stuff! The last time Jupiter made an appearance here was December 2007-January 2009. Think back to that period in your history for clues of what might be ahead. Breathe, Gem, it’s going to be ok. Jupiter brings luck wherever he goes. Maybe you'll get that inheritance, land a wealthy spouse, or win the lotto? At the very least, please invest and secure the loan or refinancing you’ve wanted. Make your money work for you. You may want to use some current political financiers as inspiration. Intimate relationships will intensify, and it's a prime opportunity to shed your emotional baggage. Superficiality cannot live in the 8th house, so be ready. Gemini, you've had the big badass planets, Saturn and Pluto, holding court there and demanding you shake things up!  Sex gets hotter and romance reigns—not the friends with benefits sort, but more of the real deal. This is the kind of month I dream about!  If your intimate relationships aren't satisfying on a deep level, you'll become restless, distracted and bored. This is like a slow death to Geminis, so make change happen. Your yearly full moon in Gemini falls on December 12th, beaming the spotlight on you for a positively perfect day!  On December 26th, the new moon Solar Eclipse—a "game-changer"—lands in your 8th house, reigniting the flame on money and sex. This house is jam-packed, calling for attention. If you haven't already, get your financial life in order. Hold yourself accountable. Buy your accountant a fabulous holiday gift so he or she will want to help you thrive. With the taskmaster sign of Capricorn governing this full house, you simply cannot say no to opportunities for great money-making or great sex. Come on, who would want to anyway? Still, you must prioritize decisions around sex, intimacy and money. Don't allow emotions to get the better of you. Think with your reasonable mind, too. I'll know that when you do not respond to my text messages, you'll be between the sheets, looking at stock options, or consulting a psychic. No matter what, you will emerge wiser, richer and hotter, Gem. A fascinating Gemini—sex therapist, author and Holocaust survivor Dr Ruth said, " When it comes to sex, the most important six inches are the ones between the ears." Here’s to those six inches, Gem, and happy holidays! 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Partnered or solo, which will it be, Cancer? I'd say your relationships were turbulent for all of 2019, right? The big boy planets, Saturn and Pluto, have been mining your 7th house of relationships for some time. You may have broken up, gotten divorced, reunited, or were just too scared to find a mate. We know how sensitive you are dear, Cancer. Emotional safety is your mantra. On December 3rd, Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters your 7th house of committed relationships. Phew! Your friends and family will be so happy not having to listen to your relationship woes. Jupiter brings optimism and levity, plus plenty of good fortune. If you are single, this rare, 12-year cycle is about to begin a new, coupled path. The last time Jupiter graced your 7th house was December 2007-January 2009. Go back in time, Cancer. How did you handle your relationships? Can you be proud of or embarrassed by your behavior? This time around, you're older, wiser, and, hopefully, more selective. The universe has been setting up your chart to ensure you get it right now. It brings the last eclipse of 2019 on December 26th in the sign of Capricorn. Solar eclipses are new moons, but a zillion times stronger. They are unpredictable, so expect the unexpected. Expected, however, is the activation of your 7th house of committed relationships. These eclipse cycles occur every 19 years. Pay attention to your astrologer: there are eclipses, Saturn, Pluto, and now Jupiter, all living in your 7th house. The serious sign of Capricorn rules this house; your sense of responsibility, hard work and sheer perseverance to keep your partnership afloat are the stuff of romance novels. I'm in awe. But Cancer, if the relationship had no more life force, stop trying to resuscitate it! Pull the plug. The partnerships which do last will last a lifetime. Those who are single, get prepared to fall hard. Cancer cheers to committed relationships! Often called America's Dad, actor Tom Hanks, a fellow Cancer, said, "It's just as hard...staying happily married as it is doing movies." Leave the moviemaking to Tom and let love rule. Happy holidays!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Leo, self-care is your new mantra. How can that not be a good thing for you? December kicks off with a major celestial event. The expansive planet Jupiter will begin his year-long visit in Capricorn and in your 6th house of health, work and daily routine. Rewind to December 2007-January 2009, the last time Jupiter resided there. In what ways were you taking care of yourself? Or should I not ask? Hopefully, this time will be different!  Wellness is cool; smoking and binge eating are not. It's essential to stay on top of the latest nutrition, fitness, or healing modalities. With Capricorn ruling this domain, you will be super disciplined, focused and hard-working when it comes to well-being. The serious, no-nonsense planet Saturn, along with the transformative planet Pluto, have been rearranging this area of your life for a while. If you've been dealing with health issues or power confrontations at work, things may be now monotonous and out of control. Finally, a reprieve! Jupiter waltzes in to add faith, inspiration, and vitality. Your health can improve—you'll gain greater satisfaction from your work and the daily grind won't seem so dreary. Think of it as a personal renovation—tear everything down to its foundation and then rebuild. The universe first sent in the big, hard planets, added a few eclipses, and then brought fun Jupiter to the starry soiree. Book those health appointments; visit a doctor of Chinese medicine, start crystal healing or go to a medical intuitive. You can begin with the annual basics and then get more adventurous. By the end of the year when your wellness journey is complete, you will be the expert in all matters of self-care. I'll plan to call you for references! There is one more solar eclipse hitting this area of your life on December 26th, ensuring your commitment to health and work. Think a new moon on steroids, urging you to pay attention to those aspects of your life that need change. The spotlight is on the 6th house once again—yep: self-care, career and day-to-day living. Shed all work habits that no longer serve you. Jupiter joins this eclipse, maximizing your need for purpose and fulfilment at work. You will be offered a promotion or look to move on professionally; either way, you've got this, Leo. You may just need to make a few internal shifts. The self-care will help prepare you. Working hard and doing your best come easily as long as you receive recognition and accolades. And you will. Heed my advice and you'll approach 2020 with optimal health. The brilliant Leo, Carl Jung, an astrologer, psychiatrist, and founder of analytical psychology said, "When astrology makes accurate news predictions, sometimes to the exact day, sometimes years before they happen—people ask me how it works and why it works. I say— ‘Synchronicity."  Go synchronize body, mind and spirit, Leo. Happy holidays!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Oh, the gifts the universe is giving you this holiday season, Virgo! On December 3rd, a major celestial event occurs when the expansive planet of luck and faith, Jupiter, enters Capricorn in your 5th house of romance, self-expression, creativity and kids. No more hiding out at home Virgo, it's playtime! Your 5th house has been under construction for quite a while, with the outer, big boss planets Saturn and Pluto holding court there. The universe is asking you to let go and transform this area of your life. Things haven't been too fun recently, dear Virgo, but that's all about to change. Thank the stars! Jupiter is in the house, calling for a creative revolution. Let passions unleash and set your inner wild child free. Think back to December 2007-January 2009 when Jupiter made his last visit. Did your self-expression feel squelched or inhibited? Not this time around. Jupiter expands all which it encounters—creativity, romance and joy can now flourish! With Capricorn ruling this area, you can a be a bit elitist. That's okay, Virgo; you can enlighten us with your cultural savvy and witty wiles. The universe really wants you to get this message of fun, so it is sending a solar eclipse to your sign on December 26th. It will be like a new moon, only a zillion times stronger. Eclipses come to invite change and shake you out of stagnation. Your 5th house has been uprooted for the past few years; let this eclipse, a.k.a. a "mini earthquake," bust things up in the best possible way. Does your right, artistic brain need more attention? Have you really been enjoying life lately? Are you allowing yourself playtime? The big boss planets, in place for a while, want to see you become a true master in these areas of life. As the zodiac's #1 perfectionist, you may have to loosen up to make this happen! Start indulging your imagination and get lost in silliness, play board games and go easy on yourself or your kids. You have the most responsible inner child around; let him/her have some fun as you enter the new year. To bolster this lighter energy, please go hang out with your friends; allow them to nurture you and join in the fun. Make sure to carve out solo moments and space, too. It's essential to the creative process. Fellow Virgo, the late, great fashion designer and creative genius, Karl Lagerfeld, said, “People who do a job that claims to be creative have to be alone to recharge their batteries. You can’t live 24 hours a day in the spotlight and remain creative. For people like me, solitude is a victory.” Cheers to creativity, romance, and some alone time! Happy Holidays, Virgo!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Libra, how about inner peace for your holiday gift? It can happen if you wish for it. December kicks off with a major celestial event; Jupiter planet of luck, expansion, and inspiration moves to Capricorn in your 4th house. This house governs the innermost parts of your life: home, family, history, and self-identity. Jupiter will remain there for one year. The last time he dwelled in your 4th house was December 2007-January 2009. Go back in time. Where were you living? How were your family dynamics? What did you think about yourself? Now, all of these areas can become healthier. Family relationships grow more accepting and loving during this time. Still, be careful; with Jupiter in Capricorn, you want to stay in control and in charge which is not ideal for keeping the peace. When Jupiter expands, it's an ideal time to move, renovate, or redecorate your home. Watch your spending because Jupiter in Capricorn gravitates toward the finest of everything without much thought to cost. You want to have money left afterwards!  On December 12th, the yearly full moon in your BFF Gemini, lands in the 9th house of travel. Maybe plan a holiday getaway? Expand your worldview; get away from home renovations; or take that needed break from family. The outer planets, taskmaster Saturn, and the all-powerful transformer, Pluto, have been tearing down and rebuilding your sense of roots. This hasn't been the most comfortable or easy alignment to handle. Rest assured; Jupiter's entry brings a ray of sunshine to a heavy process. The day after Christmas, a new moon solar eclipse highlights your home, roots, and family. Sound familiar? Yes, it's an ongoing theme and the universe truly wants you to get it right. An eclipse is the cosmos' wake-up call to shake things up. With the holiday time and your strong family values, it is your duty to get everyone together. You're the quintessential peacemaker. Whether your family is picture perfect or batshit crazy, you will help your group play nicely and look good while doing it--even if just on the Instagram photos. This focus on family will remain for the next 18 months!  Home is indeed where your heart is. When you've had enough family time, work will be your savior. The elegant Libra, Le Corbusier, architect, designer, and one of the pioneers of modern architecture said, "The home should be the treasure chest of living." Live large, Libra, and enjoy your treasure chest of inner peace, a beautiful home and harmonious family relations. Happy Holidays! 

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Scorpio, what mischief are you making? I get it, you feel compelled to act up, especially now with so much crazy in the world. You must continue to be an outspoken hero, sharing brutal honesty a la Maria Yovanovitch, former Ambassador to Ukraine and another badass Scorpio who testified during the impeachment hearings. December 3rd brings a much welcome celestial change for you, mysterious one. Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters Capricorn and activates your 3rd house of communication, attitude, community and siblings. Jupiter is joining structured Saturn and transformational Pluto in this 3rd house party. These outer, big boss planets having been rewiring 3rd house aspects for some time. Your mind and ways of communicating have dramatically changed. I do hope it has been for the better, dear Scorpio. If not, don't fret; Jupiter has come to lighten your thoughts because we all know you can go dark. Let Jupiter expand your mind and then share your inspired, and please, positive, thoughts with the rest of us. The last time Jupiter paid a visit to your 3rd house was in December 2007-January 2009. What were you up to? Where was your head at? This time around, you're older, wiser and know what you want. Focus on your 3rd house continues with a solar eclipse: think turbo-charged new moon, landing there on December 26th You can bust up old habitual behaviors that no longer serve you. Scorpio, with your disciplined, analytical and penetrating mind, you'll be able to see through BS in an instant. Take the time this month to tame your own BS and mind chatter. Meditate, listen to motivational podcasts, and shift your attitude. Then, open your laptop and write down what came to you. We all need to hear what you have to say. So, tweet post, blog and publish. You also want to keep your mind engaged and productive. Take or teach a class, get involved with your local community, engage in political debate with your siblings over holiday dinners. Just stay stimulated. It's all about deep and honest communications. Skip idle chitchat— it's so not you, particularly with Capricorn ruling this part of your chart. Fellow Scorpio, Kazuo Ishiguro, a British novelist, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and celebrated contemporary author, said, “One is not struck by the truth until prompted quite accidentally by some external event.”  Put pen to paper. Tell us your ideas and help keep it real, Scorpio. Happy Holidays!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Happy Birthday, Sag! Enjoy your birthday soirees and then it’s off to work, so don’t let the celebrations get too out of control. Jupiter, the planet of luck and the benevolent CEO, leaves your sign and enters Capricorn on December 3rd. He joins the cautious planet Saturn and transformative planet Pluto in your 2nd house of money, self-worth and talents. Sag, you're a natural-born businessperson. If you haven't realized it yet, you will this year!  All the zillion ideas and connections you've made, well, it’s time to build on them. It’s also time to spotlight your talents and show the world your fabulosity. Think back to December 2007-January 2009, when Jupiter was last in Capricorn. What was happening in your life, especially work? This go around, you have the benefit of experience, wisdom and, hopefully, some maturity, too. Jupiter visits this area only once every 12 years. Capitalize on it, Sag. Take those calculated risks; start a new business, ask for a promotion. Just make sure you are getting paid your worth and standing in your value!  By the end of 2020, you can be proud of your accomplishments on the work front and the added bonus of a very healthy bank account. On December 12th, the yearly full moon lands in your 7th house of committed relationships.  Spend time with your lover, or, if single, don't miss any holiday invites! Flirt, socialize and be seen. The last new moon solar eclipse of the year occurs on December 26th in the sign of Capricorn. Eclipses are new moons on steroids; they break up the status quo and demand change. No matter what, expect the unexpected. This eclipse falls into your 2nd house, joining planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto; it’s really crowded in there! It’s because the universe truly wants you to overhaul this area of your life. I’m talking about even more attention on self-worth, talents and money. Sound familiar? What an amazing opportunity to leverage skills, increase income and reach your highest potential. Jupiter will help deliver boundless rewards if you do!   I’m so excited for you and I wish I had this alignment. While reaping rewards, you also must stay responsible. Put yourself on a budget and tighten the belt. Think of ways to make your money work for you and for other good causes. You’ve got 18 months to figure out the details. Fellow Sag, Sean Parker, an entrepreneur and philanthropist, said, "I definitely wanted to earn my freedom. But the primary motivation wasn't making money but making an impact."  Find the path to both make money and pay it forward. I promise it will all pay off. Happy Holidays, Sag. 

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Capricorn, you are the cosmic star this month! Jupiter, the auspicious planet of luck and expansion, enters your sign on December 3rd. This is an astrologer's dream. When Jupiter hooks up with your sign, it's one of the best celestial alignments in the cosmos. He magnifies everything he touches, in this case, it’s you, dear, Cap! Who is your favorite Marvel superhero? Channel them and maybe explore a new secret power. Since 2008, the transformative planet Pluto has taken up residence in your 1st house of identity; taskmaster Saturn joined in last year. Together, they are revamping your sense of self. It hasn't been the easiest path toward personalization, I know. But you're the most tenacious, determined and pragmatic sign of the zodiac. You're also now part superhero. Hang on with Spidey-like webs and you'll reap serious rewards. Think back to December 2007-January 2009, when Jupiter was last in Capricorn. What image did you project to the world? How did you show your personal power? Older, wiser and more self-actualized, Capricorn, things have only gotten better for you. Your confidence draws people into your orbit; your leadership qualities distinguish you at work, at home and in the community. You are the wise counsel we go to for guidance. Guide us!  We all need it, especially in these chaotic times. On December 12th, the full moon in Gemini activates your 6th house of self-care. Indulge in a spa day and let others pamper you for a change. A mani/pedi while sipping wine, foot massage while bathing in a hammam—you get the idea, just in time for Christmas. The day after Christmas, a new moon solar eclipse once again shines the spotlight on you and your power. I know you like to hang out alone, but please don’t. Get out there and socialize; be seen and share your gifts. Do it in style, projecting your refined elegance. Hit the stores, revamp your wardrobe, hire a personal trainer, put on your bossy boots and step out. With Jupiter joining this eclipse, you can seriously accomplish anything you set your mind to. The eclipse will last up to 18 months; relish in the star power. The invincible Capricorn, Muhammad Ali, boxer, activist, legend and philanthropist said, "My mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it—then I can achieve it.” I believe in you and so should you. Happy holidays, Cap!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Aquarius, you're going on a trip, but this one doesn’t involve planes, trains, or automobiles. It doesn’t include hallucinogens either. This is an inward journey back to yourself. So, going home for the holidays could be very interesting this year. Jupiter, the auspicious planet of luck and expansion, enters the sign of Capricorn on December 3rd and activates the mysterious 12th house, your door to self-awareness, connection to the divine and keeper of hidden secrets. Deep stuff, indeed. Jupiter intensifies anything he encounters; when in the 12th house, he is seeking the truth!  Can you handle it? You've had the heavy planets, transformative Pluto and taskmaster Saturn, leading this personal, archaeological dig for a while and it hasn't been an easy go. Jupiter will help to make the process of self-discovery more rewarding. Think back to December 2007-January 2009, when he was there last. What magical or mystical encounters did you have? Did you engage in reckless behavior, drop out of college, or join the circus? Whatever you did, you get another go at it. The keys to open the 12th house are meditation, stillness, retreat, music, art, or helping others. By cultivating these practices, your compassion and empathy will naturally expand. Our world is in desperate need of compassion, so no pressure, Aquarius, but as the humanitarian of the zodiac, we need you to work that 12th house!  Go retreat into your private, spiritual world however you choose. Then seek out ways to pay your wisdom forward. Be of counsel to loved ones, lead yoga class, pull tarot cards, be of service to those in need, especially during the holidays. In case you don't do what the universe is asking, a new moon solar eclipse will hound you again on December 26th, by landing, uh huh, in Capricorn and your 12th house. Eclipses are wild cards and last for 18 months. There is a part of you that wants to stay cloaked behind Capricorn's mountain goat symbolism—serious, determined, responsible and sometimes bleak. But this is the time to uncover secrets, connect with humanity and clear out negative cobwebs in your mind. By the end of 2020, you will emerge a kinder and more compassionate human being. Fellow Aquarian Matthieu Ricard, a Tibetan Buddhist monk and photographer dubbed "The World’s Happiest Man” said, “Being altruistic not only helps us to benefit others, but it is also the most satisfying way to live.” Enjoy the trip to a better you!  Happy Holidays, Aquarius. 

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Pisces, you gotta have friends! Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, is moving into your 11th house of friendship, hopes and dreams. It's time to socialize!  You've prioritized your career for the past year and now it’s about tending to your friends. This is not the time to go it solo; you need people and they need you for mutual connection and benefit. The last time Jupiter spread his sparkle dust here was in December 2007-January 2009. Who were you hanging out with? Who was your bestie? What were your aspirations? Astrology works in cycles; hopefully you have grown and gained wisdom in these aspects of your life since then. Now you should be networking for work, play and politics. It’s almost 2020— join a local campaign. Look to your dreams for motivation; daydreaming counts. Capricorn governs over your 11th house, Pisces, and you are the master networker, knowing who to meet and who to ditch. Put these skills to the test in December. The big boss planets, transformative Pluto and taskmaster Saturn, have been holding court in your 11th house for a few years. Friendships and alliances are challenged, and it has, at times, been brutal. I’m sorry. But you will prevail. Everyone will want to befriend you and you will be motivated to seek out new, close relationships of your own. To ensure that you truly get the message, a new moon solar eclipse lands in Capricorn on December 26th. What makes this eclipse so special is the participation of fun-loving Jupiter. It activates your 11th house of, once again, friends, community and future aspirations. You with me? You must unite with your posse—existing and newly acquired. Pisces love the diversity of people. Keep it fresh and interesting. Use holiday-time social energy to bring people together—from suits to creatives, entrepreneurs to healers, boomers to hipsters. It is up to you to bring the tribe together and lead the pack. A visionary Pisces, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple and business magnate, said, “Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people.” Gather your team and build new dreams together, dear Pisces. Happy holidays!  


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