Meet Our Staff

Family Portraits: Sabina, Rudy, Mallory, and Julio

In the latest installment of our Family Portraits series, meet Sabina Shah, Rudy Popper, Mallory Colin, and Julio Herrera—members of our fam at The Standard, Downtown LA. We're happy to know them, and thankful to work alongside them. Say "hey" to them the next time you're there. You're part of our family, too. 


Name: Sabina Shah

Years at The Standard, Downtown LA: 8

Position: Rooftop Server

From: Detroit
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
People say I’m… 
"Outspoken, chatty [Laughs], loyal, creative, stubborn."

Common misconceptions about you: 
"Well, I get asked on a daily basis where I'm from. No one can figure out what ethnicity I am. In fact, only 19 people in the past decade have guessed right on the first try. I am East Indian. So I guess the most common misconception is that people think I'm not."

What quality do you most admire in others?
"Having an open mind. Discipline. Compassion."

Proudest “life” moment: 
"One of them was when I traveled to Italy by myself for two weeks, and after traveling long and far, I was face-to-face with one of my favorite paintings, Tribute Money, in Florence. I was proud of myself for making that happen and traveling solo."

What do you like to do when you’re not working? 
"Thrift store shopping. Going to see any type of show. I like to go to neighborhoods around the city and wander. I love to read. I like to sleep."

Passion project:
"Spreading awareness of animal cruelty and doing my part in protecting animal welfare. I'm a lifelong vegetarian."


Name: Rodolfo “Rudy” Popper

Years at The Standard, Downtown LA: 15

Position: Engineering Supervisor

From: Mexico/Belize

Astrological Sign: Leo
People say I’m… 
"Very calm. People never see me upset. I’m always happy and smiling."

Common misconceptions about you: 
"That I’m easily taken advantage of."

What quality do you most admire in others?
"Having an open mind. I like when people listen and are not quick to criticize."

Secret talent: 
"Playing fútbol."

Proudest “life” moment: 
"Meeting my wife. I was introduced to her by a friend, and it was love at first sight."

What do you like to do when you’re not working? 
"I love watching movies."

Passion project:
"Working in the yard at home, planting and gardening."

Favorite song of all time: 
"Anything from Lobo."


Name: Mallory Colin

Years at The Standard, Downtown LA: 8 months

Position: Design Assistant

From: Davis, CA

Astrological Sign: Leo
People say I’m…
"Tall and full of glitter. Both are true—I’m 5’9” and keep a martini glass full of glitter by my bathroom sink so it’s easy to pour on my face every morning."

Common misconceptions about you: 
"People think my younger sister is older than me. It drives me nuts."

What quality do you most admire in others?
"These days, eyes are glued to screens and people miss what’s physically in front of them. I appreciate people who live in the moment. I can feel the authenticity in those who disconnect among the connected."

Secret talent: 
"I’m known among my friends for being terrible in the kitchen. I make really great breakfast. No one knows that because everyone hosts dinner parties, not breakfast parties."

Proudest “life” moment:
"Paying for my first Euro trip on my own. I saved for a whole year, which was difficult being  21 in San Francisco. That trip was my first true adult moment, and it felt so good. Even though I was immediately robbed in Berlin, I had finally made my childhood dream vacation a reality."

What do you like to do when you’re not working? 
"Two-person dance parties with my sister in the kitchen, seeking off-the-grid spots in LA, live music at dive bars, and spray painting items on my apartment balcony. The apartment management company hates to love me."

Passion project:
"At the moment, I’m working on my design thesis titled 'I’ve Got Baggage.' I’m designing a backpack collection inspired by the importance of maintaining a healthy state of mind in our every day lives. This project tells the story of those who suffer from mental health issues in a creative way, allowing people to understand this misunderstood world." 

Favorite song of all time: 
"'Vienna' by Billy Joel."


Name: Julio Herrera

Years at The Standard, Downtown LA: 12

Position: Painter and Supervisor

From: Guatamala 

Astrological Sign: Capricorn
People say I’m… 
"Persistent in getting things done. I like things to be done properly."

Common misconceptions about you: 
"That I’m mean, because I tend to have a serious face when I walk around."

What quality do you most admire in others?
"Generosity towards others. I admire people's generosity, because I like their good actions."

Secret talent: 
"I like to sing. I sing a lot around family and friends."

Proudest “life” moment: 
"Having 3 children. My children are the best thing that's happened to me."

What do you like to do when you’re not working? 
"Spend time with my family and camping. I love camping. I also enjoy hunting."

Passion project:
"Remodeling my house. I’m currently remodeling my kitchen, bathrooms, and living room."

Favorite song of all time: 
"'Luna De Xelaju.' I used to sing this to my grandfather."

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