
Your May Horoscope: Take Time To Dream

The celestial skies are literally and figuratively lit this month, with planets out of bounds, the kickoff of eclipse season, and at the end of the month, Mercury’s retrograde. But forget retro for a minute, as May offers us a glimpse into the future, and we all can benefit from hope for a better future. The most significant astrological event occurs on May 13 when Jupiter's ingress into his domicile, Pisces, gifts us with a few months of blessings, renewal, and healing. There will still be many challenging alignments in 2021 as the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus permeates the entire year, manifesting itself in, among other ways, the deep polarization in the United States, systemic racism, and conspiracy-consuming cultists continuing to chug the Kool-Aid. Hang tight and hold fast, as Jupiter enters Pisces for a brief respite from May 13 to July 28, offering a preview of what 2022 has in store for us. And it’s good. This healing alignment is a gift allowing us to move forward, but not before grieving and honoring the losses experienced in 2020. What inspires you and draws you onwards? Jupiter in Pisces is a very spiritual, inward placement: hopeful, compassionate, and merciful. We can achieve a great deal of personal transformation during his sojourn through the Piscean depths. Jupiter in Pisces is at home where he can stabilize, bring order to the chaos, and find solutions through benevolence, compassion, and generosity. Feelings and emotional wellbeing are amplified; take time to dream and to envision a better world. The amazing Amanda Gorman, poet, activist, National Youth Poet Laureate, and President Joe Biden’s chosen inaugural poet, was born with Jupiter in Pisces. "When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid. The new dawn blooms as we free it. For there is always light. If only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it,” Gorman writes. Here’s to being brave and to being whatever “It” is for you!  

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Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)
Get inspired, Aries! You’ll have help, as the first few weeks of May are brimming with activity. Now’s the time to socialize, to connect with your neighbors, siblings, and friends - safely, of course. A major celestial event occurs on May 13, as Jupiter enters into magical Pisces, staying there through July 28 and giving you a grand preview of the first five months of 2022. Intuitive Jupiter in Pisces is feeling, sensing, and healing. It invites you to daydream, imagine, and go inward. Jupiter, in its rulership in Pisces, is giving, generous, and amplifies emotional wellbeing. Jupiter will dwell in your 12th house of retreat, closure, escapism, and spiritual surrender. Do make room in your world for warm respite and a gentle retreat toward your inner world of dreams. Channel your inner Stevie Nicks or Billie Eilish and take a deep dive into your imagination by daydreaming, resting, and communing with art, music, or spirituality. Jupiter was last in Pisces in 2010, and there may be echoes here from that previous cycle. You may feel more tired, or need more sleep, so have compassion for yourself and be gentle. Volunteer Aries, your altruism and selflessness are expanding; while you help others, you heal yourself. This cycle is preparing for you for May 2022, when Jupiter kicks off a new 12-year cycle in Aries. Think of this magical Jupiter cycle as a celestial sabbatical to go within, rest, recharge, and indulge your imagination. Eclipse season starts on May 26, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. Eclipses carry the signature of change. They shake us up, turn us around and ask us to adapt to changing conditions. Your 9th house of travel, philosophy, learning, and different cultures is heightened. A full moon eclipse is a release, an ending, emptying the vessel to create space for something new and exciting. This potent lunation may bring to light your quest for a deeper meaning in your life, something that inspires you and ignites your passionate fire, Aries! You may get to travel outside the country once again as restrictions are lifted for vaxxed folk, or you may choose to study something you’ve been avoiding because you’ve had zero motivation. Whatever inspires you this magical month of May, follow it. We’ll be right behind you! 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
Buckle up, birthday boys and girls, because the first few weeks of May will have the celestial skies abuzz with the desire to reconnect with the world. Obviously it’s your birthday month, so celebrate with people longing to connect in person. The yearly New Moon in your sign arrives on May 11, when an inspiring lunation aligns harmoniously with magical Neptune. Your creative potential gets an infusion that will inspire you through collaborations. Rebellious Uranus has been liberating you from old beliefs or ways of being. Do you make your birthday wishes grand this year? Add a wish for the world as well, please. On the 11th, the expansive and optimistic planet Jupiter enters mystical Pisces like a rando house guest looking to crash on your couch. It’s a short but enlightening stay, giving you a preview of the first half of 2022. Taurus, this is your gift from the cosmos; Jupiter will dwell in your 11th house of collaborators, friends, hopes, dreams, and future aspirations. Jupiter gives you the impetus to break free from self-imposed restraints. Indulge your imagination, wonder, and fantasies; this indulgence will lead to inspiration. Jupiter in Pisces is grace, kindness, benevolent generosity, and collective healing. Not the time to start projects solo, you need a team that will support you back. You will find your dream team if you are inclined. Before you can have a future, you need to imagine one. Let your imagination be your secret weapon for the next two and half months. Eclipse season begins on May 26, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. Eclipses are to shake us up; during lunar eclipses, you are encouraged to let go of whatever is no longer serving you. A culmination always occurs on the edge of a new beginning. This potent lunation occurs in your 8th house of intimacy, shared resources, and inner transformation. This house allows for profound transformation; what is non-essential that you need to release? The answer can be obvious or subtle. Because your nature is to hold on, take an honest inventory, and give up what you no longer need to make room for things you do need. Happy Birthday!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The planets are buzzing in your sign this month! On May 3, Mercury, your CEO, shifts into Gemini, with Venus joining in on the 8th creating a Gemini lovefest. Talk about ideal timing, as restrictions are easing up in the U.S. and the cosmos are finally giving us a joyous celebration. You are a social sign that is flirty, curious, playful, and entertaining. Socialize and connect with the outer world; your gifts are in high demand as we can all benefit from your wit, enthusiasm, and youthful energy. Plan a vacation, get offline and shop inside a store, dine out in your favorite local hangout, and let's all do our part to support local businesses. Enjoy your freedom of movement, relish in how precious life is and all we took for granted pre-pandemic. A significant celestial event arrives on May 13, as Jupiter, King of the Gods, enters into mystical Pisces in what can only be described as the peanut butter and chocolate of astrology—an ideal merger bringing benevolence, healing, generosity, emotional wellbeing, and intuition. Being an air sign, you dwell in the cerebral, whereas Jupiter in Pisces is instinctive, intuitive, and swims in the world of feelings. Jupiter has a short two and a half month stay in Pisces, giving you a preview of the first five months of 2022 and activating your 10th house of career. The last time Jupiter transited your 10th house was in 2010; similar themes may resurface. Jupiter ignites your motivation and confidence to release any self-imposed limitations you have set. As you move confidently in your professional world, your reputation and worldly aspirations elevate with Jupiter's expansive influence. This a preview of what you might devote yourself to in 2022 when Jupiter permanently enters Pisces. The first eclipse of 2021, a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, occurs on May 26, highlighting your 7th house of committed personal and professional partnerships. Eclipses are unpredictable wildcards, intending to shake us up and awaken us, even when uncomfortable. A lunar eclipse allows us to see people in a different light. This shift in perspective is critical, even though you may not always like what you see. During lunar eclipses, you are encouraged to let go of whatever is no longer serving you or what you have outgrown. It can be a partnership that has come to an end or simply a way of relating to others who no longer serve you. Whatever the case, don’t dump your imagination. As Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Circle back, Gem!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Step outside your home, Cancer! It is time to reemerge—cautiously, of course. As the vaccination rollout increases daily and restrictions are lifted, life eases back to semi-normal. Socialize, play, and connect with your dearest friends and family. The first few weeks of May invite us to celebrate life and all that we took for granted pre-pandemic. A significant celestial event occurs on May 13 when Jupiter enters into magical Pisces for a short stay through July 28, giving you a taste of what 2022 has in store. Jupiter in Pisces is healing, generous, benevolent, mystical, and magical. Indeed, an exciting new cycle. Jupiter activating your 9th house ignites the quest to search for greater meaning and direction in your life. Spirituality, wisdom, knowledge, and long-distance travel will expand your worldview. Find a shaman and go on an inward vision quest. Drop into the intuitive realms, dig into the healing world of plant medicine, or go back to college; whatever path you choose, you're inspired to have more meaning in your life. Expand your consciousness to develop into your highest potential. The first lunar full moon eclipse arrives on May 26 in Sagittarius in your 6th house of wellbeing, self-care, co-workers, and, yawn, mundane daily routines and habits. Eclipses carry the signature of change. A lunar eclipse is an ending, a culmination, a release, and creating a way for a new way of being. It is an opportunity to release what you have outgrown, to move beyond your habitual routines, bring in fresh perceptive. You’ve done mundane for long enough. Shake it off and lose the dead weight as you reenter this new world that’s waiting for your arrival!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Leo, May is the month to take a leap and assimilate safely back into the world. Don't forsake safety, even though more people are fully vaxxed, but do reconnect with your tribe in person. The cosmos are inviting you to play and celebrate how precious life is, focusing on all we’ve taken for granted, pre-pandemic. Mercury and Venus are playful, with curious Gemini igniting your house of friends and networking. The most anticipated celestial event arrives on May 13 as expansive Jupiter enters into mystical Pisces for a brief stay, giving you a preview of what 2022 offers. Jupiter in Pisces is a very spiritual, inward placement, where you can achieve a great deal of personal transformation during his sojourn through the Piscean depths. He activates your 8th house of personal transformation, intimacy, and shared resources. Jupiter in Pisces emphasizes deeper emotions, psychological state of mind, soul-security, and sexual power and adventures. It’s the juicy stuff, Leo, and it takes some courage to take a deep dive in the 8th house. Before you take the plunge, you'll have to clear out your emotional baggage first. Pisces in Jupiter is healing. Your finances and investments can expand; learn about cryptocurrency, or if you need financing, now’s the time to initiate it. Jupiter is here only until July 28, so chop chop! But wait, there’s more! A full moon lunar eclipse arrives on May 26 in Sagittarius, highlighting your 5th house of self-expression, creativity, children, and romance. It is the natural house of Leo, so express yourself! Lunar eclipses are endings, a culmination, a release, on the precipice of something new. Have you been languishing during Covid? Some of you may have had to homeschool your kids. Now that schools are reopening, it’s time to release what began in late December at the solar eclipse. Focus on your joy and channel your inner child, Leo. If that joy got lost wandering off somewhere during the pandemic, it’s back now, along with the mojo needed to dive back into this wonderful new world.

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

Welcome back to the world, Virgo! As the vaccination rollout continues, we are all eager to re-engage; you are the one to show us how to do so safely. The month kicks off abuzz with activity, as your ruler Mercury, along with Venus, activates your 10th house of career in Gemini. Your mind is quick and filled with mental acuity, but you may be on stimulation overload between emails, networking and conversations, so be mindful of multitasking and taking on too much. Try to limit those Zoom meetings, remind yourself to keep your work and home life balanced. The blessings of Jupiter arrive on May 13 as he enters into magical Pisces, where he’ll stay briefly until July 28, giving you a sneak peek of 2022. Jupiter in Pisces is potent, healing, benevolent and generous. Your committed personal and professional relationships get a shot of emotional wellbeing, forgiveness, and healing. What do you need to learn within your relationships, dear Virgo? How do you wish to relate to those closest to you? Stop analyzing and drop into your intuition and profound instinctual nature. Pisces is devotional, so choose your partners wisely—are they worthy of your kindness? A full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius emerges on May 26, carrying the signature of change, asking us to grow beyond what we have previously known. The 4th house of your private, innermost self, your home, and your family is activated. This lunation is a culmination of sorts and the changes will be apparent. Your home life is changing; it can be a move, a renovation, or an inner shift that needs to be released. Change is good, Virgo, so relish in what the celestial skies are gifting you this magical month of May.

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Time to socialize again, Libra! May is the ideal month to travel—especially for those who are fully vaxxed and don’t have to quarantine. Those not yet jabbed, please be safe out there. Mercury and your ruler, Venus, are in Gemini, igniting your 9th house of travel, philosophy, learning, and spirituality. You're eager for intellectual pursuits, expanding your mind, and new experiences. Art museums are open; visit one, immerse yourself in beauty. Conversations will take on a more meaningful tone; what are your priorities in life? Share, connect, and expand your world with others. The most significant celestial event arrives on May 13, when expansive Jupiter enters into magical Pisces, bestowing us with blessings. Jupiter in Pisces offers nourishment, hope, and healing. Your 6th house of wellbeing, self-care, daily routine, and work gets an infusion of enthusiasm and emotional stability. How are you taking care of yourself, dear Libra? Drop into the wisdom of your body, listen to it, and pay attention. It is an excellent time to improve your health and develop a daily wellness routine. Libra, add alternative healing modalities, learn to meditate, and follow your intuition. Work that contributes to your personal growth is fulfilling. Think back to 2010, if you can remember that long ago. Similar themes from then may resurface, as this was the last time Jupiter was in Pisces. It’s a short stay, giving you a sneak preview of 2022. Eclipse season begins on May 26, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. Time to expand your mind and rid yourself of perceptions no longer serving you. This lunation is a time of release and ending to make way for the new. This eclipse is shaking up your mental circuitry, inviting new ways of thinking and an improved attitude about how you adapt to the changing daily environment. Pack lightly, Libra, and enjoy this journey into the new now. 

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

Love is in the air, Scorpio! The planets are igniting your houses of relationships as the month kicks off with Mercury and Venus in Gemini, activating your 8th house of intimacy, shared resources, and transformation. Gemini is playful; you can express yourself with greater ease, and even the tricky issues can be addressed in a light-hearted manner. The yearly new moon in Taurus arrives on May 11 in your 7th house of committed personal and professional relationships. This lovely new moon aligns positively with Neptune and Pluto; you have an opportunity to deepen existing partnerships. Long-term relationships always need a refresher; this is your yearly chance to do so, to see your partner through reinvigorated eyes. Those who are single plant the seeds to initiate a relationship; new moons are a new beginning, blossoming in October at the full moon. Let love in Scorpio! The most anticipated celestial event arrives on May 13, when expansive Jupiter enters into magical Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces brings a shower of blessings, magic, healing, and benevolence. Pisces are in sync with your nature and the feeling realms of intuition, imagination, dreaming, wandering, and generosity. He has a short stay, giving you a glimpse of what 2022 beholds. Your 5th house of creativity, romance, self-expression, and children are activated. You have an abundance of creative energy, self-confidence, and joy! After 14 months of difficulty and witnessing massive suffering, this is a blessing. Get your happiness back, or elevate it to a higher level and share it widely!  A full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius emerges on May 26. Eclipses (and pandemics) shake us up, forcing us to grow beyond what we've previously known, teaching us that nothing is permanent in the world. Your 2nd house of money, your talents, and self-worth is activated. Full moon eclipses are a release, an ending, or adjustment to make room for something new. What or whom do you need to dump? Your stinger is sharpened, Scorp, but remember to choose love!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

May is an epic month, Sag! The celestial skies are lit up like a movie premiere, with you playing a starring role. Get out of hibernation and start safely socializing. During the first week of May, Mercury and Venus move into Gemini, into your 7th house of committed personal and professional relationships. These planets bring harmony, playfulness, and ease to all your relationships, allowing you to express your love and affection effortlessly. Relationships flourish; for those who are single, a new love may enter your life now. Socialize, get on a dating app, and start swiping! The most significant celestial event for you arrives on May 13, when your ruler Jupiter enters Pisces, where he will stay for a brief visit until July 28, giving you a glimpse of what 2022 beholds. Jupiter in Pisces is magical, generous, benevolent, and healing, giving you the motivation and self-confidence you’ve always dreamed of. Your 4th house of home, family, and your inner private world is ignited. You have the soul of a nomad. Have you dreamed of living abroad or renting out your place and working remotely while you roam? Begin to imagine, dream, and fantasize about what you want your ideal home life to be. Healing family dynamics and personal growth are the benefits of this cycle. Jupiter in Pisces is about feeling, not thinking; it is instinctual. You can soften and become more sensitive to others, especially family members. Some of you may want to start a family now. This Jupiter cycle is magical; imagine it, and make it happen in 2022. Until then, eclipse season begins on May 26 with a full moon lunar eclipse in your sign. Eclipses shake us up and this one’s no different, giving you a rapid infusion of self-awareness. A new you is about to emerge! Full moon eclipses are releasing, an ending of sorts on the cusp of newness. Release those parts of you that no longer serve you. Sagittarius, we’re ready for your close-up!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

May is inviting you to celebrate life, Capricorn! On May 11, the annual new moon in Taurus will happily activate your 5th house of pleasure, creativity, joy, and romance. Spring has sprung and so should you, so leave the office, get off the computer, find your inner kid and go play! This positive lunation offers a fresh start, renewal, or awakening of your creativity, sensual nature, and zest for life. Visit an art museum, spend time in nature, and slow down, Cap. The major celestial event arrives on May 13 as the expansive planet Jupiter moves into mystical Pisces. He is giving us a couple of months of blessings and hope for the future, remaining there briefly until July 28, offering glimpses of what 2022 will look like when Jupiter moves back into Pisces. Jupiter in Pisces is inviting you to hope, heal and be inspired to live a life aligned with your dreams. Jupiter ignites your 3rd house, influencing your mind and consciousness mostly, but also your attitude, learning, and community. It illuminates the areas in which you can weed out all your old negative patterns and behaviors. Cap, your mind can oftentimes wander down some dark alleys, but this time your consciousness can expand and become more positive. A happier, more compassionate, and caring Capricorn can emerge. The 3rd house is cerebral, while Pisces is all intuitive, feeling, imaginative, and instinctual. Eclipse season begins on May 26 with a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, activating your 12th house of retreat. A full moon lunar eclipse signifies a release and ending. You are saying goodbye to the hidden parts of yourself that need to be released. Capricorn, you thrive on your alone time; it is critical to your wellbeing. Take it and try to integrate meditation and contemplation into your life. Rest up and tend to your spiritual life. Let May bring you pleasure while expanding your consciousness! The best of all worlds, Cap!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Get happy, Aquarius! May is buzzing with social activity. Celebrate life as you safely return to socializing within your comfort level. On May 20, Mercury and Venus enter lively Gemini, with the Sun following closely behind. They will all be livening up your house of pleasure, creativity, children, and romance. Encouraging you to do what makes you happy, Venus adds magnetism, charm, and harmony to relationships. Cerebral Gemini sparks stimulating conversations and attends lectures in person if possible. Go to museums, do all the pleasurable activities you haven't been able to do since Covid. How exciting! The major astrological event is on May 13, when the Kings of Gods, Jupiter, enters mystical Pisces, blessing us with hope for a better future. Jupiter in Pisces dwells in the emotional world of feelings, fantasy, imagination, and generosity. He is benevolent, healing, and magical. Jupiter’s stay is brief, leaving on July 28, but giving you a sneak preview of what’s in store for 2022. Jupiter expands wherever he lands, this time in your 2nd house of money, self-worth, talents, and what you value. Aquarius, what do you truly  value? Drop into your intuition, not your mind, for the answer. What you value reflects how you feel about yourself. Jupiter adds confidence, wisdom and gives you what you ask for. Just knowing what you want is a profound epiphany, so use this time to ponder your goals and improve your work, finances, or personal values. Use the next few months to pontificate, dream, and imagine, and in 2022, be prepared to take action. A full moon lunar eclipse arrives on May 26 in Sagittarius. Eclipses are unpredictable wildcards, shaking us up and breaking us out of our limitations. Your house of friends, networks, organizations, and future aspirations are highlighted this lunation. Full moon eclipses are endings, adjustments, and closures to make room for the new. Aquarius, you may have to let go of friends or group associations that no longer work for you, but trust the process to allow for new people to enter and enhance your orbit in magnificent ways!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

Pisces, May is magnificent thanks to two significant celestial events which are milestones for your future. The month begins as Mercury and Venus enter Gemini in the first week of May, highlighting your home and family. The Sun joins in on May 20. Many of us have not seen our family members or loved ones due to the pandemic, and now with the vaccination rollout underway, we can finally be reunited. Your home can be brimming with activity during this harmonious, celebratory time. Enjoy it! The most exciting and fabulous astrological event for you arrives on May 13 through July 28, when expansive Jupiter enters Pisces. This is your moment. The world is ready, aching, yearning for your ideas, visions, imaginings, and healing. Jupiter in Pisces is a blessing, a hope for a better future; it is generous, benevolent, and healing. A new 12-year Jupiter cycle begins with an infusion of self-confidence and vitality, amplifying your creative potential. Pisces, this is a sneak preview of what’s to come in 2022. Reflect back to 2010, the last Jupiter cycle in Pisces, and you may recognize echoes from the past resurfacing. Dream, imagine and ponder how you want to live your life and what you can bring to the world. In 2022 take action. Your dreams can be prophetic, providing poignant glimpses into the future. Eclipse season begins on May 26, with a full moon lunar eclipse in Sagittarius. Eclipses are unpredictable signatures of change. Lunar eclipses are endings, an adjustment, or a release. They shake us up, stretching us to grow; often, it's not comfortable. Your career and home life are activated, Pisces. The adjustment is in your career, public image, and worldly ambition. There is an ending to a job or a project finally completed. Something in your professional life has come to an end. You may move or need to spend more at home. Do you know an opening for new beginnings is on the horizon? Eclipses last for six months. Get ready, Pisces, your world is about to change in the most magnificent ways!


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