Stan D'Arde

Playboy's Big Reveal

When I was a little Stan D'elinquent on the brink of manhood, I started experiencing these bizarre and unfamiliar feelings. A certain pain in my loins. A burning, yearning sensation that was driving me crazy! For any other adolescent, you would think it was the onset of puberty, but in my case, it turned out to be the extra tight Pierre Cardin corduroy pants which my mother inflected upon me.

After I shed those ill-fitting designer fashions, I found that the yearnings continued, but this time, I found solace not in my own nudity, but in that of others, strewn within the page's of my father's Playboy magazine. While he read the publication for the articles, I liked to peruse the photos for my personal entertainment. Don't judge. I was 14.

This year, the magazine turns 60 years old, and the honchos behind the bunny ears have brought on Neville Wakefield as the Creative Director of Special Projects. His first order of business? PLAYBOY MARFA, an all American art installation in the middle of the Texan desert. The work, designed by Richard Phillips, is a glowing white neon 40-foot Playboy bunny towering high above a 1972 Dodge Charger perched on concrete plinth.

And how does one announce a stellar project like this? With a party at The Standard, High Line of course! Last night, New York's biggest names in art and fashion gathered in the High Line Room for a Texan style dinner under a smaller replica of the Marfa work.

There's only more to come for Playboy this year, and we're going to be bringing it to you piece by piece. Stay tuned, and keep those bunny ears perked.


All photos courtesy of BFA.

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