Here at The Standard, we’re not just hotels, we’re the thousands of people who stay, work and create with us. Together, our vote is our voice. Let's not stay silent on the things that matter.
"So many people have been jailed, beaten or killed so that I can have the privilege to vote and so I honor their sacrifice every time I cast my ballot." - Taryn Copeland

“I’m ready to hold leaders accountable for putting the safety of Americans first!” – Clifton Williams III

"The power to choose, the power to speak up, the power to vote." - Xhejn Pulaj

"Besides being our right, I see it as a privilege to contribute our individual voices to our democracy. When you think about how many people had to fight for this privilege, I also see it as my responsibility to cast my vote." - Darryl Gibson

“Too many women before me have fought long and hard for the right to Vote – it is of utmost importance to do these women justice and exercise my rights.” – Sara Sterling

"I have to vote. Everything I believe in is at stake. Women and LGBTQ rights, civil liberties, immigration, environment, health care, you get it! Go vote, our lives depends on it." - Lori Bell