
Your February Horoscope

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Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

The pace picks up with all the planets in direct motion! Your ruler Mars is in his power in Capricorn, giving you laser-like focus and determination to accomplish what you set your sights on and igniting your career for the entire month. The month begins with a new moon in Aquarius, conjunct cautious Saturn, planting new opportunities in your 11th house of friends, confidence, optimism, and support. Saturn adds a serious tone to this lunation, sort of a reality check, giving you clarity, honesty, and the ability to see situations as they are. Your long-term projects and goals receive a fresh, renewed enthusiasm. Aries, all you need is a little inspiration to get you off and running. Communication snafus conclude on February 3, as Mercury goes direct in Capricorn where he’s peskily been in retrograde in your house of career. Phew, finally, a return to clarity and sanity! Mars aligns magically with Jupiter on February 4, when both are at their best, infusing you with confidence, motivation, and drive in your career. Do take that well-intended risk with what inspires and motivates you! Mercury enters Aquarius on February 14 in your 11th house of friends and aspirations. The mood shifts to looking upward and future-forward. Reach out to your friends and networks and focus on those future possibilities.
February 16 is a powerful day in the cosmos—mark it in your Google calendar. A full moon in Leo arrives on February 16, illuminating your 5th house of fun, children, and romance. This lunation calls you to connect with your inner radiance; it is dramatic, expressive, and lively. Connect with kids or your own inner kid and tap into your joy. Let loose and have some fun, please. On the same day, Mars conjuncts Venus in Capricorn in your 10th house of career; a very potent alignment brings connection, collaboration, and cooperation. Be your usually bold, initiating, assertive self and aim for what you want in your professional life. You've got this, Aries, and you will get it. Cheers to that forward momentum!

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

You've got your mojo back! Your ruler, goddess Venus, is in direct motion after being MIA for 40 days and nights, so think of February as the official start of 2022 as all the planets are in direct motion. A new moon in Aquarius, conjunct serious Saturn, ignites your 10th house of career. This potent lunation gifts you with honesty and clarity, so get serious and set your sights on practical, long-term projects and goals with a renewed enthusiasm and focus. Saturn, the cautious taskmaster, aims high; if you do the necessary work, you'll reap the rewards. Are your actions aligned with your intentions? Be honest, Taurus. Mercury turns direct in Capricorn on February 3 in your 9th house of travel, spirituality, and wisdom. Delays and miscommunication are finally clearing up and things are beginning to make sense. Do check that your passport is current as travel is on the horizon. Mars aligns with expansive Jupiter on February 4, infusing you with confidence, enthusiasm, and the drive to take meaningful action. Your 9th house of travel, learning, and expanding your world is ignited, merging your friends, dreams, and aspirations into the express lane paving the way to all sorts of discoveries. Plan that long-overdue trip with your friends.  On Valentine’s Day, Mercury shifts into Aquarius in your 10th house of career; you're looking upward and focusing on future possibilities and long-term plans. There may be some decisions or topics from late December you are now clarifying. A full moon in Leo arrives on February 16, illuminating your 4th house of home and family. Leo is a warm radiant light in the dark of winter. Home is where your heart is, Taurus; you teach us how to chill, relax and joy life. Bask in this dramatic, lively, and loud full moon! Venus and Mars hook up in Capricorn on the same day, in your expansive 9th house of foreign travel and spirituality. The magical alignment gifts you affection, closeness, connection, and pleasure. Take a risk, be bold, book that trip overseas, surprise your partner or do it solo. Take that course, find joy and connectedness in your life. That mojo you’re flashing is your fast pass to an enriching, enlightening month!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Expand your horizons, Gemini! Your CEO Mercury is direct this month along with all the planets and the energy is finally moving forward. A new moon in Aquarius is on February 1, signifying a fresh start, a new beginning, and one emphasizing long-term plans and goals. The tone is serious as Saturn conjuncts the lunation, gifting you a keen awareness of clarity and honesty in your 9th house of wisdom, travel, and expanding your perceptions. The urge to seek truth, insight,  and knowledge is ignited as is your desire to sate your sudden wanderlust. Gemini, always the curious one, please think about this area of your life realistically, practically, and thoughtfully. Do you want to go back to school, travel, find your guru, or a little bit of everything? Traveling now will be purposeful, as it needs to add meaning to your life. Are you walking your talk? Be honest and ask both of you, Gemini. The emphasis is expanding your worldview; whatever you choose, be mindful that it is authentic, solid, and enriching. Mercury is going stationary direct on February 3 in Capricorn; your life just got upgraded to business class flatbed seats! He will be cleaning up the mess he made in January in your 8th house of shared resources, investments, loans, and taxes. It is a return to clarity; second chances and missing information will magically appear. One of the most positive cosmic events occurs on February 4, with Mars, the planet of action, aligning with expansive Jupiter. They are working at their best, giving a boost of enthusiasm, motivation, and progress. Your house of work and money is on the receiving end! Your ruler Mercury enters Aquarius on Valentine's Day, and it will feel like a breath of fresh air as you ponder future possibilities, learning, and traveling while connecting with like-minded people. Gemini, you have an insatiable curiosity, which keeps you on the move as the purveyor of information. A full moon in dramatic Leo arrives on February 16, illuminating your 3rd house of communication and neighbors. It is a lively, expressive, warm, over-the-top lunation, so have some fun! If only we were privy to your text messages, as you will be highly entertaining or an over-the-top diva! Another magical day occurs on February 17 when expansive Jupiter aligns rebel Uranus. This lucky, optimistic alignment urges you to go with the flow; there may be sudden opportunities in your career. Trust your instincts and stay open; this benevolent energy can be a door opening or a subtle shift, freeing you from fears and doubts. So, Gemini, let your generous, kind nature shine forth, allowing for more love, optimism, and hope in your life. Cheers, to insight, wisdom, and, yes, indulgence!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Dive into the deep end, Cancer! The month begins with a new moon in Aquarius in your 8th house of shared resources, personal transformation, and intimacy. The theme is serious, as Saturn conjuncts this lunation. Saturn cuts through the BS, granting clarity and honesty that allows you to see things as they really are. The upside is to focus on long-term plans with a clear vision of realism and practicality. It is time to take stock and reevaluate your shared resources, finances, and intimate relationships. Miscommunication mess-ups are finally over on the 3rd, as Mercury goes direct in Capricorn, where he has been in retrograde in your house of relationships. Now you just have to clear out Mercury’s mess. On the 4th, a brilliant aspect occurs as Mars aligns with expansive Jupiter. Both are working together, bringing out their best qualities, infusing you with confidence and optimism in your 7th house of committed relationships! It’s a sublime alignment for partnerships. Cancer, you can't just sit back and wait for things to happen, so get off the sofa and take a risk. Be assertive and bold, and in your confident Cancer fashion, go after what you want in your partnerships. Mercury enters Aquarius on Valentine's Day; this entry is rational,  non-emotional, and focused on future possibilities. The full moon in Leo arrives on the 16th, so expect drama, warmth, and expressive, loud, playful energy. Your 2nd house of money is illuminated and encouraging you to indulge and treat yourself and those you love; what’s money for anyway? No guilt, here whatsoever, just enjoy. On the same day, Venus and Mars, planets of love and desire, hook up in Capricorn, in your 7th house of relationships. This dream-come-true alignment is loving, tender, and passionate. For those committed or single, please do not spend the day with your cat or dog; we love our fur babies, but human connection is critical. A loving hug will do. February’s no cliché for you, Cancer, it’s all about love!

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Relationships deepen, Leo, but they do take work. A new moon arrives on the 1st in Aquarius, invigorating your 7th house of partnerships. Saturn conjuncts the new moon, giving it a serious theme; Saturn reveals the truth, so it’s time to see things as they are, whether you like it or not. It is a  reality check. Ask yourself, are your actions aligned with your intentions? Are you being reasonable with the expectations of your partnerships and yourself? This potent lunation is gifting you the opportunity to look at your long-term goals with renewed enthusiasm. The Sun will conjunct Saturn on the 4th, continuing the relationship theme. It is a stressful, restricted alignment where you feel the weight of obligations and responsibilities is too restrictive and burdensome. Be mindful that you can be too fixed, limited, and inflexible. Set up boundaries, do what is in your capacity to gain insight, awareness and to deepen your bonds. It takes work, but you are worth it. Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on the 3rd. Organize your desk, get routines back on track, and clear up what mishaps Mercury caused. There may be some decisions or topics from late December you are still clarifying. Mercury enters Aquarius on Valentine's Day in your house of relationships. The mood shifts as communications flow; you'll be thinking of plans and future possibilities relating to your partner with much-needed ease. The gift to you, dear Leo, arrives on the 16th with a full moon in your sign. Enough with all the attention on your partners. This time, the spotlight is on you! Embrace your royal status as the lion of the zodiac. Pamper yourself and take a personal day. Your radiance is the heart of your being; let it shine forth and attract the attention you deserve. It is a lively, dramatic lunation filled with self-expression. Venus and Mars conjunct on this full moon, adding love, passion, and connectedness. A significant aspect occurs on the 17th when expansive Jupiter befriends rebellious Uranus. One of the most favorable aspects of the month is freedom, optimism, quality of discovery, and gaining wisdom, support or sudden opportunities in your work or finances. Trust your instincts and be open to what the universe offers you. It may be subtle or dramatic, but whatever it is, it’s a benevolent, generous, and kind alignment—the best of all worlds!

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

2022 just got so much better as your ruler Mercury goes direct! The month begins with a new moon in Aquarius on the 1st, activating your house of health, daily grind, and work. Aquarius is future-oriented, yet it has a cautious, serious tone, with Saturn conjunct the lunation. Saturn clears away the superfluous. It is a reality check to prioritize your work and wellbeing while not sacrificing either. Virgo, you're a hard-working perfectionist who needs to manage your time; it is critical for your wellbeing. Your daily rituals, exercise, and self-care keep you grounded, calm and sane. The new moon gives you the clarity and honesty to see what you need to eliminate. Then, you can set your sights on long-term goals with renewed enthusiasm and determination. Mercury stationary directs on the 3rd, in your 5th house of fun, romance, and kids. After last month, you need some levity and joy. So let loose and indulge. Mercury is direct, which means sanity and clarity are back. Celebrate! As communications flow, there may be some decisions or topics from late December you are clarifying. Valentine’s Mercury enters cerebral Aquarius, so you are thinking about future possibilities and connecting with like-minded people. The full moon in dramatic as radiant Leo arrives on February 16 in your house of solitude and retreat. You are not one for drama; stay home, lie low, and tend to your inner radiance. Venus and Mars will hook on this full moon in your 5th house of love, romance, and creativity. Cozy up with your partner, kids, best friend, or fur baby. Get inspired to express yourself in your unique way. The most favorable alignment occurs on the 17th, with lucky Jupiter befriending innovative Uranus. It is a benevolent, generous, and optimistic energy that gifts you support, surprises, and insight. Virgo, your relationships, and your knowledge will be infused with this magical alignment. It can be obvious or subtle, yet you still feel it, and it feels, well, magical! 

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

Libra, you are back! After being underground for six endless weeks, your goddess ruler Venus turned direct. February is about embracing romance, joy, and what brings you happiness. A new moon in Aquarius arriving on the 1st will ignite your 5th house of pleasure, creativity, kids, and romance. But there is a caveat as cautious Saturn conjuncts the lunation focusing on the future and your long-term plans. He isn't for frivolous fun; there always has to be a purpose. Saturn reveals what you may not want to see, giving you clarity and honesty. Libra, you prefer to keep your rose-colored glasses on, not confronting anyone. What brings you happiness? Are your actions aligned with your intentions? Is there joy and play in your life? Libra, these are not trite questions. The need to have fun in meaningful ways is paramount. The lunation offers you the opportunity to set your goals and intentions with a renewed enthusiasm, looking at the long-term, not the immediate. The Sun conjuncts Saturn on the 4th, making you genuinely reflect upon these questions, so go within and sort it out. No one is more charming than a contented Libra. Mercury turns stationary direct on the 3rd, bringing calm clarity, and everything you misplaced or disappeared will magically reappear. Mercury enters Aquarius on Valentine's Day in your 5th house of romance, joy, and kids. You’re thinking of future aspirations, romance, and what truly brings you joy! A full moon in fiery Leo arrives on February 16th, illuminating your 11th house of friends, support, and social networks. This lunation is dramatic, lively, expressive, and warm. Libra, connect, socialize, and be with your friends. You are a social sign; you need to be around people. Share your warmth, radiant light, and get into some Leo diva/divo drama. Venus will conjunct passionate Mars on the lunation in your 4th house of home and hearth. Host a gathering with friends and loved ones. It is a loving, tender, and sweet alignment; you'll feel most content at home with those you love—cheers to happiness and love, lovely Libra.

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

The pace picks up slowly as all the planets are now in direct motion. But baby, it's cold outside and the cosmos are urging you to nest, hibernate, and stay home just as a new moon in Aquarius on the 1st lands in your 4th house of home and hearth. Serious Saturn joins this potent lunation and things get real. You may have to confront sensitive issues which need to be dealt with. Scorpio, you always know what lies beneath the surface, but that doesn't mean you want to deal with it. On the upside, you can move forward with renewed enthusiasm as you gain clarity. Make those plans and long-term goals; this new moon is about the future! Scorpio, please see the glass half full, ok? You may have felt misunderstood the past three weeks, caused by annoying Mercury in retrograde; the good news is he turns direct on the 3rd. Lost messages will magically reappear while you focus on clearing up the misunderstanding and crosswires Mercury inflicted. Mercury will enter cerebral Aquarius on Valentine's Day into your 4th house of home; communications are flowing while you set your sights on the future. Your ruler Mars aligns magically with Jupiter on February 4; both are at their best, infusing you with confidence, motivation, and optimism in your  3rd house of communication. Do take that well-intended risk with what inspires you. Express yourself through writing, poetry, social media, Wordle—whatever it is, just do it! You never know where it may lead you. The full moon in radiant Leo arrives on the 17th, illuminating your 10th house of career. You may find yourself in the spotlight, not your favorite place since you are so private, but enjoy it! Leo's energy is fun, dramatic, and lively. Mars and Venus hook up; in your 3rd house and you'll be passionate about sharing your knowledge, ideas, and intellectual discourse. Smart is sexy, Scorpio. Cheers to home, hearth, and the future!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Sag, you may be on your cell phone 24/7 this month. This is because a new moon in cerebral Aquarius on the 1st is igniting your 3rd house of communication. You love to engage in meaningful discourse, share your knowledge, and exchange information. On this lunation, ask yourself, is the news and knowledge you are exchanging meaningful, truthful, and honest? Serious Saturn conjuncts the new moon, demanding you to get real. Sag, you tend to exaggerate and pontificate on subjects that may not be your areas of expertise. Before you go off on tangents, analyze the information and concepts that captivate you and make sure it is truthful. With all the misinformation and crazy conspiracy theories swirling around, it is not easy these days. You can feel a renewed and enthusiastic desire to learn, connect and share your worldly wisdom. That pesky Mercury retrograde turns direct on the 3rd. Clear up money mishaps and budget issues. Lost invoices can magically reappear; stay calm, untangle the mess and, eureka, cash flow will resume! Mercury enters into future-oriented Aquarius on the 14th, landing in your 3rd house of communication. Instead of Googling every question we have, we'll ask you. You're on cerebral overload, all in on future-oriented ideas, your metaverse, A.I, and exchanging information. A full moon in Leo arrives on the 16th, illuminating your 9th house of travel, expansion, and wisdom. A fiery, dramatic, and lively full moon encourages you to explore and embrace a more open mind. Sag, there is nothing more you love than expanding your world! Mars and Venus hook up on the same day, conjuring creative ways of increasing your cash flow in your money zone. One of the most favorable alignments is on the 17th when your ruler, lucky Jupiter, cozies up to rebel Uranus; the theme of freedom, luck, optimism, and sudden good fortune can occur. Jupiter is your ruler, and you'll benefit from this benevolent and positive aspect. Your 4th house of home and roots is the recipient of this infusion of generosity, opportunities, and all-around kindness. Share your gregarious optimism this month, Sag, ‘cos the cosmos know we all need it!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

Capricorn, your season needs a redo. Venus and Mercury retrograde in your sign, add to that Omicron and your season was dismal with canceled birthday celebrations and misunderstandings. In February, you get a second chance! All the planets are direct; you have the support to get things done and we all know how you love checking off your to-do list.
A new moon in Aquarius arrives on the 1st, activating your house of finances. Saturn, your ruler, conjuncts the lunation, supporting you to take a hard, realistic look at your cash flow, spending, and budgets. Saturn urges you to plan for the future and think of your long-term financial goals. Cap, no one works harder than you; you may increase your fees while setting revenue and saving goals. You’re achievement-driven, and once you set your goals, nothing can stop a Capricorn. You may have felt heard or understood while Mercury retrograded through your sign. Finally, the challenge is over! Mercury will turn direct on the 3rd; you can untangle the mishaps, reconnect with friends, and most importantly, be understood. Sun conjuncts Saturn on the 4th; it is a sobering day regarding money. You can become painfully aware of where you're under-earning and overspending. Please do not base your self-worth on your bank account. A wise saying, ‘Want what you have,’ is something you should give a try. A full moon in Leo arrives on the 16th, illuminating your 8th house of shared resources, investments, and transformation. It is a dramatic, lively, expressive, full moon, asking you to shine forth your inner radiance. An absolutely exciting aspect is when Venus and Mars join together in Capricorn on the 17th. It is then when you'll feel alive, passionate, confident, and loved. Cap, you are warm, loving, loyal, passionate, and affectionate under your cool demeanor, so bring it forth, and share your love with the world. Cheers to abundance and love!

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Happy Birthday, Aquarius! All the planets are in direct motion right now, so think of February as the official start of 2022, a gift from the cosmos! The Sun is shining bright in your first house of self, appearance, and vitality, showcasing your talents and wonderfully weird self. Your yearly new moon in Aquarius arrives on the 1st, planting seeds of new beginnings while making long-term plans. Cautious Saturn conjuncts the lunation, asking you to reset, refocus, and take a hard, honest look at yourself. Do your actions align with your intentions? Are you walking your walk? Saturn keeps it real; he's held court in your first house since late 2020. Saturn is demanding that you stretch yourself to your highest potential—no pressure or anything. You are a work in progress; gently keep at it. On the upside, you'll have a sense of renewal, enthusiasm for future goals, and aspirations. Mercury goes direct on the 3rd; he has been hiding out in your 12th house of retreat. Maybe this is why no one has heard from you? Time to emerge and clear the mishaps and cross wires Mercury has inflicted. He will enter your sign on Valentine’s Day, which is when you are officially back with your laser-sharp mind and brilliant ideas. Focus on the future. Have you thought of having a metaverse birthday celebration? It is such an Aquarius thing to do! A couple in India is planning the first metaverse marriage; the media calls it “My Big Fat Digital Wedding”! The full moon in radiant Leo arrives on the 16th, illuminating your 7th house of relationships. Aquarius, you need the warmth that Leo radiates. It is a dramatic, expressive, and fun full moon! Let loose and let go on one of the best full moons of the year. Cheers to another trip around the Sun, dear Aquarius!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

You'll be dwelling in the dreamy house of retreat for most of February; it is a time-out before your birthday. But, after the weirdness of January, you may need it. A new moon in Aquarius arrives on the 1st, igniting your inner world where you find your inspiration. Get lost in your imagination, embrace your inner world, dream, listen to music, and work solo or behind the scenes if possible. Saturn adds a serious tone to this lunation, not allowing you to ultimately get lost in your Pisces dreamworld. Instead, he wants you to emerge from that world with something purposeful and to take a clear and honest look at yourself and any hidden behaviors. Saturn has been dwelling in your 12th house since late 2020, so ask yourself, what hidden agenda could be holding you back? This new moon is here to help, so first get honest with yourself and then plan for the future. How and what do you want to be in the world? It is an exciting question to ponder, so dare dream about your future possibilities. Einstein, a fellow Pisces, said, "Imagination is everything, it is the preview of life's coming attractions." Mercury will turn direct on the 3rd, a good time to call your friends especially considering you may have misunderstood cross wires over the past three weeks. Mercury will enter into Aquarius on the 14th, settling into the house of solitude. Mark the 4th in your calendar—you do not want to space out on this day. Mars aligns magically with your ruler Jupiter on the 4th; both are at their best, infusing you with confidence, motivation, and enthusiasm, with collaborations and aspirations. Pisces, your friends will be supportive, helpful, and perhaps even co-collaborators. Be proactive and reach out, take a risk, and ask for help if needed. A full moon in Leo arrives on the 16th, illuminating your 6th house of health, work, and the daily grind. Lucky you, Pisces, with Leo ruling your sixth house, it's got to be fun, creative, and joyful. This lunation is dramatic, expressive, and loud. Venus and Mars conjunct in your 11th house of friends on that same day, so trade in the solitude spend the day with your friends as it’s not a day to be alone. Relish in this time to share, connect, love, and enjoy each other and cheers to an ethereal month!

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