This Just In!

Game On

The launch of the most powerful gaming console ever created took place last week at The Standard, High Line, occupying every last inch of our 338-room hotel. PS4-enthusiasts lined up all day Thursday outside The Standard, Biergarten where inside the beer hall had been transformed into a gamers' paradise. Outside, the façade was lit up with an interactive light show that featured art from the new games.

No. 1 Customer. Joey Chiu was the first person to buy a PS4

So which devoted gamer got the first console? On Wednesday, Sony tweeted where to line up. Eight minutes later Joey Chiu was there – freezing temperatures be damned. (Actually, the Sony execs took pity and held his place while he went home and slept for a few hours.)

"The Generic" a.k.a. The Standard, Hollywood as seen in Grand Theft Auto.

The Standards have a bit of history with the gaming world. As you can see above, we're quite the Sunset landmark in Grand Theft Auto V.

Game On

Photos courtesy of Markus Marty and Sony

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