Stan D'Arde

Just Because Stan Is Single, Doesn't Mean You Have To Be

I don’t date much. I guess I’m too picky. No one is good enough, and no one knows how to make a martini as good as they do at the Top of The Standard - so what’s the point? It’s not like I’m going to sit around drinking beer just because my significant other can open the can, you know? A life of solitude is my future, I guess and digress…

But that doesn’t have to be the case for you! That’s why we’ve created #StandardConnections in the latest print edition of Standard Culture. (Pick one up at any of The Standards or any of our participating partners.) It’s really super easy. Just get your issue, flip to page 15, answer the four questions, take a photo of your grid, Instagram the photo and tag it #StandardConnections!

You can then search all the single hotties looking for a lover, Lover! You’re welcome in advance. And if you do end up finding Mr. Right, Mrs. Right Now, or Mr. Useless, make sure to Instagram a photo of yourselves so I can see it.


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