Q&A: Takara Wong’s Bangkok Pride Takeover

Fashion designer Takara Wong (founded of his self-titled brand) is bringing a taste of Bangsaen beach culture to Bangkok for Pride this month. Our collaboration “From Sunrise to Sunset” is a meditation on light, flavor and color in The Parlor. Takara’s rebellious fashion designs celebrate the expressive possibilities of genderless clothes, and this installation takes inspiration from his hometown in Thailand. We caught up with Takara to learn more.
Your approach to design is genderless, and it’s something we’re seeing more and more in the fashion industry. Is the future unisex? 

In my perspective, I strongly believe that the future of fashion is moving towards a genderless approach. It is essential for the fashion industry to consider a more inclusive and sustainable approach, recognizing that diversity, including the LGBTQ+ community, enriches our world. Embracing this philosophy will ensure that we create an environment where everyone can share in the vibrancy and joy that comes from our connected community. 


Tell us a little bit about what Pride Month means to you. 

Pride Month isn't just a calendar event—it's a vibrant celebration of authenticity and self-expression that pulses through every moment of the year for me. Embracing who I am, unapologetically, isn't limited to just June; it's a daily anthem of pride and joy that sings in every hour of my life. While the festivities of Pride Month sparkle with a unique energy, I believe in carrying that spirit of celebration and acceptance with me every single day. After all, every moment is an opportunity to revel in our true selves, to shine brightly, and to honor the beauty of our authentic souls. 


Your takeover in The Parlor takes guests from sunrise to sunset through color and flavor. What’s the story behind that concept? 

 I'm utterly captivated, bordering on obsession, by the daily spectacle of the sun's ascent and descent. It's akin to an addiction, an insatiable craving for the kaleidoscope of hues painting the sky, the transformative dance of light and shadow as it caresses the cityscape throughout the day. Each moment carries its own unique tapestry of emotions: joy intertwining with melancholy, exhilaration mingling with serenity. But this time, at The Parlor, I yearn to capture and amplify this ceaseless wonder, to weave it into every facet of our experience from dawn till dusk and beyond. Let's indulge in the eternal allure and delight, immersing ourselves in a symphony of flavors, libations, and artistic wonders that transcend the boundaries of time. 

Thanks for bringing a bit of Bangsaen beach culture to Bangkok. How do you want guests to feel when they step into The Parlor in June? 

My life's journey led me from the familiar shores of Bangsaen, where I spent my formative years, to the bustling streets of Bangkok and the cosmopolitan charm of Sydney, spanning a decade of discovery. It wasn't until I found myself back in Bangsaen, amidst the upheaval of the pandemic, that I truly saw my hometown with fresh eyes. Over the past 4-5 years, a profound love blossomed within me, bordering on obsession, as I became enraptured by the beauty of Bangsaen's beaches, and the kaleidoscope of colors painted by its sunsets and sunrises. 

Now, as I welcome guests to The Parlor during Pride Month, I yearn for them to experience that same enchantment, to be swept away by the vibrant hues that mirror the beach's splendor, all without leaving the comfort of our haven. Yet, beyond mere appreciation, my fervent hope is to ignite within them a desire to explore Bangsaen firsthand, to feel its magic beneath their feet and let its allure linger in their hearts long after they depart from our sanctuary. 


If you could have drinks in The Parlor with three LGBTQ+ icons (living or dead), who’s invited and what are you drinking? 

The 3 icons I would like very much to have drinks with are Halston, Freddy Mercury and Elton John. 


What inspires you? 

What truly ignites my soul is the symphony of hues reflected by nature's canvas. Yet, within this kaleidoscope of colors, the LGBTQ+ spectrum stands as a beacon of uniqueness, a manifestation of nature's artistry with an extra dash of brilliance. So, as I draw inspiration from these reflections of natural color, I am reminded of the extraordinary nature of LGBTQ+ identity—a beacon of light in a world often shrouded in darkness, a testament to the infinite possibilities of love and expression 


You’ve collaborated with huge brands like Coca-Cola and Levi’s. What’s your next dream collaboration? 

My ultimate aspiration as an artist would be to collaborate with the iconic Beyoncé.  


What advice would you share with young designers just getting started? 

Starting from ground zero in the world of fashion, I’d suggest keep moving forward without pausing. And try to remember, the key is to remain genuine and authentic to yourself. 

In your opinion, what’s the song of the summer?  

I believe every song could be the song of summer since each song carries the potential to become the soundtrack to our sunny adventures. 


What’s next for your life and new babies (TAKARA Cafe & WONG Bar and Badasga beach club) in Bang Saen? 

I envision watching them blossom into their own selves while I support them every step of the way like a loving parent. As for my personal time, I crave tranquil moments on a serene beach, basking in the sun, savoring wine, cherishing intimate moments, and relishing in the cycle of bliss. 


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