Annie O Presents: Cameron AG

Annie O, our East Village music maven, brings the best international acts to The Standard, East Village's Penthouse for The Annie O Music Series

On Friday, April 14th, Annie O's bringing Oxford-based singer-songwriter Cameron AG to the Penthouse. With a sound reminiscent of Tobias Jesso Jr., his debut single, "Lost Direction," was dubbed by BBC Radio 1 in 2015 as the Hottest Record in the World. He's now coming to NY to showcase his EP, Homeward Bound, in an intimate solo set. Annie O connected with Cameron AG to hear more about his influences and processes before the show. 

Annie O Presents: Roarke and Cameron AG
Friday, April 14th, 7-9:30PM
The Standard, East Village Penthouse
Free with an RSVP to

ANNIE O: Your debut track, "Lost Direction," from your first album received the Hottest Record in the World nod from BBC Radio 1. Where were you when you heard the news, and what was it like to receive that honor right out of the gate?

CAMERON AG: I was actually buying groceries. I got the call when I was just about to pay for my shopping. I came out the shop feeling a lot different than how I did going in! It was quite special. To have a song you've lived with for a while and played so many times on your own at home to be given that stamp was incredible. It was my first single, so I was just happy to get it out to people. Getting the Hottest Record was something else.

What are your hopes for your follow up, Homeward Bound?
I'm really proud of Homeward Bound. I recorded it with my band mate, Matthew King, here in Oxford, UK. We really enjoyed making it, and we've had some fun playing shows in support of it. It's a privilege to be able to release music, and it's great when people enjoy what you're making. I hope people like "Homeward Bound" as much as we liked making it!

What were some of your influences this time around?
I was listening to Daywave a lot when we were recording, as well as the most recent Tame Impala record. I love the sound of both those artists. They combine indie and electro perfectly.

Do you prefer to work in the studio alone or with others? 
I love working with producers. My first EP was recorded in Oxford with Robert Stevenson. I write alone, so it's great to be able to take a song to a producer who can put their own stamp on it. 

Are there any songs from other artists you currently have on repeat?
I've got "Carrie and Lowell" by Sufjan Stevens on repeat in the car at the moment. It's such a great record. Every song is perfect. 

What's your favorite thing to do when you're in New York?
I've only ever been once before. We spent most of our time eating donuts and pizza. Central Park was fun to walk around. 

Do you have any touring plans this summer? 
Not at the moment. I've finished writing a record, so I'll be spending most of my time in the studio over the summer I would think. We might still get out to a few festivals, though. 

If Cameron AG had a super power, what would it be? 
To fly like superman.

What can we expect from your performance at The Annie O Music Series?
It's just me coming over to New York, so it'll be a stripped down set. I often play with a band, but I do enjoy playing solo shows. I'll be playing tracks from both of my EPs. I'm really looking forward to it!

What do you have in the works at the moment?
Whilst I'm in New York, I'm going to be working with a producer called Doug Schadt. We're going to get some songs together for my next EP release, which should be fun. Then it's back to the UK to finish the record!

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