
Your February Horoscopes

Love to love you, baby! Our favorite astrologer Lori Bell breaks down the key astrological transits and readings for February 2023.
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February brings calm after a much-anticipated rocky start to 2023. We begin the month with no retrogrades and few planetary showdowns. February's offering is clarity as we look toward a vastly different future in March. It is a month to envision our future and ask who we want to become. 


The planets of love and war clash on Feb. 4. Venus is at 11 degrees of Pisces to Mars, at 11 degrees of Gemini. With both planets being in mutual signs, they offer us a rare chance to be adaptable. There is friction and heat — this aspect can be romantic, creative and expressive. It is a hot alignment for romance and let us tell you, sexual tension will be in the air. In relationships, we need to be expressive; disagreements and conscientiousness will arise. Venus is her exaltation, so she has the power. It's an elixir that enhances all relationships. Take the Venusian route and let harmony prevail over discord. This is what Venus teaches us — her lessons remind us to choose love over war. We will feel this energy until Feb. 14; note to yourself that love is always the best answer. 


 An exciting, dramatic full moon arrives on Feb. 5 at 16 degrees of Leo. This lunation will clash with chaotic Uranus; so a lot will be happening simultaneously. You may be pulled in a zillion different directions and all demand your attention. It is electric, unpredictable and lively. The desire for freedom, liberation and self-authenticity will arise. If you are feeling restless, this is the full moon to shake things up! What makes you feel alive? Leo, the playful Lion, represents our creativity, joy and generous self-expression. The gift of this lunation gives you the will to break habitual patterns and overcome limitations, freeing you from the past. So take a chance, be impulsive, wild and free. The energy will last for 48 hours, be prepared for the unexpected and find your joy amid chaos.

Mercury, the planet of communication, shifts into the rational sign of Aquarius on Feb. 11. Now we can move toward the future and leave the past behind. Mercury in Aquarius is innovating, uplifting and future-orientated. It is an opportunity to seed your ideas and potential for the long term. Communication flows more effortlessly. You can confidently sign essential documents, update technological devices and book travel. Community is paramount; are you connected with those who expand your knowledge and interest and uplift you?Expand your mind and find your tribe, all while planning for the future. It's an exciting time to map out the rest of the year. 

Venus conjunct mystical Neptune brings a craving for spirituality, love and the arts. We are more receptive and impressionable now, so spend time with those you feel loved and nourished. Lose yourself in spiritual practices, the arts, music, photography and poetry. Pisces is the dreamer, the creative, the epitome of wanderlust. The desire for greater meaning in our lives will become apparent — there's no room for small things. Being kinder and more compassionate for others makes for a meaningful and happier frame of mind. When you start to move through your days with this in mind, you will notice a lot more beauty in the day-to-day. This is a time for romanticizing your life — set in routines that make the mundane feel extraordinary and keep this lesson from Pisces in your heart for years to come. 


Sun conjunct Saturn is a reality check. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020 and will not return for another 30 years — this is the third and final conjunction with the Sun. So it is a time of completion and closure. A cautious aspect; we want to do our due diligence and ensure our long-term choices are aligned. This brings a reassessment of the responsibilities and commitments you've made. You can make the correct choices, set boundaries and manage time by gaining insight and a more realistic sense of what you want. Saturn is the embodiment of boundaries — if you need clarification, wait to commit until you have clarity. Say no as much as you need to! There is wisdom in setting limits and having clear boundaries. Do acknowledge how you've grown and matured in December 2020, this will be important to reflect back on as you mature. You've survived some harsh realities with Saturn in Aquarius, it's time to put those lessons to work. 


The Sun enters Pisces on Feb. 18; now, we slow down and go inward. This season is about being in touch with your feelings and that means reactivating emotionally, yet tenderly. It is a fluid sign, open to adaptation and flexibility. Pisces is profoundly kind and has the capacity for limitless forgiveness and creative expression. Jupiter influences Pisces season; he is bold, Aries, giving this season a vibrant and enthusiastic tone. You'll have periods of being very productive to want to daydream, space-out and slow down. When you feel inspired, go with it! This will not last so when you feel tender, step back and go within. Pisces, you navigate in non-linear time and honor yourself by giving the space you need to access the magic of your sign.


A mystical and spiritual New Moon arrives on Feb. 20 at 1 degree of Pisces. It is near a fixed star Formahelt, one of the most hopeful and spiritual stars. It is a star in the dark part of the sky that activates the light within our darkness. Be the light for others. This lunation offers spirituality, aspiration and intuitive awareness. To truly gain the rare offerings of this lunation is to cultivate spiritual connection through being still, meditating, nature and the arts. Whatever calls you to connect with your innate wisdom and compassion. Spend time being quiet and reflective while dreaming your way forward rather than logical planning; let your imagination roam with limitless possibilities. This lunation is ethereal and intangible; you can gain a profound awareness. Not about worldly ambitions as this is a lighter feeling, more about going within where your happiness resides.


Venus in Aries is decisive, independent and wants to get things going. She is active and prefers to do things solo but is less interested in collaboration. This transit loves variety and is not afraid to take bold risks. She is inconsistent, experimental and may not feel settled or reliable; go with spontaneity. Jupiter is in Aries and the proximity to Jupiter is hopeful. It is expansive energy, enthusiasm about new challenges and wanting to meet them head-on. Be bold, be independent and don't be shy from doing things solo — it's all about loving yourself first. 
Here's what's in the stars for your sign in February...


Aries, rejoice! Finally, the planets are moving in forward motion, which is spectacular because, as you know, backward motion does not align with your DNA. Your ruler Mars is gaining momentum daily. You've got your mojo back! February is a respite from the past few intense months, it is calmer and quieter. I advise you to relish in it, Aries. All will change in March, the most pivotal month of 2023. Venus hides in your retreat house until the 20th, inviting you to pause, go within and reflect on the past year. The Sun will make its last conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on Feb. 16. Saturn, the big boss, has been in Aquarius since December 2020 and will not return for another 30 years. It is a time of closure and completion until Saturn enters Pisces next month. The focus has been on your aspirations and future. You've worked hard for the past three years to achieve some of them. Hopefully, you've learned to express and follow your inner wishes. You've needed depth in your friendships and you may have lost a few that were no longer satisfying. Saturn sets boundaries and commitments. On Feb. 20, you come out of hiding as Venus enters your sign. She illuminates your presence with magnetism, warmth and harmony. Shine your enthusiastic, courageous self to the world, dear Aries. 




February is a breath of fresh air for you, Taurus. All the planets are direct, but there are only a few challenging aspects. It is calm for you before March, which is the most transformative time of the year for Taurus. Your ruler, Venus, will be in Pisces until the 19th; she is devoted, kind and forgiving. She enhances your friendships and future aspirations. You'll desire to share and have meaningful encounters that move you. Acknowledge how deeply you touch and enhance your friends' lives, Taurus.   So seek experiences that transcend you — whether through the arts, music, poetry, or love. Saturn, the taskmaster, has been activating your professional life since December 2020. If you've worked hard and accepted responsibly during the past three years, this may be one of the most rewarding times in your career. If not, the lessons were harsh. The last conjunction with the Sun to Saturn arrives on Feb. 16, not to happen again for another 30 years. It is a time of completion and closure. It is an opportunity to set boundaries and reassess the responsibilities and commitments you've made. You'll want to ensure that your long-term choices are aligned. Please acknowledge your hard work and all you've accomplished these past few years. You've survived some harsh realities with Saturn in Aquarius. Cheers to those who add magic to our lives. 




February is a ray of Sunshine on a winter day. Your ruler, Mercury and Mars, who is in your sign Gemini, are in direct motion! So start making things happen. This month, you're energized and inspired — it is a gift before you enter March, the most momentous month of the year. Venus, the planet of love and harmony, is gracing your house of career until Feb. 19. Venus magnetizes while enhancing all relationships. There is an ease and softness that sparks a connection. So please be open to and trust professional opportunities which come your way. But wait, it gets better. This is due to the advent of Pisces season on the 18th, plus an insightful and magical New Moon in Pisces on the 20th. The Pisces lunation gives clarity to envision what inspires you to pursue. Spend time being quiet and reflective while dreaming your way forward rather than logical planning; let your imagination roam with limitless possibilities. On Feb. 11, your ruler Mercury shifts into rational Aquarius and communication will flow effortlessly now. Aquarius is future orientating, innovating and uplifting. Mercury will activate your house of travel, spirituality and worldview. Connect with those who expand your mind and inspire you. Cheers to a magical February; it's looking to be a wonderful month for you. 



February offers a respite from the intensity of the last few months. All the planets are in direct motion and there are no significant blowup aspects to deal with. It is a month of preparation; you'll be ready to spring into action in March. Venus is in dreamy Pisces until Feb. 19, gracing your house of spirituality, long-distance travel and wisdom. Seek experiences that transcend you— through the arts, travel, or love. To add to the Piscan magic, on Feb. 20, the New Moon in Pisces arrives at 1 degree. A highly spiritual and inspiring lunation invites you to access your powers of intuitive awareness, Cancer; you have extraordinary psychic sensitivity. To gain the rare offerings of this lunation is to cultivate spiritual connection through being still, meditating, nature and relishing in the arts.




February is a month of completion. Your annual Full Moon in your sign arrives on Feb. 5 at 16 degrees Leo. It promises to be nothing short of high drama, just the way you like it. It is electric and unpredictable as the lunation clashes with chaotic Uranus. But, Leo, this lunation gives you the will to break out of habitual patterns that inhibit you. What makes you feel alive, Leo? The desire for freedom and self-expression will arise. So bring forth your joy, be wild and be free, Leo. You'll feel this lunation for 48 hours; aim for creative and joyous drama, not diva drama. Saturn, the great teacher, has been dwelling in your house of relationships since December 2020 and will finally exit in March, not to return for another 30 years. The Sun and Saturn join on Feb. 16 at 27 degrees of Aquarius; this is their final conjunction, being a time of completion. Is it a reassessment of your commitments and responsibilities? You've had excess demands and responsibilities placed on you. Some relationships may not have survived these past three years, while others strengthened through maturity and wisdom. Leo. Acknowledge all that you've learned and gained during this somewhat harsh Saturn transit. The relationships which did survive can last a lifetime. Cheers to self-expression and wisdom!




February is the month of love. All the planets are in direct motion, most notably your ruler, Mercury and Mars in Gemini.
Mars is finally back in action, while retrograde in Gemini, you were spinning out, worrying about details, irritated and annoyed and not getting enough done. Occurring in your house of career, for you, this is tragic.Gain your composure, get clarity and start envisioning your year-long career goals. Then, come March. Mars is the impetus that makes it happen. Venus, the planet of love, is in Pisces until Feb. 19, infusing your house of relationships with an all-embracing love. She's romantic, dreamy and devoted. It even gets better; Venus conjuncts mystical on Feb. 15 at 26 degrees Pisces; the desire for meaningful, soulful partnerships will be apparent. So lose yourself in love, music and poetry. The love continues with the advent of Pisces season on the 18th, followed by a new moon on Feb. 20. Dream, tap into your intuition, innate wisdom and compassion. This lunation is near the fixed star Formahelt, which is in the darkest part of the sky that activates the light within our darkness. Be the light for those you cherish, Virgo. 


February brings equilibrium. All planets are in direct motion; there are no major upheavals in the cosmos. The planets of love and war clash on Feb. 4. Venus is at 11 degrees of Pisces to Mars is at 11 degrees of Gemini. There is friction and heat; it can be creative and expressive. All relationships will have disagreements. Venus has the power, you dear Libra; show us how to be Venusian and let harmony prevail over discord. The Sun and Saturn, the great teacher, conjunct on Feb. 16 at 27 degrees Aquarius. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020 and will not return for another 30 years — this is the final conjunction with the Sun. So it is a time of completion and closure. He has been dwelling in your house of joy, kids, creativity and romance. Saturn's transit has not been amusing, it has been hard work, yet you've learned how to express yourself authentically. You can now make the correct choices, set boundaries and gain insight with a realistic sense of what you want. Libra,  Please acknowledge how you've grown and matured in December 2020. Venus, your ruler, enters Aries on Feb. 20, gracing your house of committed relationships. In Aries, she is bold, decisive and goes after what she wants; learn from her Libra! Prioritize your relationships, start taking risks and don't be shy. Cheers, to love and knowing what you want. You've made it so far, Libra. 


Your ruler Mars is back in action, along with Mercury; there are no planets in retrograde motion! February gifts you a brief respite until March, the most significant month of 2023. A full moon arrives at 16 degrees Leo, illuminating your career house. It is unpredictable, with the luminaries clashing with chaotic Uranus. Scorpio, let go of control and try your best to remain flexible. There will be demands that need your attention in your professional and personal life. Full moons are culminations and releases and this lunation invites you to shake things up! You can break free of habitual patterns and overcome limitations. The Sun conjuncts Saturn,  at 27 degrees Aquarius, on Feb 16. It is a reality check, a time of completion and closure. Saturn has been dwelling in your house of home, family and foundation for the past three years. He wraps up his run in March, not to return for another 30 years. This is a profound and challenging transit. You've had to face issues in your home life and whatever way they have manifested — it has been hard work. It brings a reassessing of responsibilities, correct choices and a greater self-awareness of your needs. Cheers to home, work and wisdom — February will bring you a sense of calm.  



February is a calmer, quieter month; relish in the peace because all will change in March. Venus, the planet of love, is in Pisces until Feb. 19 and will grace your house of home and roots. Your home is where you'll find beauty, peace and inspiration. She enhances all relationships and invites you to lose yourself in music, poetry and love. With the advent of Pisces season on the 18th — followed by a mystical new moon on the 20th — home is your inner sanctuary. It is hibernation time for you. Infuse yourself with dreamy Piscean love in all its hope and glory. The New Moon in Pisces on Feb. 20 offers inspiration, do whatever calls you to connect with your innate wisdom and compassion. Let your imagination roam with limitless possibilities. The Sun and Saturn, conjunct on Feb. 16, is a completion time. It will be their final meeting, not to occur again for another 30 years. Saturn has been in Aquarius since December 2020, in your house of communication, your mind and local community. Saturn can be a harsh teacher; the aim is to discipline your mind and improve your communication skills. Setting boundaries and not overcommitting is challenging for you. Hopefully, you've learned how there is wisdom in setting limits and having boundaries — cheers to feeling at home and a disciplined mind.



You could think of February as a safe space, as March brings epic changes, especially for you. All the planets are in direct motion. That Mercury retrograde last month was tricky, creating havoc and delaying your goals. Aquarius season emphasizes your house of earnings, material comforts and resources. Capricorn, your ruler Saturn has been mining this area of your chart for the past three years. Although Saturn is a great teacher, his lessons are harsher than others. On Feb. 16, the Sun and Saturn join for the final time, not to meet again for another 30 years. The lessons you learned were there to reevaluate your relationship to money, material things and what you value. Big questions for you, Capricorn, as you tend to value yourself about your work and your bank account. Spiritual and moral values may have taken precedence over the material. It brings a reassessment of the responsibilities and commitments you've made. Please acknowledge how you've gained wisdom and matured since December 2020, it is important for you to reflect on the journey you've taken. Pisces Season begins on Feb. 18, infusing your third house of communication and neighborhood. Venus has been gracing this area since January 28, enhancing all your interactions. The New Moon arrives on Feb. 20 at 1 degree of Pisces. It is a mystical and spiritual lunation this time around. Go within, quiet your mind and let your innate loving nature guide you. You'll surprise people with out-of-character-loving text messages and show your tender side this Pisces season; it is profoundly wise within you.




February is a pivotal month of completion for you, Aquarius. Since December 2020, Saturn has been dwelling in your house of self-identity. He is a harsh teacher who has spent the past three years revealing your limitations and shortcomings. The aim is for you to reclaim your authenticity, power and unshakable strength. The Sun will join Saturn for its final meeting, not to return for another 30 years. Now you can cautiously move forward, setting firm boundaries while you reassess your priorities and long-term choices. You've grown, matured and gained indomitable strength. You've got until March to recover and strengthen; when Saturn changes signs, you are invincible and worthy of a celebration! A full moon arrives on Feb. 5 at 16 degrees of Leo, illuminating your house of relationships. An over-the-top dramatic, electric and unpredictable lunation. It clashes with Uranus in your house of home, creating discord and instability. However, the gift of this lunation gives you the will to break habitual patterns and overcome limitations, freeing you from the past. Shake things up, Aquarius; it will open you to greater joy, love and self-authenticity. Cheers to transformation and love — we know you'll do it in the coolest, most unconventional way. 




February is a dreamy, creative month for you, Pisces. Please feel free to lose yourself in every beautiful moment you experience. Next month, all will change as Saturn wil enters your sign. Venus, the planet of love, is in your sign until Feb. 20, enhancing your innate tenderness, kindness and compassion. You are magnetizing and have an ease and harmony that people gravitate toward you. Ground in beauty, music, poetry and love. Mystical Neptune joins Venus on Feb. 15; you are even more receptive and impressionable; spend the day with those who love and nourish you. A New Moon arrives on Feb. 20, at 1 degree of Pisces, an early birthday gift from the cosmos. This magical lunation is near a fixed star Formahelt, one of the most hopeful and spiritual stars, which activates the light within our darkness. This star invites you to be the light for others, Pisces. Drop into your imagination, a place you live in and dream of the limitless possibilities open to you. This lunation is ethereal and intangible; you can gain a profound awareness — not about worldly ambitions yet about going within where your happiness resides. Mars, the warrior, is finally in direct motion. Your home has been under review since Halloween, when it went retrograde. Family dynamics or living situations were challenging in particular for you. Fear not as now domestic bliss will return and easily repair the damage with words of loving kindness. Cheers to new facets of love and that one-of-a-kind, special Piscean bliss. 



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