
Your May Horoscopes

Taurus season is here! As we spring into May, here's what's in the stars...

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)

While technically last month was your season, this is your month. Carpe Diem! You've emerged from the Piscean cave where you’ve been hiding out, ready to spring into your fearless, make-things-happen mode. May brings a plethora of benefic planets in your sign, beginning on May 2, when Venus, the planet of love, enters Aries, lighting up your first house of vitality and presence. Venus infuses you with vivaciousness and magnetism; you can feel social and upbeat. It only gets better when expansive Jupiter enters Aries on May 10, ushering in a new 12-year cycle of optimism, growth, generosity, and joy. You can reinvent your life by taking initiative—and risks, being bold, and confidently moving forward despite your previous setbacks. You inspire others with enthusiasm and courage when you take the lead. Now is the time to seize opportunities, so don’t sit on the sidelines waiting for things to happen. Make. It. Happen. Think back to the Summer of 2010-2011, the last time Jupiter was in Aries: similar themes may emerge, but this time, you are older and wiser. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini on May 10, wreaking havoc in your house of communications. Please triple-check all correspondences before hitting send and maybe add a happy emoji as insurance. Also, be mindful of your words; you know you can get impatient, insensitive, and bossy. Finally, back up all of your electronics; this pesky retrograde can cause issues. A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 15, activating your 8th house of finances and shared resources. Eclipses are unsettling wildcards —Saturn, the planet of restriction, squares this lunation. It can feel like a harsh reality check; south nodal lunar eclipses are releases, endings, and culmination points. It can bring out what you have been avoiding, from personal angst to financial obligations. It is best to lie low, rest, and take it slow on eclipses. On May 24, your CEO Mars will enter Aries, igniting your 1st house of vitality. Mars comes around every two years to activate this area of your life. Aries, your confidence, energy, and positivity are contagious! Be that compassionate warrior the world so badly needs now. Cheers to a magnificent month! 

Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)

Happy Birthday, Taurus! Besides your birth, of course, May is a busy month, with Jupiter entering Aires, Mercury going retrograde, and a lunar eclipse! The month has a gathering of planets in Aries, which is fast, impulsive, and confident; however, these planets will be hiding in your 12th house of retreat, so it’s not yet the time to propel forward. Venus enters Aries on May 2, illuminating that house of retreat, but don’t hibernate— go outside, spend time in nature, and embrace the peaceful solace you need. The Sun and rebellious Uranus hook up on May 5, an upheaval that leads to space and freedom. Uranus has been mining your 1st house since 2018, inviting you to break free from past patterns and to be your fabulous self. May 10 is a momentous day in the cosmos when expansive Jupiter enters Aries for a six-month stay, igniting a new 12-year cycle. Think back to the Summer of 2010-2011, when Jupiter was here last. Similar themes from then may emerge, but this time, you've got even more life experience under your belt. Jupiter in Aries seeks to grow and improve yourself through confident and self-assertive activity. Jupiter transits your twelfth house, benefiting those behind-the-scenes actions often taken privately. Spirituality, volunteering, or helping others will be the most fulfilling during this cycle. You can also rid yourself of those inner psychic closets which sabotage you. Jupiter dwelling in the 12th is like a guardian angel watching over you. On the same day, pesky Mercury retrograde occurs again in Gemini. Your second house of cash will feel the effects, so double-check your bank accounts, credit cards, and financial transactions. Also, be aware of identity theft; you may want to change your passwords. A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 15. Eclipses are unpredictable wildcards of change, inspiring us to become better versions of ourselves. This dramatic lunation illuminates your relationship house. What old patterns do you need to lose to have more fulfilling partnerships? Relationships can deepen or end; Scorpio energy is all or nothing. The month ends on a lovely note when Venus, your ruler, enters Taurus on May 28. calming the drama of the full moon. Venus in Taurus is all about sensual pleasures, such as beauty, touch, and affection. Cheers to a beautiful birthday! 

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Get out there, Gemini! The month kicks off with Venus entering Aries, where she will light up your 11th house of friends, aspirations, and networking. Being the social butterfly of the zodiac, Jupiter, the planet of abundance enters Aries on May 15. A gift from the cosmos, Jupiter will dwell in your 11th house of collaborators, friends, hopes, dreams, and future aspirations, giving you the impetus to break free from self-imposed restraints. He is bold, courageous, and confident in Aries and wants you to take risks. A new 12-year cycle begins; think back to the Summer of 2011 if you can—similar themes from then may emerge. On the same day, your ruler Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini; it’s that time of the year again! Mercury retrogrades affect you the most. Back up all digital devices, triple-check text messages, emails, and VMs before hitting send, and think before posting on social media. Let's focus on mindful communications this month, okay? You can try to shift your mindset, seeing this as an opportunity to review rather than bitch and moan about it for the next three weeks. A full moon lunar eclipse arrives in Scorpio on May 15; eclipses are game-changers, pushing you out of your comfort zone. This intense lunation makes challenging aspects to restrictive Saturn, who loves to say “no.” Your 6th house of wellbeing and work is in for an overhaul, so please pay attention to your health and shed those not-so-healthy habits. Mars, the planet of action, enters Aries on May 24, joining your 11-house social scene, where he comes around every two years to recharge this area of your life. Gemini, your friends, networks, and aspirations are lit! Mars will hook up with Jupiter on the 29th; you'll have support from those who believe in you. It ends with a favorable new moon in Gemini on May 30, initiating new beginnings and fresh starts. Cheers to friends, health, and Mercury retrograde!

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The spotlight is on your career, Cancer! A bevy of planets will invigorate the 10th house of your professional life. Harmonious Venus enters assertive Aries in that professional life on May 2. Planets in Aries move fast and prefer to take charge and work independently. While Venus does create harmony,  being in Aries makes her bolder, more enthusiastic, and willing to take the initiative. The King of the Gods, expansive Jupiter, will ingress into Aries on May 10, kicking off a new 12-year cycle. Think back to the Summer of 2011—what was unfolding in your career? Similar themes from then may re-emerge. Jupiter is Aries, a  fearless risk-taker, confident, and entrepreneurial. This cycle is urging you to grow through self-assertiveness. Jupiter is the planet of abundance, growth, and expansion. You may start your own business, switch careers, or ask for that promotion. Whatever it is, go for it. Venus conjuncts Jupiter and this duo of benefic planets bring opportunities; all you have to do is go after them. Be proactive and sell-assertive, Cancer. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini on May 10, so you should expect communications to go awry; instead of complaining, use this time to review or edit projects, or to just jump on what you've been procrastinating and finish it already. A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 15; eclipses are catalytic agents of change. A lunar eclipse is a release point, an ending; this lunation has Saturn squaring, creating resistance. Your 5th house of romance, creativity, joy, and kids is illuminated. What do you need to shed to bring more joy into your life? This lunation invites you to release those old patterns which no longer serve you. Let go and make room for more creativity, love, and joy in your life! Mars, the planet of action and drive, enters Aries, where he rules, joining the tantalizing 10th house party. In Aries, Mars is the initiator, the warrior; nothing stops him. He will join Jupiter on May 29. You may surprise yourself with how ambitious you've become! This alignment only comes around every 12 years; remember that if you are hesitant to take action. Cheers to exciting work developments and being courageous, Cancer! 

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Wanderlust envelops you this month as Venus, the planet of love, enters Aries on May 2, where she will dwell in your 9th house of travel, spirituality, and adventure. She's assertive, impulsive, relishes excitement, and romantic conquest. The Sun conjunct rebel Uranus in Taurus on May 5, igniting exciting and unexpected professional opportunities. The celestial event of the month manifests on May 10, when benevolent Jupiter enters Aries. Be bold, be a risk-taker, as Jupiter activating your 9th house ignites the quest to search for greater meaning and direction in your life. A new, exciting 12-year cycle begins; Jupiter's last time in Aries was in the Summer of 2010-2011. What did you start then? Similar themes from then may reappear. This time, however, confidently go to places you have never been. Through spirituality, wisdom, knowledge, and long-distance travel, you will expand your worldview. Find a shaman and go on an inward vision quest. Drop into the intuitive realms, dig into the healing world of plant medicine, or go back to college; whatever path you choose, you're inspired to have more meaning in your life. Courageously expand your consciousness to its highest potential. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini on May 10, creating chaos in your communications, especially with friends, so be mindful of mishaps and be patient. Use these three weeks to complete projects before initiating new ones. Take a breath, a pause, and know you do not have to return every text message straight away. A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 15, illuminating your 4th house of home. Lunar eclipses are unsettling and unpredictable, stirring up your life and causing change. This lunation is in emotionally intense Scorpio, meaning excessive emotional processing can occur in your home life. What needs to shift, Leo? It is an opportunity to release old, habitual patterns which no longer serve you. You may consider a move or change in your home life. Saturn, the planet that loves to say “no,” squares this lunation; you may come up against resistance, internally or externally. Ultimately, eclipses help us become better versions of ourselves, no matter how unsettling they feel. You may want to book a trip and take that long overdue adventure to escape your home life after this eclipse! Mars, the planet of action, enters its ruler Aries on May 24, joining expansive Jupiter in your wanderlusty 9th house. Pack those bags and go! Just do it. Cheers to excellent adventures!  

Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)

May the month be with you, Virgo, as your career, communications, and possibly crypto cache all experience big boosts. The month kicks off with Venus, the planet of love, entering Aries on May 2, igniting your 8th house of shared resources, investments, and personal transformation. Venus in Aries is assertive; she goes after what she desires. Your 8th house will be hosting a gathering of planets this month. The celestial event of the month arrives on May 10, when expansive Jupiter enters Aries to begin a new 12-year cycle. Think back to the Summer of 2010-2011, the last time this happened, and you may recognize similar themes reemerging. Jupiter activates your 8th house of shared resources, investments, and personal transformation, emphasizing courage, risk-taking, confidence, self-assertion, and enthusiasm. Your finances and investments can expand; you may learn about cryptocurrency or if you need financing, now's the time to get it. Be mindful of being overconfident, impulsive, or careless regarding your investments or shared resources. You tend to overanalyze and research everything to the point where you can become paralyzed and not do anything. Your ruler Mercury will once again turn retrograde on May 10 in Gemini. Mercury retrogrades affect you the most—expect miscommunications, especially at work. Just breathe, be mindful of all correspondence, triple-check everything, and pause before speaking. The upside is that you can review and revise projects and complete those you've cast aside. A total moon eclipse in intense Scorpio arrives on May 15, illuminating your 3rd house of communication, writing, and learning. Lunar eclipses are unsettling culminations, endings, and releases. Scorpio is emotional, intense, and can obsessively overprocess. Please be extra vigilant in your communications; your words can be lethal with Scorpio here. Taskmaster Saturn does not play nice in this lunation; there is extra tension in the air. This potent lunation is gifting you the opportunity to release old, habitual communication patterns. You tend to obsess, ruminate, and harbor hurt feelings. Now is your chance to free yourself by purging those thoughts, ideas, or ways of thinking. Think of it as deleting all those emails you've kept since 2010. Mars enters his ruler Aries on May 24, joining the 8th house party—something he only does every two years. On the 29th, he joins Jupiter, giving you laser focus in your 8th house of investments and transformation. You are unstoppable, Virgo. The month ends with a new moon in Gemini, igniting your 10th house of career. At last, you can set your goals and cast that net broadly!  Cheers to transformation and wise investing!

Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)

May is all about relationships. Libra. Being ruled by Venus, you thrive when partnered. The month kicks off on May 2, when your ruler Venus enters Aries, who is independent, wants action, and is self-assertive. She ignites your 7th house of relationships, creating harmony while encouraging you to do what delights you. Speak up and ask for what you want. The celestial event of the month arrives on May 10 when Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance,  returns to Aries for the first time since 2011 and a new cycle begins. This refocuses your priorities and inspirations on new goals, dreams, and adventures. Your relationships take precedence now. If your relationships have felt stale, they get an infusion of growth, excitement, and renewal. For those yearning to be partnered, get out of your comfort zone, and take risks. Be bold, confident, and believe in yourself, Libra. Jupiter is all about personal evolution, and you are all about partnerships.Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini on the same day. You know the drill, back up electronics, triple check all communications, think twice before hitting send. It is a time to review, revise, and redo. Know that mishaps will happen and take a Zen approach rather than complain. A full moon lunar eclipse in intense Scorpio arrives on May 15, illuminating your 2nd house of money. Eclipses are unsettling disruptors; this lunation involves release, endings, and letting go. You may have to reign in your spending, as unexpected expenses can disrupt your cash flow. Saturn squares this lunation; he is a harsh reality check who says “no” to everything. This full moon is emotional; self-care is critical, rest up, and lie low for the next few days. Your new mantra is “want what you have,” Libra. Mars, the planet of action, enters Aries, where he rules on May 24. Mars in Aries is all about taking action, getting things accomplished, and moving forward. He joins Jupiter in your 7th house of committed relationships. Partnerships are your priority, be proactive; nothing can stop you if you set your mind to it. The month ends on a lovely note; on May 28, Venus will enter calm, sensual Taurus, where she rules. She seeks beauty and pleasure; it is a welcome reprieve from the dynamic energy of Aries. Cheers to love, Libra!

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)

May is a pivotal month of transformation. The Sun in Taurus will conjunct rebel Uranus in your 7th house of personal relationships on May 5. Scorpio, if you feel stuck or stale in your relationship, this provides an exciting blast of fresh energy. Shift from the same old and choose the unique and surprising; you may even surprise yourself. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini on May 10. Be patient with yourself, do expect delays, mishaps, and miscommunication. Your 8th house of shared resources and investments is where Mercury can create issues. Please be careful to review documents and triple-check all your financial statements. The celestial event of the month arrives on May 10 when Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, returns to Aries for the first time since 2011, and a new cycle begins. You are about refocusing priorities, setting new goals, and challenges. Your 6th house of health, well-being, and pets is ignited. It is very daring energy, so get ready to take risks and get out of your comfort zone. It is bold, courageous, and where you can experience the most significant growth by being self-motivated and assertive. Your well-being and health are your priority now. Jupiter is your preventive medicine and can ease ongoing health issues. You'll feel energized, confident, and motivated to do whatever it takes to feel fabulous. Jupiter in Aries is the best cycle for those who want to get fit, so those looking to get in shape for the Summer now’s the time. If you’re considering adopting a pet, do it! They do wonders for your mental health and well-being. The most challenging aspect arrives on May 15 with a full moon lunar eclipse. Lunar eclipses are unsettling endings; they are about emotionally and physically clearing what needs to be released. So do expect drama, emotions, and chaos. Scorpio, this is your opportunity to let go of all those old hurts, resentments, or habitual patterns which no longer serve. Releasing them can lead to pivotal changes that can be very cathartic. Be gentle with yourself, as this lunation can feel very depleting. Mars, your CEO, enters Aries on May 24, joining that 6th house party to ensure you attend to your well-being. There is an urgency to make things happen. You can accomplish so much now, and for the next six weeks, more than you have done all year. The month ends with a lively, lighthearted new moon Gemini, a much-needed reprieve from the full moon intensity. Cheers to health and transformation!

Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)

Time to play, Sag! The month begins as Venus, the planet of love, enters fiery Aries on May 2; she is assertive, fun, enthusiastic, and impulsive. She kicks off the party in your 5th house of joy, romance, creativity, and kids. Time for romance! Even if you're partnered, you've got to keep the spark ignited. Once again, annoying Mercury retrograde arrives May 10 in Gemini, where he will create mischief in your house of relationships. Be mindful of your words; you don't have a filter to begin with, so please take a pause first. Be patient with loved ones, as you'll be prone to miscommunications and misunderstandings. One of the most significant alignments occurs on May 10, when your ruler, Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, returns to Aries for the first time since 2011. A new cycle begins! Think back to the Summer of 2010-2011—a similar theme from then can occur; this time, however, you've got life experience on your side. This new cycle is refocusing your priorities and inspirations on new goals, dreams, and adventures. Jupiter in Aries is bold, assertive, and a risk-taker. Exciting times, Sag! Jupiter will light up your 5th house of romance, joy, creativity, and kids. This fiery, dynamic, lively energy is enthusiastic about getting things done! The greatest growth in this area of your life can be experienced via amorous adventures and creative expression. Children will also factor into the equation in the best possible way. Have more fun, be daring, get out of your comfort zone, and when in doubt, just do it. The most challenging aspect arrives on May 15 with a full moon lunar eclipse in intense Scorpio. Lunar eclipses are unpredictable and unsettling, culminating in endings and releases. These can be literally or internally. Your hidden 12th house is illuminated, urging you to clean out your psychic closets, ridding yourself of those self-sabotaging, habitual patterns. Old hurts and resentments can finally be purged; it is a time of endings, so spend time alone during this emotional lunation. Rest and lay low for a few days. Mars, the planet of action, will enter Aires on May 24, joining the gregarious 5th house gathering. Mars in Aries is impetuous, high-energy, and fast. As a result, you can accomplish more in these six weeks than you have done in the year's first half. Set some goals and start checking them off! May ends in a lively and playful tone with a new moon in Gemini on May 30 in your 7th house of relationship. Cheers to joy, romance, and love!

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)

May is beckoning you home, Capricorn. Venus, the planet of love, enters into fiery Aires on May 2 and will grace your 4th house of home and family. Venus brings harmony and beauty and soothes complicated dynamics. An exhilarating aspect arrives on May 5 when the Sun joins Uranus in Taurus in your house of creativity and self-expression. Sun amplifies and vitalizes the planet it joins. Uranus is the rebel, urging you to break free from limiting beliefs or situations. Shine bright in ways that are solely unique to you. Do not let other people's judgments limit you in any way. Mercury turns retrograde on May 10 in Gemini, creating chaos in your 6th house of well-being. The most productive way to handle Mercury retrogrades is to complete tasks or projects you've neglected or put aside. What have you been putting off in your house of health? Whatever it is, start addressing it pronto. Unplug when you can as it’s essential to your well-being. The most significant alignment arrives on May 10, when Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, returns to Aries for the first time since 2011, and a new cycle begins. Think back to the Summer of 2011—what was unfolding in your home life? Similar themes from then may re-emerge. Jupiter in Aries is a fearless risk-taker, confident and entrepreneurial. It is refocusing your priorities and inspirations on new goals, dreams, and adventures. Your family relationship can flourish, and family dynamics can heal. Your excitement and enthusiasm for a home that brings joy and personal growth are one of the gifts Jupiter brings. A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 15; eclipses are catalytic and bring unsettling change. A lunar eclipse is a release point, an ending; this lunation has Saturn squaring and creating resistance. Your 11th house of friends and aspirations is illuminated. What old wounds, resentments or hurts are you harboring concerning friends, dear Cap? It is time to release them or the friends you no longer connect with. It is an emotional lunation, so care for yourself, rest, and spend time alone. You recharge when you have your private time. Mars, the planet of action, will enter Aries on May 24, joining this 4th house soiree, motivating you to actually work on your home, whether it's a move, renovation, or simply cleaning out the closest. Mars comes around every two years to activate this area of your life; you can accomplish more in the next six weeks than you have since the year began. Cheers to home and hearth! 

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)

Feed your head, Aquarius, and have some aspirin on the side just in case. May kicks off on May 2, when Venus, the planet of love, enters Aries in your 3rd house of communication, intellect, neighborhood, and siblings. Venus brings harmony and delights in connecting with others. In Aries, she is dynamic, fun, and loves a challenge. On May 5, the Sun will join rebellious Uranus in Taurus in your 4th house of home and private life. This exhilarating aspect is forward-thinking, urging you to be your authentic self. You are free to express your unique weirdness without judgment by family or loved ones. It is a liberating transit, no matter how subtle. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini on May 10, causing mischief in your house of creativity and romance. Shift the mindset and embrace what the retrograde can offer. Slow down, unplug, and complete those projects in need of attention. It is an opportunity to review, revise and redo. Also on May 10 is the most exciting celestial event of the season, when Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, returns to Aries for the first time since 2011, and a new cycle begins. Think back to the Summer of 2011—what was unfolding in life? Similar themes from then may re-emerge. Jupiter in Aries is a fearless risk-taker, confident, and entrepreneurial. You are refocusing your priorities and inspirations for new goals and adventures. This 3rd house boost leads the way to intellectual conversations and lively banter. Your mind is fast; sometimes you have an aggressive approach to communication. However, your communication skills can improve as Jupiter gifts you with optimism, positivity, and inspiration. You are the intellect of the zodiac, always thirsty for knowledge. Take a risk, do something you've never done before, and get out of your comfort zone. Learn a language, write a novel, teach a class, whatever excites and pushes you to grow, do it! Your social circles can also blossom, and you may want to get involved in your community. For adventure, explore new neighborhoods, or go on short trips. A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 15; lunar eclipses are disruptors, releases culminating in endings. Your 10th house of career is illuminated; are you doing work that fulfills you? If not, you may want to make some changes. Saturn squares this lunation; he is a harsh reality check who loves to say “no.” Rest and take time for self-care; this is an emotionally tense Moon, and you may feel depleted. The month ends on a positive, upbeat note with a new moon in Gemini, activating your 5th house of joy and romance.  An ideal antidote after the intensity of the lunar eclipse. Cheers to positive communications and learning!

Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)

The cosmos are going to make it rain for you this month and we’re not talking about the weather! May kicks off with Venus, the planet of love, entering Aries on May 2. Venus harmonizes and delights wherever she lands, in your case, in your 2nd house of money, material possessions, and what you value. This is where all the action is this month, Pisces. Mercury will turn retrograde in Gemini on May 10 in your 4th house of home and private life. Do expect miscommunications and misunderstandings with loved ones. It is best to take a Zen approach to these retrogrades and go with the flow; they occur three times a year. Ideally, use them to finish those projects on which you've procrastinated. The most significant transits arrive on May 10, when Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance, returns to Aries for the first time since 2011, and a new 12-month cycle begins. Now is the time to refocus your priorities and inspirations on new goals. Jupiter in Aries is entrepreneurial, optimistic, and assertive, so take that risk and get out of your comfort zone. Jupiter in your 2nd house of money, material possessions, and what you value adds confidence and wisdom and gives you what you ask for. Just knowing what you want is a profound epiphany. It truly is about growth in terms of what you value. So, in 2022, be prepared to get what you want! A full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio arrives on May 15, illuminating your 9th house of travel, spirituality, and wisdom. Eclipses are unsettling disruptors; this lunation involves release, endings, and letting go. What beliefs do you need to purge? They can be limited habitual patterns which no longer serve you. Pisces, this emotional lunation asks you to take a soulful inventory; let go of what is limiting you. Saturn, the planet that says an emphatic “no” to everything, clashes with the luminaries; he is a harsh reality check. The 9th house is the holy grain on your quest for wisdom. What are your quests? You’ll figure it out, but please do rest as you may feel depleted during this powerful eclipse. A new moon in lively Gemini arrives on May 30, ending on an upbeat tone. New moons are new beginnings, fresh starts, in your 4th house of home. Cheers to deep insights, values, wisdom, and cash!

Interested in your own personal reading? Book directly with our in-house astrologer and doctor of Chinese medicine, Lori Bell, for virtual readings, wellness guidance, and more! Email her at 


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