
Your September Horoscopes

From our favorite astrologer Lori Bell, here's what the stars have in store for September...
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On September 3, Venus ends her summer retrograde at 12 degrees of Leo, where she emerges from the underworld, reborn, empowered, and confidently shining forth. This retrograde connected you to parts of yourself you've overlooked and discarded, only to return with a grand and fiery vengeance. It invites you to act on the insights and realizations you've explored in the past six weeks. In Leo, she is about self-expression, confidence, and generosity. As a morning star, Venus is much more independent and autonomous than an evening star. How you express your desires and choices is clearer than ever before. In Leo, she knows what she wants and is ready to act on it. Venus stationed direct is an invitation to be inspired, to initiate the wisdom you've gained in her retrograde cycle. Pleasure, love, beauty, and relationships start to flow again with a more profound knowledge of what you want as well as how and who you love. She's back with the powerful roar of a lioness. 


This month, Jupiter turns retrograde for four months, giving us a pause and a reset. Jupiter is the planet of increase, advancement and is future-oriented; it's the big picture and the desire for a meaningful life. Jupiter is exciting, yet the retrogrades are a hidden blessing. It invites you to pause and reflect while integrating all the changes in direct motion. It is an opportunity to rethink, research, and sit with the dreams we have been cultivating. In Taurus, it helps you adapt to a more grounded and practical approach to your goals while paring down where you may have over-extended. It's a fixed nature, allowing you to zero in on what needs adjusting. While you may not be affected by it daily, view it as your long-term goal for a greater meaning in your life. Hold steady because come January 2024, Jupiter is back full throttle, granting you your luck and all of your desires.


The New Moon in Virgo arrives on September 14. It starts confusing, but after a few days, clarity ensues.The lunation opposes dreamy Neptune in Pisces, which is inspired, intuitive, and spiritual. The ideal time to dream, create, meditate, and go within. Give it a few days for this aspect to separate, and then you can thoroughly access the Virgo energy. Mercury in Virgo is the ruler of the New Moon. He is stationed, meaning he is not moving, just as he is about to leave retrograde — he will turn to direct the next day. Besides feeling an amplitude of confusion, the day turns sluggish— give it 48 hours, then go on to Virgo efficiency. Virgo is practical analytic and has a to-do list about a mile long — take this time to organize your life and priorities. New Moons are fresh starts, new beginnings. This particular one starts slow. As each day passes, you'll find your inner Virgo. After the retrogrades, Venus and Mercury, this New Moon is grounding, inviting us to return to our daily rituals and routines. Cheers to getting back into the swing of things and feeling refreshed about a new start! 


Rejoice: Mercury ends its retrograde cycle on September 14, in its rulership in Virgo. It will take a few days to build up speed; once it starts moving, all those retrograde snafus will be over. Mercury offers the power to plan, organize, negotiate, and communicate precisely and clearly for the next three weeks. Before the direct motion, use these two weeks to wrap up loose ends from the past during the retrograde cycle. You want to be ready to assess the gifts Mercury is Virgo offers. Cheers to Mercury direct! 


As the Sun enters Libra, marking the Fall equinox, the Sun returns to the equator. No matter where you live, the equalizing of day and night are at equal length. This balancing of light and dark evokes the symbolism of restoring equilibrium. Libra is the scales, always trying to regain balance. As the energy shifts away from the efficient, organized, and analytical Virgo. With the advent of Libra Season, the urge to collaborate socialize, and whom you wish to interact with. The Sun in Libra desires partnerships, equality, and fairness. Compromise and negotiations, where everyone is satisfied, are ideal. Venus rules Libra; pleasure, the arts, beauty, and relationships are emphasized. Venus is now direct in Leo; she knows her worth and precisely what she wants in relationships. May this Libra season bring equilibrium, justice, and beauty into our lives. 


The full moon in Aries at 6 degrees arrives on September 29, which is dramatic. Aries's full moons usually indicate independence and solo pursuits, reminding you of your autonomy, not this one. Mars is the ruler of this full moon in the sign of Libra, which seeks diplomacy, compromise, and collaboration. Mars here is inconsistent; plans may be in flux, and agreements can be up for renegotiation. You may need to figure out who you want to align with. Mars is close to the South Node in Libra, indicating endings and a clearing away. This lunation is an opportunity to sever and break free; it can be a relationship or behavioral pattern, friendships, or stepping away from something that no longer serves you. There is a finality to this full moon. Mars is over it, walking away from conflict and drama, no longer wishing to engage. Ask yourself if the battles are worth it. Relationships not on solid footing can rupture during this full moon. In addition to the unstable quantity, Venus clashes with disruptive Uranus, creating shocks, volatility, and unpredictability. Venus in Leo is in direct motion; she knows her worth and wants while not settling for less. This full moon brings insight into what you need to release. Cheers to harmony, not engaging in unworthy battles. 

Here's what's happening for your Sun sign in September 2023...

Your ruler, Mars, is in peace-loving Libra, activating your house of personal and professional relationships. The alignment is significant as Mars comes around every two years, gifting you the ability to compromise and negotiate with diplomacy. Take a pause, breathe and listen to others' needs. At the same time, Venus goes direct at the start of the month in your 5th house of pleasure, kids and creativity. While in retrograde in Leo, in your fifth house reconnected you with what brings you joy — happiness, love, beauty and relationships. These start to flow again with a more profound knowledge of expressing your love more authentically and expansively. Your annual Full Moon in Aries arrives on September 29, illuminating your identity. Full Moons are culminations and releases; this lunation is all about endings. In Aries, this may be a behavior, breaking a pattern or ending a personal or professional partnership. You need to create an inner spaciousness to let new energy in. Cheers to living life and living your truth!  


Rejoice: Your ruler, Venus, will emerge from the underworld on September 3 as she turns direct. She has reconnected you with parts of yourself you've neglected or cast aside. Now, you can act upon the insights and realizations you gained. She's been dwelling in your four house of home and family. Pleasure, love, beauty and family relationships start to flow again with a more profound knowledge of what you want and how you love. The next significant alignment occurs on September 4, as expansive Jupiter in Taurus turns retrograde for the remainder of the year. Since May, Jupiter has been gifting you with opportunities and reinventions. Jupiter opens the doors for new plans and tunes one into future possibilities. Remember, this expansive energy can feel overwhelming. We recommend you take the time now to pause, research and sit with the dreams you've been cultivating. Taurus, even though you are uncomfortable with rapid changes and prefer a more grounded and practical approach to your goals, take this time to pare down and see where you may have over-extended yourself. Cheers to absolute love and knowing what matters in life!


Gemini, September starts sluggish as your cosmic ruler; Mercury is in retrograde and it all moves forward mid-month. Mars moves into Libra and ignites your 5th house of creative self-expression and pleasure. Mars comes around every two years to light up this area of your life. Your creativity and enjoyment get reawakened fully. In Libra, Mars desires peace, compromise and not confrontation. Aim to establish innovative, harmonious collaborations that excite you. Mars can be inconsistent here, so steer clear of quick decisions that are harder to implement — go with a more thought-out approach. Breathe and most importantly, keep your patience in check. A New Moon in Virgo on September 14 sits in your domestic life and foundations. It starts slowly, so give it a few days to become more immersed in organizing, editing and creating an efficient home. Mercury Retrograde turns direct the following day and all the snafus that occur, especially at home, can be resolved. Mercury in Virgo is in its power, so seize the energy to plan organize, negotiate and communicate precisely and clearly for the next three weeks. Cheers to creativity in overdrive! 


Cancer, this September, your domestic life is front and center. Mars, the planet of action, is in Libra until October 11, activating your 4th house of home and family, prompting you to pour your energy into your living space and loved ones. It may also reveal hidden conflicts in your home life, so tread lightly. Consider others with your choices and actions — keep the peace and be willing to compromise. It may be tricky to implement decisive action during this time, a more thought-out approach is required. Venus in Leo turns direct on September 3 in your house of money and possessions. Venus has been since June for you, stirring the pot. While in retrograde, she connected you to parts of yourself you've overlooked and discarded. Venus Direct is an invitation to be inspired and initiate the wisdom you've gained in her retrograde cycle — themes around spending and material possessions. Now that she is back in action, financial opportunities can flow again. The month ends with a Full Moon in Aries, illuminating your 10th house of career. It is an opportunity to sever what no longer serves you. Is it that dream worth fighting for? If not, set it aside and find your higher purpose. Cheers to a steady cash flow and a career you won’t ever have to call work! 


Shine bright, Leo. Radiate your magnanimous heart to all who deserve your beautiful presence. Venus ends her summer retrograde at 12 degrees of Leo, where she emerges from the underworld — reborn, empowered and confidently shining forth. Venus has stirred up your house of identity and vitality since June. She was the symbol of reconnection for you and spent time encouraging you to look at parts of yourself you've overlooked and discarded. You can initiate the wisdom you've gained in her retrograde cycle. Venus in Leo is self-expressive, confident and generous. How you express your desires and choices is more evident than ever — you know what you want as well as how and whom you love. Open your heart, Leo, as your confidence and magnetism now returns with a vengeance! The following day, expansive Jupiter in Taurus turns retrograde until the end of the year. Jupiter has graced your professional life since May. Your reputation and worldly aspirations have elevated with Jupiter's vast influence. As doors suddenly open, you've tuned into future opportunities. Jupiter is exciting, yet the retrogrades are a hidden blessing. This time invites you to pause, reflect and integrate all your changes. Sit with the dreams you have been cultivating. Cheers to a beautiful September full of fearless confidence!


Virgo, it's your season until September 23; make the most of it! There is a glitch: your ruler, Mercury, is in retrograde until the 15th. The upside is that Mercury in Virgo is in its domicile, so you can pause and simplify your life while retrograde. It is an opportunity to assess what you may have overlooked. Virgo, you're all about the details, but be mindful of overanalyzing to the extent it paralyzes you. All organizational projects or plans you may have for the future should be reviewed — this is a chance to fine-tune them. It's best to wrap them up before Mercury ends its retrograde on September 15. Once he is direct, you're in your zone, planning organizing, negotiating and communicating with precision. Your yearly New Moon in Virgo arrives on September 14; it is an empowering lunation for you to set your intentions for a reset; what you plant now will blossom in the Spring. It does start confusing as dreamy Neptune opposes it, but fret not; in a few days, you can fully access the Virgo energy. Take this time to organize yourself for the months ahead. Please prioritize yourself first on this grounded, auspicious new moon. Cheers to you, dear Virgo and the happiest of birthdays! 


Libra, are you ready to fall in love with yourself again? Mars, the planet of desire, is making its two-year debut in Libra, activating your sense of identity and vitality. You'll feel more energized and ambitious than usual — this is a total reawakening. Yet it is also tricky as Mars in Libra is diplomatic and prides itself as the peacemaker. He prefers to compromise rather than confront. Even though it is not a comfortable placement for Mars because of his impulsive nature, it is best to use a thoughtful approach in executing plans. You tend to weigh every decision and action as you strive for equilibrium. Instead, charm them while you persevere to get what you desire. Venus, your ruler, re-emerges as she turns direct on September 3 in Leo. You've been on a six-week inward journey, reflecting on parts of yourself you've neglected as you re-evaluate your friendships, relationships and dreams. Venus retrograde was a reawakening and, symbolically, a change of heart. She invites you to be inspired and initiate the wisdom you've gained in her retrograde cycle. Libra, know your worth as you move forward with a natural radiance and vibrancy. Take a regal approach while pursuing pleasure and relationships. Asking for what you want or desire is the gift Venus gives you as you enter Libra season with renewed confidence. Cheers to feeling like yourself again! 


If work has felt a little stale and stagnant the past few weeks, you can look to the Venusian Retrograde for blame. Venus in Leo turns direct on September 3 and emerges from the underworld, reborn, empowered and confidently shining forth. For the past six weeks, she has been retrograde in your house of career, asking you to reflect and recalibrate this area of your life. She invited you to contemplate your relational patterns, creativity, self-worth and pleasure — the parts of yourself you've discarded or neglected. You reflected on how work impacts your life and what you can do to make this a more rewarding part of your life. Now is the time to be inspired and initiate the wisdom you've gained in her retrograde cycle. The obstacles you may have encountered in your career are now starting to dissolve. Relationships, genuine fulfillment and creative inspiration begin to flow again with a more profound knowledge of what you want. Mercury continues his retrograde cycle in Virgo. Virgo governs Mercury and excels in preparation, analysis order and efficiency. Expect the usual glitches, communication breakdowns, technology snafus and plans falling through. A New Moon in Virgo arrives on September 14, joining Mercury in your house of friends and aspirations. Virgo is a practical analytic, so take this time to organize your life and priorities. This lunation is grounding, inviting you to return to our daily rituals and routines — something the Scorpio does with passion and purpose. Socialize to connect with friends you cherish and haven’t spent much time with — discuss life, your summer and the future. Cheers to connecting deeply with yourself and others! 


Sagittarius, September may start slow, but by mid-month, you will be trailblazing like crazy! Venus turns direct in Leo on September 3, after a six-week tour in your 9th house of travel, spirituality and higher knowledge. You've reassessed this area of your life and rediscovered parts of yourself you've neglected. Venus, you can now initiate the wisdom you've gained in her retrograde cycle. Start anew with a profound knowledge of which paths to seek. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo until September 15, creating annoyances in your house of career. It is best not to initiate anything new right now. You’ll also want to wrap up projects you've started over the summer. Be mindful of your communication because it’ll start to feel like at least 50% of all your emails or texts are misunderstood. A New Moon in Virgo arrives on September 14 in your house of career. The Virgin is a practical analytic with a to-do list about a mile long — take this time to organize your priorities. It is an exciting fresh start in your career — use this time to put your energy towards what you want to manifest at work and use this lunation wisely. Plant your seeds of intention and watch them blossom in the Spring. Cheers to work and gaining the wisdom to achieve all of your desires.


We hate but love to say it, but it’s time to get back to work. Compromise is the theme for you this month, at work and at home! Mars, the planet of action, is in Libra for the next six weeks. He activates your tenth house of public acclaim and career achievement. Mars comes around every two years to jump-start this part of your chart. Your ambition to achieve and succeed is lit! To achieve your goals, you have to adjust and consider others. Cap, you can not do this solo. You tend to be stoic while taking on all responsibility — it’s finally time to ease up and collaborate. Advise, let go of control and surrender to others. Mars in Libra is diplomatic; he prefers collaboration and compromise. It can be tricky to implement decisive actions; you need a thought-out approach as you weigh every single option. It helps you in situations where diplomacy and mediation are required. At the end of the month, a dramatic Full Moon in Aries arrives on September 29, illuminating your house of home and family. Mars in Libra is the ruler of the Full Moon, seeking compromise and unwilling to engage in conflict. Let peace prevail and remember that unwavering compromise is your mantra! 

Aquarius, September brings pivotal changes within your personal and professional partnership. Venus in Leo re-emerges from the underworld empowered as she turns direct on September 3. This has been one of the most significant cosmic alignments for you. She has had you confront your relationships, both personal and professional. It most likely got messy and uncomfortable, but it has allowed you to recalibrate and recapture parts of yourself you've neglected. Venus gives you the insight to reshape these relationships more authentically. You can now act on the wisdom and realizations you've explored. How have you grown in the past few weeks? How you express your desires and love is more precise than ever before — tell the world what you really want. Relationships, pleasure and love will flow as Venus moves forward. Simultaneously, benevolent and expansive planet Jupiter has graced your 4th house of home and roots since May. You've refocused your aspirations for new plans and future possibilities. Your home life is your inner sanctuary of peace, beauty and harmony. It is essential to your nature. Jupiter turns retrograde on September 4 until the end of the year; it is a hidden blessing. It is an invitation to pause, reflect and sit with the dreams you've been cultivating. Hold steady because come January 2024, Jupiter is back full throttle, granting you your luck and all your desires. Cheers to true love and a home base with ultimate comfort!

Pisces, connection is the theme for September. This month has a slow start as Mercury in Virgo continues his retrograde cycle. Mercury is creating mischief in your house of personal and professional relationships. It is a stop and reset to review your plans and choices. There is a simplification and efficiency in this retrograde. With Mercury and Venus in retrograde, you should anticipate miscommunication in relationships, so pause before hitting send or having those difficult conversations. Please be careful with your words, Pisces, as you notice the subtleties and nuances of others — it is always better for you to communicate in person or Facetime. Mercury will conjoin the Sun, forming a Cazimi, on September 6th. The Sun represents truth and Mercury receives a download of insight and clarity. We can access wisdom and truth, revealing the truth regarding partnerships. It is a potent day for insights and revelations. A New Moon in Virgo arrives on September 14th in your house of relationships. Dreamy Neptune opposes it, creating confusion. A few days later, the New Moon makes way for a fresh start in your partnerships. Mercury will turn direct the day after, granting you access to the gifts of Virgo season: order, direction and ambition. You’ll feel like your creativity and big dreams finally have a portal to enter the world. You’ll prioritize your partnerships only how a Pisces can and see how they flourish in real-time. Cheers to making yourself and others feel good! 

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