Dinner Date with Serena Kerrigan

Serena Kerrigan is a native New Yorker who developed an online persona of Serena Fucking Kerrigan almost a decade ago to project confidence through her life's ups and downs. She's more than her alter-ego, launching a card game "Let's Fucking Date" to find connection through questions about dating, sex and intimacy — taking things to the next level with questions like "If you were a soup, what kind of soup would you be?" 

Serena celebrated the death of twenties with a chic funeral-themed 30th birthday dinner in The Wine Room, followed by a blow-out Let's Fucking Go Bingo party in The Standard Grill on April 21st. 

We caught up with Serena to chat dating in the internet-age, NYC's sexiest neighborhoods and fire omakase ;-) Read the interview below: 
In a city as diverse as NYC, how do you see cultural influences shaping dating dynamics and preferences among its residents? 
As a born and raised New Yorker, I've found that cultural influences in NYC shape dating dynamics by fostering an open-mindedness towards diversity. In this city, we're constantly bombarded with people who look different, sound different, and act different than ourselves, and that's the beauty of living here. True New Yorker's fully embrace the multi-cultural population of our city, allowing it to influence our preferences and enrich our relationships.

Describe the dating scene in three words. 
Electric. Adventurous. Plotty. 

Thoughts on dating while traveling? Any memorable experiences going on first dates abroad? 
I'm no longer single but when I used to date abroad, I noticed a greater sense of relaxation and less pressure or commitment, allowing me to fully express myself. The challenge was bringing that mentality back home to New York City. To maintain this mindset, I prioritized authenticity and open communication in my relationships, and found a partner who let me feel safe and free to be 100% me! (The right person is out there, never settle!) 

NYC is known for its hustle and bustle. How do you find time to prioritize dating and relationships amidst your busy lifestyle and career pursuits?  

Navigating dating in NYC's hustle and bustle, I treated it like any other priority, scheduling it strategically into my life. Long live my Google calendar. I recognized that part of dating is a numbers game-- the more you date, the more you know what you want and like. Beyond scheduling dates, I also made time for activities I loved and pushed myself outside my comfort zone, embracing opportunities to meet new people and expand my social circles. If you want to meet people off the apps, you have to force yourself outside your apartment!!!

In a world that’s chronically online, how do you maintain a sense of authenticity and connection in your dating life? 
In a world where everyone's constantly online, I maintained authenticity in my dating life by not judging people solely based on their social media profiles. I understood that people are more than just their TikTok’s or IG stories. Instead, I focused on genuine conversations and shared experiences to truly get to know them, prioritizing authenticity over virtual impressions. 

Describe your ideal NYC date night. 
A fire omakase followed by bed. LOL.

What’s in the SFK starter pack for confidence? 
Stop comparing yourself to other people and stop talking shit about yourself. 

Fuck Marry Kill: West Village, Lower East Side, Williamsburg 
Marry West Village (it's where I was conceived!), Fuck LES (it's where I lived during the pandemic!) and Kill Williamsburg (sorry lol don't hate me.) 

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