
Shaniqwa Jarvis Sees London

LA-based photographer Shaniqwa Jarvis invited some pals to down to The Library Lounge to check out her new book Everywhere You Go, There You Are
You’re well known for your portraits of notable people, but your newest exhibit (and book) Everywhere You Go, There You Are, is not centered on faces but things and places. What was the reason for this new direction?

This new body of work diverges from the emotional portraiture of people I’m known for. Although I find these images to be emotional portraits of things and places. I see it as same same but slightly different. I wanted to expand my exploration into painted textiles and collages, which are my nod to the innocence of youth as well as dreamscapes. Through these mediums, I searched for a way to add depth and layers to my storytelling on place and identity.

I am making images that people may not want to see from me, which I often see as part of my own identity politics. When I step back and look at what my memory allowed me to forget, I see that no matter where you go, there you are. These beautiful yet banal moments serve as reminders to pay attention, to be present, and to create deliberately.

Some people warn you not to turn your hobby into a job…how do you maintain your passion for making art as a professional photographer?

My passion is not just a choice, it’s an inheritance. There are members of my family who would have cherished this job, but circumstances of their time and place held them back. I’m driven to do this not only for me but because it’s deeply ingrained in who I am.

Has the advent of Instagram and the general takeover of digital images in everything we see ever felt overwhelming like there’s an over-saturation or is it exciting because photography is more accessible to more people?

At this point in society, we are inundated with a plethora of TV shows, films, photos, etc. Yet, with all this saturation I still find it exciting to find the gems in all of the madness

Do you have a favourite place in London to get inspired?

Everywhere in London is inspiring to me.

Who is a British artist that you look up to? And why?

Martine Rose. She is everything. I love the way she approaches her designs and collaborations.

Do you have any fun memories you can share with us from the original Standard hotel in Hollywood?

My favourite memory from the OG Standard in Hollywood would be shooting This Charming Guest. I photographed a few different artists and asked them to decorate the rooms with things they held dear. I displayed the vitrine with all the bits I held dear from childhood and beyond. 

Shag, Marry, Kill? London, LA, Tokyo.

Shag London, Marry LA, Kill Tokyo

Where is your favourite place in London to eat, drink and dance?

My fave place in London to eat is Lahore. My fave place to drink and eat some more is Rita’s. My fave place to dance is wherever Jude and Benji B are playing. 


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