Standard Sounds

Standard Sounds Presents: Rosalyn Of NewEchoes

Meet Rosalyn, a genre-defying, five-piece band from NewEchoes. This party of five combines the diverse musical tastes of its members into a dreamy melting pot. Lucky for you, they’re getting ready to take our guests at The Standard, Hua Hin on an emotional journey as they perform their first full-length album SKIN this March 18. We sat down with lead vocalist Nutty, guitarist Aim, bassist Anas, drummer Ping and Michael on the keyboards ahead of their show.

What does genre-defying mean to you?

To us it is the blend of genres that come from our band members. We are all influenced by different styles ranging from jazz, rock, funk, disco, indie rock and psychedelic rock. We think the band fits into indie pop with elements of soul and R&B most.

How did you hone in on the idea for your first single "LoverFriend?"

The production behind it was quite simple. We were just starting out. Loverfriend is about wishing to be more than just friends with a person you care for but somehow the other person doesn’t really feel the same way.

What is the inspiration behind SKIN, your latest album?

The album was written during the peak of covid pandemic, and it was inspired by the longing for touch. We decided that the name fits the theme of the album, especially since the songs are very dreamy and intimate.

What sounds do you associate most with SKIN?

We use elements like synthesizers and guitar effects that really give us a unique “spacey” tone. The bass and drums create a groove that brings out the character of the song and makes it sexier and more intimate. Of course, we have our lead singer Nutty’s vocals to top it off.

What are your hopes for the future of Rosalyn?

We’d love to play more overseas and grow our international and local fan base. More than anything, we hope to be a band that has created a special sound so that people will recognize us from just hearing the first few notes.

Not to brag, but The Standard, Hua Hin is quite a uniquely lush tropical stage. What kind of performance do you have in mind?

It will be a very intimate experience for the audience. We are aiming for a soulful feel.


Come see Rosalyn perform live at 5 pm on March 18th, 2023. For more information, tap me.


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