NY-based female arts collective chez conversations tells us about their stay at The Standard, East Village.

NAME:OCCUPATION:Female arts collectiveROOM:Downtown Studio 1808PURPOSE OF STAY:Collages, daydreaming, and a creative staycationTHE VIBE:Bright, sunny, with a side of red wineACTIVITIES:Reading, writing, manifesting, jumping on the bedVISITORS:The Goddess of WisdomBEST QUOTE:"Best friends—just like soulmates...but wilder, grosser, and more wonderful!" —Cleo Wade, with a shoutout to MargotDRINK OF CHOICE:Feminism, with a side of Narcissa's Chateau Siran Margaux 2004PERSONAL EFFECTS:Water colors, super 8mm film camera, goddess cardsESSENTIAL:The chez conversations notebook
Available for purchase at The Standard, East Village and The Standard, High Line.
The chez conversations Notebook