Shaniqwa Jarvis "Untitled" Viewing

Shaniqwa Jarvis "Untitled" Viewing

On View: October 23 - November 23

Stop into NO BAR this month to view a snippet of artist Shaniqwa Jarvis' ongoing film project, developed further during her time as The Standard, East Village's first-ever Artist-in-Residence. This preview, born from a process started 24 years ago, the film explores internal conversations and streams of consciousness. 

Initially using a tape recorder to capture her own thoughts and those of her friends—sometimes without their knowledge—Jarvis brings this concept to life by conducting live interviews during her residency. The film weaves together intimate dialogues on topics like health, NYC, worth, art, motherhood, and hustling. Though many voices contribute, the audio is crafted to feel like a single continuous thought. Some conversations were recorded in Jarvis’ room at The Standard, while others took place in NY, LA, or were remotely submitted. The version being screened is an untitled snippet of a larger, evolving project that layers these collective thoughts with her art—a mix of video, collage, and photography—offering a glimpse into the final work, still in progress. 

The piece will be streaming on a loop for the month. While you're there, order up Shaniqwa's NO BAR drink of choice, featuring mezcal, aloe, cucumber & ginger beer. A portion of proceeds will be donated to Scope of Work, a talent development organization for young BIPOC creatives that establishes equity in the creative industry.

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