Annie O Presents: Soren Bryce

Annie O, our East Village music maven, brings the best musical acts of the day to The Standard, East Village's Penthouse for The Annie O Music Series

On Monday, May 15th, Annie O's bringing Soren Bryce to the Penthouse alongside Jøur. The Amarillo, TX-born, LA-based artist raised $10,000 on PledgeMusic and linked up with producer David Kahne (Lana Del Rey, Ingrid Michaelson) to create her debut EP, Discussions With Myself. She connected with Annie O to talk the new EP, her track with Mike Posner and Blackbear, and what's coming up next.
Annie O Presents: Soren Bryce and Jøur
Monday, May 15, 7-9:30PM
The Standard, East Village Penthouse
Free with an RSVP to

ANNIE O: Talk to us about your full-length album, Discussions with Myself, coming out this summer. When and how was it written? Are these all new songs or are some from the past that are finally coming out?

SOREN BRYCE: The majority of Discussions With Myself was written two weeks before I left to track in New York. I had recently begun producing, so a lot of the demos blossomed quickly with a more fleshed out vision than my previous work. When it came to the world of production and gear, I was a kid in a candy shop.

You were recently featured on the Mansionz (Mike Posner and Blackbear) track "Nobody Knows." How did that collaboration come about? What was it like working with them?
I met Blackbear when he found my EP and reached out to me expressing his love for my song "Newport." We talked a lot while he was on one of his tours and when he got back to LA, we decided to get together and take a stab at writing. It went really well but I didn’t know if anything would come from it. About a half a year later, I get a forwarded email from Mike Posner containing the song Bear and I had created with a part by him on it, and thus Mansionz and “Nobody Knows” was born.

You raised all of the money for your first EP by crowdfunding. What's some advice you'd give other artists who'd like to do the same?
The best advice I could give would be to not be afraid to ask for help when it’s needed. In the beginning of the campaign, I was hesitant to ask my friends and family for help, but many were happy to give it and you’ll be surprised how many loved ones want to help you succeed. Work ethic is also a large part of it.

Who are some of your major musical influences?
I’m extremely inspired by Radiohead, David Bazan, and Grimes. The reason I love these artists is because they all utilize gear in such a unique way, and when I began to transition into being more self-reliant artist, I viewed them as teachers in a way.

Are there any tracks by other artists you currently have on repeat?
I’ve been jamming to "Without the Lights" by Elliot Moss a lot, who I actually saw for the first time at The Annie O Music Series. Another I’ve been listening to a lot is "PRBLMS" by 6lack. The lyrics are extremely intelligent while staying true to the style of the artist.

Summer touring plans?
Ideally anywhere and everywhere all of the time.

If Soren Bryce had a superpower, what would it be?
I've always personally favored super speed. I can only imagine the amount of things I could get done daily with that!

What can we expect from your show at The Annie O Music Series?
Some gear groping and soft head banging, to scratch the surface.

What's next for 2017??
Keep on creating, keep on living, keep on planning. Excited to throw myself into the world this year.

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